I've been awake since five this morning, just staring at the ceiling. So I figured, eh, might as well get cracking on today's project which includes making pizzelles. Usually, I make them year-round, all the flippin' time. But because of recent health issues and the fact that melted butter (this time last year anyway), sent my skin into rash and itching, I haven't made any.
For Tim's job next week, they have Goody Day and I am the pizzelle maker. Which brings me to today, when I test if I can handle melted butter or not. Health-wise, much has improved over the last year. Even when sprinkled with setbacks, overgrowth, infections and other buggers, on the whole -- many great leaps forward.
For instance, I no longer have chronic spinal issues. After years of being bent like a pretzel (born that way), I now rarely hurt. I haven't had a problem walking in forever (knock on a skeleton's skull), and I can eat more than two bites of food each meal. Which is a bonus because with all the cooking and baking, it's a relief to eat my foods again.
But I digress. And I just heard Frankenberry's alarm go off. Gonna whisk up a batch of fresh palacsintas (Hungarian pancakes), for breakfast and then get crackin' on a small test batch of pizzelles to see if I pass the melted butter test.
Wish me luck, I'm going in.