28 April 2017

Friday Question: LIVE (from my cutting board) Wild Edibles

It's been a week of plant-walking (because that's a thing), and a few minutes ago I dug these up. Behold, the prettiest cutting board our the trailer park. I just made myself giggle.

Let's get back to Friday Questions, shall we?

Friday Question: What wild edibles have you eaten, either now or as a kid? How did/do you eat them? What did you fancy? What did you not enjoy?

Or... anything you'd like to add/ask.

I had violets yesterday. Enjoyed the blossom but the leaves tasted of perfume. Phew. Not a fan. But the wild onions and garlic. Yeah, baby. That's the good stuff.


26 April 2017

Foraging (I'm Hooked)

Last Friday, I ate my first dandelion flower. I didn't know the flowers were edible or sweet. Before this, I've only had store-bought dandelion tea but stopped buying it due to the inflated price tag.

They can suck it, I'll make my own.

Guess what else? In the woods behind our trailer I found wild garlic, wild onions and garlic mustard. All edibles. Today, I spent two hours in the woods and it felt like 20 minutes. I'm hooked.

PS: Here's Bug. Taken today.

20 April 2017


Last Friday I hit a new grocery market and my immune system went nuts. I looked like a boiled lobster with braids. Thankfully, I recovered quick.

Up next, we had cupboard ants. I placed everything on folding tables and waited for the queen to die. I struggled to put the kitchen back together. I farted around, wasn't focused and then it hit me, I hate those upper cupboards.

Hate. Them.

So I put my kitchen back together without using the cabinets above the oven and hot dog, those suckers are next on my demo list. Suck on that.

PS: I made ice cream.

11 April 2017

Wigglin' Fool (that's me)

Did you ever hit the coffee house, cafe, bookstore or doughnut shoppe, sit at the table with a cuppa something good and earbuds that insist on playing the best songs, as you wiggle in your chair? Whelp, that's me right now. I'm a wigglin' fool and I don't care who knows it.

Guess what? Wouldn't that be weird if you knew the answer?

I woke up today with no breathing issues, which happens when I sand walls (even with my good mask). But yesterday, I used the damp bandana trick along with several sips of raw apple cider vinegar and they worked.

Hot dog!

10 April 2017

Hello Monday (your ass is mine)

After a week of on and off health issues, I'm happy to report that this is morning three, of me feeling normal. Which means, I mud for the next few hours in attempt to get all the bedding coats down.

Hello Monday. Your ass is mine.

05 April 2017

Spud 'n Mud

Inspired by the air fryer craze, I baked spuds in the oven without oil. Took me three tries to get what I wanted. For today's bake, I changed the shape, lowered the temp and coated with an arrowroot chili-style powder.

Up next, The Husband Test. It's when I make one or more changes to a dish but don't tell Tim. Then I watch him. Sometimes his face gets scrunchy.

As for me, I ate the entire lot. They had a crispy outside and tender fluffy innards. Eww. Innards might not be the best word. Now my face is scrunchy.

In other news, check out my new mud.