30 August 2011

I'm Pooped

Long day at the restaurant, but it's a good pooped.

Good thing I have these nifty Pyrex glass covered bowls, all prepped with brown dough, and stored overnight in Ethel for quick use.  Now all I have to do is form the pizza rounds, top, bake for ten minutes and bam.  I'm done.

I love that.

In other news, last Friday was my last day at the fabric shop and I didn't even cry. And to be honest, I don't miss it.  Thought I would but instead, I feel free to move forward.

Such a big girl.

Un-risen Brown Dough

29 August 2011

Wonder Woman Quiz 14

To win one puppy hug, two chocolate pretzels and three dead butterflies, match the Wonder Woman heads to the correct DVD collection.  Season one, two or three.

As always ... I'll be back later with the answers. Thanks for playing and have an oogie boogie day. 

Head A
Head B
Head C

26 August 2011

Bagel Snails

Got up this morning ready to leave the fabric shop. Yeppers. I'm done. Time to move forward with writing and food. 

Feels good.  

And dig this, I made bagel dough into bagel snails. And they were yummy. Next time, I'm going to try onion bread swirls.

But right now, I'm off to cut fabric.

Expands to 800 pixels

25 August 2011


Today I got to smash a bunch of lettuce heads on the prep counter to remove the cores. I'd never done that before.

So fun!

And dig this, one of the two main prep girls told me that she told the Big Boss that she wants me in prep more than I am needed on salad bar.

Hot dog.  Made my day. I'm so happy.

But then tomorrow, I will be sad because it's my last day at the fabric shop.  I've been tied to that shop for eight years as a worker, blanket maker and then again as a worker. 

And now ... I'm really really leaving.

So tomorrow, I'm definitely gonna need my big girl pants.

Melt the best tasting chocolate (I like dark or bittersweet), you can get and swirl the little pretzel sticks over a spoonful of melted chocolate, while using the edge of the spoon to make that groovy swirly style.

Cool in fridge with baking paper (parchment/wax) underneath and bam, in about 20 minutes these little babies are done.

I used organic fiber-rich pretzels and Sunspire grain chocolate for these, but any combination will do great.

Enjoy & Eat Well.

Click image to enlarge groovy swirly style.

24 August 2011

Prep vs. Salad

Yesterday I was crossed-trained on salad bar. Not my favorite job at the steakhouse, but as a fill-in I could handle it.

My real favorite by far, is prep cook. It's more detailed than salad bar and has more to do with food.

And that, I love.

Meanwhile today, I'm home doing chores. And soon, to make a big-ass batch of tomato sauce for later use. And then after that, dip pretzels into melted chocolate.

Life is good.

23 August 2011

New Job Feet

Yesterday, after my first day of work I stopped at the fabric shop, spotted my old boss in yarn, and fully dressed in my prep cook clothes, jumped into a Spider-Man-like pose, showing off my new duds.

Scared the crap out of her. It was great.

Thanks to all you Bloggers for kind words, encouragement and laughs. And now, I'm headed to Day Two at the steakhouse. Today I'm getting crossed trained on salad bar.

Meanwhile, dig my new job feet. They're slip-resistant. Much fancier than my pink slippers and orange shower socks.

15 August 2011

Big Girl Pants

On the ride home from the fabric shop I saw a big honkin' sign, Kitchen Help Wanted.  Went in, got an application and after much fuss and fear, I filled the damn thing out.

Now I've got my big girl pants on and I'm headed to drop it off.  I'm tired of being afraid.

So you know what?

I'm gonna go for it.

Here I go.

14 August 2011

Please Help

My girl Lori entered a cake contest with her girl Trina, and I'm writing to my regulars for help. 

I admire and appreciate all the work Lori does. She's a damn good cook and baker.  And she continues to blow me away with her passion for food, fun and all things Star Wars.

I'd like to see her and Trina win.

Please vote for both of these groovy girls.

PS: Here's Lori's original Plants vs. Zombies cake post.

Lori's Cake
Trina's Cake

11 August 2011

10 Months of Blogging

Honestly, I didn't think I would enjoy it and I sure didn't think I'd last 10 months or even a year.  But it looks like I might just hit that year mark after all.

Cool beaners.

In other news, Wiggy got a hold of some black walnuts and has been sick all day.  She's resting and so far, doing better.

What a little monkey.

10 August 2011

Writer's Block

So yesterday I had the worst migraine I've had in ages. Spent the entire day on the couch with Nurse Wiggy keeping watch.

She's a very good snuggle buddy.

And today I feel like a new person. Not one part of my head hurts and I'm back to work on the blanket business.

Meanwhile, here's a comic for all you writers suffering from writer's block. If this doesn't help, let me know. I'll be happy to come over and glue your ass or arse, to the chair.

- Me

08 August 2011

Lazy Bones

Happy Monday, Boogerbutts.

Hope you had a groovy weekend. Mine was lazy, lazy, lazy.

Now it's back to work.

Have a great one and remember to eat lots of nummy foods.

Meanwhile, check out my new Halloween skeleton bone cavity pans.  I made Miss Wiggy peanut butter doggy bones.

So fun.

Homemade Doggy Bones

Located in the Halloween Baking Department

04 August 2011

... or is it Memorex?

Howdy Hello,

Today I got tons done on the blanket business and it's getting closer to going LIVE.

Live I say, live.

In other news, today was my jogging day and I loved it. I don't know 'bout you, but jogging is one of my favorite exercises, ever.

That's all from me.
-- Hugs

03 August 2011

Pretty Pink Dice

Tim's got a Show Me Your Dice Marathon going on. So Me and Miss Wiggy thought we'd join the fun.

Now you gamer dudes might have more dice than me but mine are way prettier.

Have a groovy day, Gamers.