29 December 2015

Rice Rice, Baby

Today, I've got lots and lots of chores to do, along with a few new bakes. My goal is to have everything done by 4PM. It's almost 7:30AM now, so if I get crackin' I might make goal.

Rice flour is the correct answer to yesterday's post. I needed it for a new recipe (not mine). I am not a fan of baking with rice because whilst rice is not without nutritional benefit, I personally do not consider it a safe baking ingredient. Rice contains arsenic, is known to spike blood sugar, and for others bloats the belly. Yet, given all this, rice flour is often overly relied upon for some gluten-free bakers.

I used rice flour out of curiosity as to how it bakes. However, it remains doubtful that I will incorporate rice flour or rice milk (which I also made at home), into any of my own formulas, when there are so many better options available.

Time is ticking away. I'm still in my jams, so I best get crackin'. If I'm honest, I really want to hide in the Lemon Tart Room, under a fluffy blanket and watch a movie.


  1. A gluten free diet is better when grains of all sorts are avoided. Those like rice and corn, while not containing gluten, have issues of their own. Besides that, the end product is never the same and rarely satisfies.

    1. Hi Lisa: What bake did you try that you didn't find satisfying?

  2. Just curious...is there such a thing as brown rice flour?

    1. Hi Kathy: Yes, both white and brown are sold. I made brown for one recipe and white for another bake.

  3. I enjoy rice although I have never used rice flour. Always use Basmati which I personally find the best.

  4. Curious to see how it turns out! Happy baking and happy holidays! :)

    1. Hi Caramella. The cupcakes that called for rice flour were pretty good the day of. Not sure how they will taste 24 hours later.

  5. I suspect that a lot of the difficulties people have with food relates to the things which are routinely done to them. At both the growing and the preparation stages.
    It is half past six here. Late for me. Not showered, not dressed.
    I am thinking a lazy day ahead. Good luck with your busy one.

    1. Horrible, some of the growing practices, today. Did you get your lazy day? Was it fun?

  6. Rice bloats my belly as well even though I do love risottos! Happy baking!!!

  7. I am still in my jams and doing nothing. It is wonderful!

  8. I thought it was rice flour but the prices you quoted were much to high for where I live that is why I said teff.
    When I was being tested to see if i had a gluten problem I tried bread made with rice flour. Gosh it was horrible and I just about eat everything. Maybe it is better if mixed with some other flour ?

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

    1. Aren't those prices nutso? The superfine rice flour is the highest of all. No thanks.

      Regarding Tef/Teff/T'ef - I posted that one a few posts back. Click, What Are We?.

  9. I got some really fun jam bottoms for Christmas and I've been wearing one all day long. I took a little run on the treadmill this morning, showered up and slipped into it. Never took it off. It is super soft and I refuse to part with it :)

    1. I love those kinds. The best. And I dunno what it is, about getting new jams for Christmas but there's just something magical about it.
