29 November 2010


Click image to enlarge.

25 November 2010

Good Eats

For work tomorrow, we're all bringing food. It's Black Friday at the shop and that means crazy shoppers, big sales, and lots of food in the back room. I'm bringing cold chicken salad because it's easy to eat on a bun, and it's yummy.

For home, I roasted a second chicken for Tim, because as he explained to me, "you're not allowed to make them a chicken and not one for me."

Fair enough. After all, I won't let him watch Spartacus when I'm home, so fair is fair.

Along with 2 birds, I also made 16 bagels and 12 cupcakes (check out the photos below). And now, I really need to shower. After cooking all that stuff, I'm stinky. Which is more than you need to know about me.

Enjoy the rest of you day, and remember to always eat something yummy.

Bagel Topping: Simply Organic Garlic'n Herb and Pretzel Salt
Cupcakes: Scharffen Berger Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
Bird Seasoning: Spice Hunter Organic Poultry Seasoning

24 November 2010

Wonder Woman Quiz 1

Celebrating 60 Readers. Thanks to everyone for joining.
I know it's wrong, but I had to do it.

23 November 2010

Life is Good

So today, I got to write for an hour at my new desk, while wearing my Wimpy Kid hat, and drinking from my Wonder Woman mug.

Life is good.

21 November 2010

Locks of Love

Two months ago put my hair in a ponytail, gave Tim my Gingher's, and he looped off 36cm. We've donated it to Locks of Love because they provide hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children, suffering from long-term medical hair loss. Locks of Love uses donated hair to create high-quality hair prosthetics, to kids under the age of 21, living in the US and Canada.

I love that they help these kids. And donating my hair felt really good. If you want to help too, please click donation details, to see if your hair qualifies.

Thanks for stopping by.

19 November 2010

18 November 2010

Want Some?

Apples, organic cinnamon and good butter.  So simple.

17 November 2010

Turd on a Spoon

Made with flax seeds and grains, Garden of Eatin Tortillas are my favorite for holding cream cheese, refried beans, hot sauce, and Colby-Jack. Heated in the oven or microwave, this is a yummy lunch.

Coming up for dessert is Nutella. It's a hazelnut spread that I enjoy on toasted brown bread. Next up, I'll be using it to fill my homemade pizzelle sandwiches. And of course, it's fantastic straight from the jar. Though I admit, this shot really does look like a turd on a spoon.                                      
Not going to reshoot because lunch is over and it's time for dessert. What can I say? I'm not a professional food blogger. So there you go. Enjoy the turd. I'm going to.

For more information about Nutella, click Nutella's Frequently Asked Questions.

Enjoy and Happy Eating.

16 November 2010


I joined the blog Frosted! Here's the link. So many yummy things on it. Click Faux Hostess Cupcakes to learn how to make these bad boys.

Enjoy and Happy Eating :-)

14 November 2010

Kashi Autumn Wheat

Kashi Autumn Wheat is by far one of my favorite cold cereals.  It's tasty, grounding and each 54g serving, contains 6g of fiber.  I always sprinkle organic cinnamon on top and enjoy with plain almond milk. 

The only down side is once opened, this cereal goes rancid fast.  I keep mine sealed in an additional zip bag, kept inside the box, and stored in the refrigerator.

I don't enjoy the other Kashi Wheat incarnations, but I LOVE the original.  Hope you give it a try and let me know what you think. 

Enjoy and Happy Eating.
Additional Stats:                                        
6g fiber
6g protein
7g sugar
180mg potassium
43g total carbohydrate
180 calories
1g total fat
0mg sodium
0mg cholesterol

Diabetic Exchange: 3 carbohydrates
Ingredients: Organic whole grain wheat, organic evaporated cane juice, natural flavor

13 November 2010

Monsters and Munchies

Two of my favorite things.  And today, I'm munching on Troyer Farms popcorn, loaded with white cheddar cheese.  Click Hubby's link to vote for your favorite Top Monsters at Gothridge Manor.

What are you munching on today? Something yummy, I hope. Until next time, Happy Monsters and Munchies Day.

12 November 2010

Weekend Plans

Check out my new hat.  Betcha wish you had one.

11 November 2010

What's in your cup?

My three favorites while on the job are Seattle's Best Organic Decaf (with caramel cream), ginger peach tea, and green tea and lemongrass.  How about you?

10 November 2010

Bookstore Magic Trick

Behold.  In my left hand is a 33 percent off coupon. In my right, a Borders gift card.  Put them together and wha-laa! Diary of a Wimpy Kid - The Ugly Truth, book 5.  Life is good.

09 November 2010

Writing Spaces

Tim made me this space, during our stay-cation.  It's against the wall in our bedroom and I love it.  It's quiet and I no longer have to share my writing with my cooking area.  How about you? Where do you write?

08 November 2010

Wimpy Kid - The Ugly Truth

So excited. Can't wait to get my copy. Due in stores the 9th of November. Love these books. How about you?

Frankenstein's Monster

I've had this shirt forever.  Found it today while cleaning and I still can't part with it. 

