08 May 2024


Hey Boogerbutts!

Good news, bad news post today. On the good side of life, I am back to work, only I'm not 100%. Still dealing with post Covid complications that date back to February.  

Not fun.

Then there's some stuff going on at work that I can't talk about yet. Also not fun. I'll just add, I really want to stay there. Love my job. However, I'm not sure where things will be thirty days from today.

Since I can't get into details, let's move to the fun stuff. Right now, Bug and I are chillin' outside waiting for Smoochie Face to get home. Then it's to the kitchen. I'm thinkin' parsely pesto. Been re-watching Lidia Bastianich. I love that lady. She makes me think differently in the kitchen. 

And lastly, baking banana bread in the pressure cooker is a wonderful way not to heat the kitchen. It's not quite the same crumb/texture as the oven. Though it's not bad either. I made four total, I think we're up to. Or maybe three. I dunno. I'd have to check my notes. 

Cool beans. Bon Jovi just came on the radio. Time to boogie and get supper started. It's a good song too. The kinda song that if I were just about to pull the car into home, I'd have to take another lap just to enjoy the music.

And that my Boogerbutts, is all that's fit to print. 

Chat again soon. Huggs & Bugs, Me. 

04 May 2024


Hello Boogerbutts and welcome to another sad-face post. This thing I have knocked me back. The medicine is helping but boy am I ever ready to be over this mess. 

I haven't baked in days. Days I say, days.

In other news, I wanna bake a cake in the electric pressure cooker. In my case, an Instant Pot. Though I pronounce that wrong because I still call it, instapot.

Maybe not a cake. Maybe a banana bread with chocolate chips. Or walnuts. Or both. Either way, I'm giving the instapot a go. Might be good. Might be gross. Let's find out.

In other, other news, I'm once again headed back to work only this time for a quick shift, followed by Sunday off. Before I shuffle off to Buffalo, I give you my life in cartoons.

Until next post, huggs and bugs, Me.

01 May 2024

I'M NOT DIZZY ANYMORE (also I love this picture)

Guess what? I'm not dizzy anymore and today I go back to work. Just a little stuffy. Not too bad though. I'm soon to pack a homemade breakfast sandwich and then hit Starbucks for a Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso. 

For the longest time, I said expresso. I thought it was express with an x. 

In other news, I love this picture taken with my newer prime lens. What I love about prime lenses is they make us zoom with our feet because the lens itself cannot zoom. For me, this makes photography lots and lots of fun.

Whelp... I best get myself to work. Thank you for the well-wishes from the last post. Chat again soon. 

Huggs and Bugs, Me.

Blog Update: Well, it's the next day and things got much worse overnight and I'm stuck home again. Booooo!

28 April 2024

NOT BIRD POOP (so that's good)

As soon as I settle outside with the tablet, wireless keyboard and good music, next door cranks the mower. It's soooo loud. Though, that's the least of my problems. Today I'm sick. Been indoors resting, resting, resting. Just wanted fresh air. 

Wait. What's that? Something wet landed on my left arm. I think it's rain. Yep, not bird poop. It's rain. 

So that's good. 

In other news, the Le Creuset from the last post baked like a dream. I've done two bakes and the first one needed a few more minutes in the oven due to the higher rim and the second bake required no extra time. Really love this square bake dish. I'm all about having a few solid pieces with less kitchen clutter than a bunch of crappy bake dishes that work so-so. Same goes for chalk painting tools. Give me a solid brush over those crappy ones, any day of the week. 

In other, other news, yesterday I watched Harry Met Sally or is it, When Harry Met Sally? I dunno. Either way, it's been awhile since I've seen it and it was my perfect being-sick-on-the-couch, movie. Speaking of the couch, I'm headed back there with a nice big cuppa cold water, tea or soup. Still can't decide which yet. Then read blogs and when that's done, I'll pick another movie. 

Lots of rest, rest, rest going on here today. 

Chat again soon. Huggs and Bugs, Me.

PS: Here's hoping that your day is going better than mine. 

25 April 2024


I freakin' LOVE the baking isle at HomeGoods. A few years ago I snagged a great deal on a lid-free Le Creuset. This thing bakes like a dream. Dream I say, dream. Only downside, no lid.

Well guess what my Boogerbutts, I finally found a Le Creuset with are you ready? Are you sitting down? A lid! Yeppers, scored me a lidded Le Creuset and I am one happy whisk.

Did the heavens just open and angels start singing? Because that's what's going on here this morning. And dig this, since I don't have to go to work until later, first thing I did this morning was pop in a test bake.

Hot dog. 

Wait, is it lidded or lided? Or with lid? Really, I don't know. Either way, in about ten minutes I check the bake to see how she's doing. This Le Creuset has higher rim and that can change bake times. I'll let you know in the next post. 

Meanwhile, I give you today's cartoon ....