28 August 2014

Lost in Space

The Corn Man

You know what?  I changed my mind.  I'm taking the day off from food writing and all the lab work.  Instead, I'm gonna blast the music and clean the house.

Maybe finally clean Ethel.  Poor girl needs a proper scrub.

But first I'm headed out the door to meet the Corn Man.  He's at the corner (we live in a rural area), and has the best corn. 

Last weekend when we hit his stand he was sold out.  He invited us to his farm and oh my gosh, what fun to pick fresh corn and get eggs from his chickens.  Country living rocks.

Speaking of country living, dig my outdoor office.  The lab (our kitchen), is attached to the back deck. 

Okay, Bubblebutts and Boogerheads, the Corn Man has string beans waiting for me, and I'm exciting to cook those babies up Hungarian-style.  I also love to eat the beans raw or juice them.  So flippin' good.

After that I'll hit Tim Horton's and possibly run into Aldi to see what's on clearance.  The other day I scored organic baby kale and organic grass feed beef for killer prices.

Must dash.  Smell ya'later gators.

What I see from my cafe table, where I write.
What I see when I look straight up.
Miss Wiggy under my writing table and stool.
Corn we picked right from the Corn Man's farm.

27 August 2014

Baker's Report: Both Ass & Arse

Today kicked BOTH ass and arse.  Yeppers.  That's how good my work day went.

Got my food writing and experiments done, including but not limited to, apple pie.  Kitchen is cleaned and closed for the day, and whilst I'm still in my prep cook clothes - aside from writing more notes about today's lab work - I'm done.

PS: Dig these mini pie bakeware dishes from Portugal.  Got them on clearance at Wegmans for $1.72 each.

PPS: These little dishes hold more apples than I hoped for.  One pie serves four good slices or six smaller portions.

PPPS: Now I can experiment with various pie crusts on a smaller scale.  I LOVE IT!

PPPPS: And it's really 4:44 in the afternoon.  This day rocks.


Make an apple pie.
Eat an apple pie.
Make another apple pie.

25 August 2014

Minion Monday

Last week started out killer, but soon took a crappy turn down Get Nothing Done Alley, including the fridge.  But today, things are looking good, and with any luck I'll have Ethel spic 'n span clean.   

But first, I gotta make dough.  Then, take over the world.

22 August 2014

Friday Question: What Would You Bring?

You're on Gilligan's Island and you get to take one TV show or movie with you but that's all you'll get to watch for three years.  But, you get the entire series.

So if it's Alien, you get all the Alien movies.  If it's Doctor Who, you get all of them as well.

Tim asked me this last night, and the first thing I answered was The Great British Bake Off.  Though when I think about it more, I also want to bring Julia Child and Jack Pépin.  But Tim said I can't.

He's so mean, sometimes.

What one movie or series would you bring?

21 August 2014

So I'm Finally Dressed ...

So I'm finally dressed and it's nearly 1pm.  My body was really really really dragging this morning but it's moving about better now.  My big goal for the day is to clean Ethel (best fridge ever).  That way when I go to the Farmer's Market this weekend, she's all clean and pretty.

PS:  Still no computer.   I haven't found a good keyboard. 

PPS: Yesterday I very nearly paid full price for crapper paper.  Full price!  That's a bad word.  A very very bad word.  Okay it's two words but you get my point.

PPPS: Thanks to all who've been keeping up on my blog.  I'm looking forward to playing catchup on all your adventures.

Recipes & Dating Services

19 August 2014


1, 2, 3, 4.

Best Lunch Ever

Monday I had the best lunch in the history of ever.  Well, maybe not in the history of ever but the best lunch I had that day, for sure.

I don't have any pictures or a recipe to post, but I do have a big smile of my face because over the weekend I made Pizza Tart Pies, Pizza Hand-Pies and Mini Pizzas.

Here's the best bit.  The pizza tarts reheated without over-baking the crust.  Hot dog, I'm happy. 

17 August 2014

I'm a Big Fat Sponge

Our four-day staycation has been fanflippin'tastic.  We've been out and about but today, day four, we're hoping for big fat raindrops or a wicked snowstorm. 

Check out my new books.  One used, one with a coupon.  Both good deals.  I love Jacques Pépin.  Each time I watch his show (which is always), I learn something new.  These books are companions to his show. 

I'm like a big fat sponge, soaking it all in. 

So today I'm plopping my butt in The Lemon Tart Room with my Pépin books.  With any luck, I'll do so during a nice big storm and a good cuppa something warm.

Thanks to all you Boogerbutts for keeping up on my blog even though I haven't visited Bloggerville in what feels like forever.  Planning on catching up next week. 

Until then, cheers and boogie boogie.

13 August 2014

Double Broom Action

So I didn't get as many chores done yesterday, as planned.  Got caught up on some coupon work and before I knew it, my afternoon was gone.

But that's okay because it felt good to use my coupon station.  Now that the desktop got killed (see yesterday's post), I love the table even more.   It's so flippin' big that my self-healing cutting mat fits, making it super duper easy to cut fabric into quilt shapes.

Anyway, today I've gotta get crackin', finish the chores and get to the market for ingredients.  Though I'm tempted to go ingredient shopping first, best get the fridge cleaned out and the crappers sorted.  Because there's one thing I don't want to do during our mini staycation and that's clean.  Hence the double broom action.

12 August 2014

My Husband Broke My Computer

It was a crappy desk top that made more noise than a jet engine.  I hated that thing.  Now we're on the hunt for a new one, thinking laptop this time.  Did some looking over the weekend and so far, all the laptop keyboards sucked. 

I have a laptop that I love, we bought it years ago and it's NEVER been online.  It's only 2 gigs but was purchased solely for writing.  Thought I could put it online but I can't.  I enjoy my alone writing time too much to bring the Internet in.

That said, I found a few more places that sell Windows 7 laptops, going to check them out this week.  Until then, you guys won't see much of me on the blogs.  But I'll still post each day and you can reach me on email.

In other news, we're headed toward our mini-staycation.  Can't wait.  Got a good bit of chores done yesterday, getting the rest done today.  Then Wednesday I hit the market for ingredients.  That's all from me.   I'll catch up on all your blogs once I get my new computer up and running.

Until then, cheers and boogie boogie.

06 August 2014

Morning Bake & FREE Money

It's about ten to four as I type this.  Dough is fermenting, the house is asleep and in one hour, I'll shape the dough into rolls, prove and bake.   With any luck, Huckleberry will wake to a breakfast of eggs, bacon, potatoes and fresh rolls with whipped butter.

Meanwhile, I'm hunting down sales and looking for freebies, as I print FREE money from home. 

For anyone new to printables (coupons online), the first of each month is new coupon day, which means coupons get yanked, reset and/or added.  It's a coupon holiday.  Each computer (not printer), gets two prints per particular coupon.  If you're interested, here are two places that I get my coupons.com printables.

Coupons in the News

WNY Deals & To-Dos

Note, there's a spot to change zip codes.  This is a great way to get different coupons.  I've had luck with, 77477, 30303, 10101, 30044, 90210.

Also note: Coupons can be printed in black and white.  No reason to waste ink.  However, coupons need to be readable.  Doesn't have to be a super high quality, just has to be readable to the scanners.

Lastly, coupons.com requires a one-time download of their printer software, but you don't need to setup an account.  Any questions?  You're welcome to email me or ask here.

And that my lovelys, concludes another post from me.  Still too early to publish this so I'll hit schedule and then get back to deal hunting.  Have a groovy day and boogie boogie.

02 August 2014

True or False?

Do the gears rotate slowly?