Hello Boogerbutts!
I'm stuck in my own head today. We're moving and with that, a second paycheck is a HUGE help. I'm on the job hunt and not feeling
confident, at all. Drawing cartoons and writing helps so here goes ...
I haven't worked outside of the home in eight
years. I think it's eight. Either way, it's been a hot minute. And even though
there are so many jobs open right now, like a crazy amount, I feel
insecure. How do I explain why I've been out
of work so long?
I know why I'm there to get the job, because we want a house/land. That part I feel really strong about.
Then I start going over applications and work
history and I get in my head to the point that I let it stop me.
I can't do that.
As for the eight years out of work, they whooshed
past. Even I don't know what I did in all that time. There was a huge part of
it where I couldn't walk and had some serious infections. That was the reason
for leaving. I’m scared they won't hire me in case I get sick again.
I dunno.
Like I said, I'm really in my own head right now.
However, the reason we're doing this a strong reason. To have our own land. OMG.
OMG. OMG. Our own garden. So
that's my focus, getting out of my head and into a new life.
Finishing up this post I hear my Grandma's words. She believed the worse they can say is no and if we don't ask, we'll never know.
Grams are the best.
Huggs & Bugs - Me