29 November 2022

Knock Your Socks Off!

Hello Boogerbutts! Whatchya’ doin’?

I'm in the middle of top coating a new table/wood bench I built over the weekend. I'm also cleaning the house today (sorta kinda). And if that’s not enough to knock your socks off, it’s also new banner day!

In other news, the office is coming along very well. With the couch, TV and big bean bag in the snug (other room), this office feels like a proper work space.

Here are a few pictures. 

In other news, I don’t remember the last time I took a shower so I should probably add that to my list. 

And in other, other news, I cannot get over how much space we have in this office now. There's a wall of books, a computer desk writing area and then room to paint and stain. Also, a photography area for tethering. Which I'll show you once that's set up. 

That my Boogerbutts, is all that's fit to print. 

Huggs & Bugs,



  1. Love the new banner!! Glad your project is coming along and you now have more space. I see your pooch in the background. Very cute... Have a great week.

    1. Thank you! Loved your bean dip. YUM!!!!!!! That's Wiggy in the first shot and Miss Bug in the second. There's always a pup about the place. Happy Cooking!

  2. Good work on the improvements Ivy! Love the cheery seasonal new banner!

    1. Thank you so much. I'll have to share the before. They were MESSY!

  3. You HAVE been busy. And productive. Yay you.

    1. Hope you're feeling better! Sorry to read that you got the'vid. We both had that at the same time, recently.

  4. Cute new banner and weee... looking forward to your finished office!

    1. Thanks! I shot tethered today and it was a blast. Happy Week to you.

  5. You built a table - that's impressive!

    1. Thank you, Alex. I am so proud of myself for making the table. I just love it.

  6. You have been very productive! Excellent job, Ivy.

    1. Hey Angie! Thank you. Really didn't get much cleaning done today. I'm okay with an unexpected break day. Getting almost done with the room though. Loved your spelt. How great is spelt. My gosh. I just love it and when I use it, Hubby never has tummy troubles with it.

  7. You have been so busy and very productive - well done.
    I do like your new banner.

    I've been writing a few more Christmas cards today.

    Enjoy these last few days of November.

    All the best Jan

    1. Hey Jan!!! Thank you. My girlfriend changed hers and I was like, wait, I gotta do mine too! Writing out cards is a lovely thing. Hope the tea was tasty.

    2. The tea was good ... thank you :)

      All the best Jan

  8. Replies
    1. Hi Marie. I am very, very sorry. I read earlier about your pup passing. Big Huggs.

  9. Fabulous table! And I like your new Christmassy blog banner too!

    1. Hellllo Debra! Thank you. Really I can't stop looking at the table. I'm like, I made that. So silly. And fun. Loved the funnies on your page. I love the one that for realz make me lol in real life! The best.

  10. It's looking good. It's nice when plans come together.

    1. Thanks, River. Slow but surely we're starting to enjoy our spaces. I'll do a post of before (the mess), and after (the heaven).

  11. I am totally impressed at your table. That is not in my bag of tricks. I can't sell ham or do any of that stuff and have never had the desire to learn but every time I see something like this it makes me want to. But not enough to do it haha love love the banner! And your pup looks a lot like my pup

    1. Thank you. It was fun to do and I'm already in planning for the next one.

  12. I'm tired just reading about all you did. Your table project looks great. I would love to be able to do things like that. Glad to see the fur babe has a spot in the room.

    1. Thank you, Ann! How great are pups. There's always one or two about the place.

  13. Fun and creative as always!

    1. Thank you! I'll have some less fun photos to show later of the mess that I made putting the place together. A few before and after photos. So great to see you. Thanks for stopping in today.

  14. Boogerbutts!!???? HAHA I love it. Sounds as if things are coming along really nicely. That is awesome. Can't wait to see the whole set up....

    1. Boogerbutts! It's really coming together and we're staring to enjoy the rooms. Like really enjoy being in them. It's been awhile since we could say that. How goes your day?