I love this book because it has metric cooking, fantastic pictures, great formulas and it's educationally written.  Got it at Borders in the discount bin, and used a coupon.  Total cost: 4 bucks.  And, the register printed $10 off my next purchase.  Love that.

Here's Barney hard at work, whisking sugar, corn syrup, water and unflavored gelatin.  Even though I'm not a fan of corn syrup, I wanted to use the formula provided, before I start testing with organic agave nectar. 

I split the batch of marshmallow and made half into peanut butter fudge. The marshmallows requires 8 to 12 hours to set.

I like this image and wanted to add it to one of my blogs but the opportunity never came, so I'm putting it here.  I just like it.  Tim asked me to ask you, what movie did this guy come from?

It's way late for me, so I better go hit the slab. Thanks for reading and have a great night and a wonderful day.  And as always, remember to eat something yummy.

07 November 2010

15 Readers and Barney

Holy marshmallows, Batman, I'm excited. I have 15 followers. And to celebrate, I spent some of my Halloween gift money, on this bad boy. His name is Barney and he holds 120V/60Hz/300W of whisking electric power.

That's right. No more whisking marshmallows by hand. I've upgraded to this sleek, 5 attachment model of whisking magic. He even comes in his own power tool-style case. Barney might not be the strongest on the market, but he was affordable. And for me, a hand-whisker, it'll be a whole new adventure.

Thanks for joining. Life is good.

06 November 2010

Scary Snow Tree

I was so excited when I saw the snow last night, that I ran outside to snag this shot.

Tomorrow it's back to the lab for another experiment of marshmallow making. I never used organic agave nectar before so I'm excited to give it a go.

Thanks for the idea, Pat. And Christian, here's the photos of Marshmallow Test Batch 01. Not a pretty site. But the taste did improve the longer the mixture set.

And lastly, the pink and purple Christmas trees we saw at Borders tonight. Also, not a pretty site.

Two more days of our stay-cation holiday, and then it's back to the hamster wheel for us. Until next time. Happy Eating and remember to enjoy something yummy :-)

05 November 2010

Homemade Marshmallows

Today we made homemade marshmallows. The batter got so thick that I had to get help from Tim. Which gave me time to snap these groovy action shots.

I poured the mixture into a baking dish. It takes 12 hours to set up, so I don't have a picture of the finished goodies.

Going by the taste so far, I'll rewrite this formula until I get it to taste better. The formula I used today, wasn't mine. It's not bad, I just don't care for corn syrup. But, I did want to do it her way first, so I could get the technique down. And if nothing else, this batter before setup, would work great in peanut butter fudge.

Until next time, Happy Eating :-)

Tim Stole My Lemon Wafers

I'm goofing around online, eating the best lemon wafers ever, chatting with a friend on IM, while Tim's groovin' on his new BluRay that I gave him for Halloween. He's watching Spartacus.

"Looks fantastic, look at that." Then not even two minutes goes by before Tim tells me again, "will you look at that? That looks fantastic."

And I can't just keep my head turned away -- I actually have to look at the screen.

"Babe you gotta see this up close." He turns to makes sure I'm looking, "what are you eating over there?"

So I go over and sit down and he shows me more blood splatters and says, "I was so impressed when I saw that last night." He pauses but not for long. "Look how good that looks."

This is similar to a few months back when we had to replace our old widescreen television. Tim was playing the 360. He got up, but his foot was asleep and he crashed into the screen. Thankfully, he didn't suffer any bumps or bruises. He said when he went down he was trying not to break the controller.

The controller cost 50 bucks. Our old TV did not.

When we brought our new big-screen home, for first two weeks all Tim said was, "It's so big. Look how freaking big it is. I can't even see you in the kitchen."

So here we are digging our Stay-cation with this big-ass TV (that we got for a fantastic deal), and our first BluRay (another great deal). Tim's still watching Spartacus. I'm still chatting on IM, reading blogs and farting around. And somewhere, in the middle of all this action, Tim stole my lemon wafers.

04 November 2010

So simple. So good.

Today we're having another Thanksgiving-style meal with all the fixings.

Yesterday we hit an Irish eatery (Tim's Irish), and we both ordered the Pub House Burger. From the bun, to the meat, to the side of chips (fries), the meal was delicious. Well worth the money and I can't wait to go back.

Then we hit a small whole foods market filled with goodies. Now waiting on my shelves are tons of fun ingredients to play with during the remainder of our Staycation Holiday. I even got stuff to make homemade marshmallows. How cool is that?

After the bookstore cafe, we hit Best Buy for Tim's big Halloween gift - a BluRay player. And get this, by waiting until yesterday we saved 71 smackers with coupons, discounts and online price adjustments. How cool is that? I know ... it's nearly as cool as buying ingredients for homemade marshmallows.

Meanwhile, dig this shot (click the chicken to enlarge). Note the liquid at the bottom.

I always add 125ml (a little over 4oz) of homemade chicken broth to the Pryex and a few spoonfuls inside the bird, just before roasting. Once done, that liquid makes an amazing base for gravy.

So simple. So good.

How about you? Eat anything yummy today? I'd love to hear about it.