So here's how it went down. We went to the pound and saw her, then I went back without Tim and asked to see her in the pound yard. I sat on the ground and she came barreling and I do mean barreling toward me and gave me a hug. Did a puppy flip. Gave me another puppy hug. Dashed over to other side of the yard. Peed the longest pee in the history of ever and then charged back my way, almost knocked me down (I was on the ground already, but she almost sent be all the way over). Gave me third puppy hug. I paid for her on the spot and brought her home.
I remember, she didn't know how to use stairs or jump in the car and ... they told me that she had a brother and sister but nobody wanted Wiggy because she wiggled too much.
She wiggled too much? Seriously?
Also, I LOVE this photo. I shot it from my phone back in 2016 right after The Great Declutter and removal of 95 percent of my stuff. The room was bare and simple and this shot just puts all that together.
In garden news, I haven't done ANYTHING. Not a thing. Hope to fix that this weekend. But, in other news, I've been cooking and baking my butt off. Writing food and filming in the new studio area and guess what?
Today's foodie offers are: Spicy Onion Relish (or chutney) and it's so flippin' good. I've been eating it non-stop. I love it. And the last video is Air-Fry Pizza. The BEST reheat ever. No soggy bottoms. I put the relish on the pizza and it's a slice of heaven. Get it, slice. Pizza. What? No good? Not funny? I'm honestly giggling as I type this. I crack myself up.
And that my Boogerbutts, is all that's fit to print. See you next Wednesday with Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Brownies and photos of the front porch.
Cheers and boogie boogie!
Wiggy's Gotcha Day 9 Years Ago |