01 May 2024

I'M NOT DIZZY ANYMORE (also I love this picture)

Guess what? I'm not dizzy anymore and today I go back to work. Just a little stuffy. Not too bad though. I'm soon to pack a homemade breakfast sandwich and then hit Starbucks for a Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso. 

For the longest time, I said expresso. I thought it was express with an x. 

In other news, I love this picture taken with my newer prime lens. What I love about prime lenses is they make us zoom with our feet because the lens itself cannot zoom. For me, this makes photography lots and lots of fun.

Whelp... I best get myself to work. Thank you for the well-wishes from the last post. Chat again soon. 

Huggs and Bugs, Me.

Blog Update: Well, it's the next day and things got much worse overnight and I'm stuck home again. Booooo!


  1. It is always great to hear from you.

  2. Glad you are feeling better! That's quite the zoom.

    1. Thanks. I was and then got knocked back down.

  3. I'm glad you're doing better. A lot of people say expresso and I wonder if they think you're supposed to drink it in a mad rush! Either way, enjoy yours.

  4. Good news! I think more people say expresso than espresso. I probably saw it spelled before I said it because I knew it is espresso and now so do you!

  5. Glad you're feeling better! And yes, what a great photo!

    1. Thanks, Debra. Sadly, I got knocked back down. Booo!

  6. Replies
    1. Hi Kathy. I look forward to saying that. Bummer for me that I got knocked back down. Booo!

  7. That is indeed wonderful focus and detail on the snowman. I have a good camera but haven't spent much time figuring out how to use it properly. I still say Xpresso!

  8. Glad you are feeling more like yourself. But could you explain to this dummy what is a prime lens? Obviously it makes for great photos.

    1. Sure can. A prime or a fixed lens is a lens can't zoom in like a zoom lens. Or say, the camera on a phone. If we pinch in and out with our fingers on the phone screen, the phone camera lens zooms in and out. Same with a proper camera lens. My kit lens is a zoom lens. Instead of pinching in and out on the phone screen, I turn the lens ring and that brings the subject closer or not closer to my lens.

      A prime aka fixed lens, can't do that. Take the snowman, because I wanted to get in there close, I have to zoom with my feet (bc the lens cannot zoom). What's nice about prime lenes is it makes the photographer do more of the work and I find, connects us with the subject better. We have to get in there close, if that's the shot. Or, shoot it wide and crop later.

      A side note. Prime lens often does one focal length really well, where a zoom lens does several focal lengths (zooming), good though not as good as that one fixed lens.

      Thank you for taking the time to ask!

    2. So you have to walk close to the item like taking a macro shot?

    3. Yes, depending on the focal length of the macro lens. Some we need to be super close, and other macros shoot at a longer distance. However, not all prime lenses are macro. The one I shot the snowman isn't a macro lens. It is though, a fixed aka prime lens.

      And this is all important to understand when purchasing a new lens. What does the work require? A fixed or a zoom? Knowing which kind of lens a photographer needs is key.

    4. PS Both my true macro and my close-up lens still shoot images from far away. It's just that those prime lenses can't zoom. The only way to zoom is with the feet. Where a zoom lens, we can stand far away and zoom-in a bird on a branch. Then there are macro prime lenses that have a longer focal Iength for shooting skittish bugs that don't want a super macro lens near them. Hope that helps.

  9. Glad you are feeling better Ivy.

    1. Thanks, Christine! I was then got knocked back down.

  10. Glad you are feeling better....I thought right along with you that it was an 'x' sound, too. Now I know, but don't know if I will remember.

    1. lollol I know and I still pronounce it with an x.

  11. Glad you are feeling better, enjoy your work, sandwich and espresso! Hugs!

  12. I am so glad that you are feeling better. I hope you are not toooo tired after your day at work.

  13. Glad to hear you're feeling better.
    That's a cute picture. I love snowmen and he's adorable.

    1. Thanks. Only after this post I got knocked back again. Booo!

  14. Good to hear you're feeling better. Have a great day!!

    1. Hey Lori! I got knocked back and had to take more days off. Hope you're week was way better than mine.

  15. So glad you feel better and yes, there isn't much competition for our cable provider here. unfortunately.

    1. Are you able to do streaming services? We do that. No cable for us.

  16. Hello! I have that same little guy! Happy to hear you are feeling better!

    1. Did you get your mug at Big Lots? Got mine there.

  17. So pleased you are feeling better.
    I do like the close-up on the snowman - great photograph.

    Wishing you a happy and healthy new month of May.

    All the best Jan

  18. I went back to read your other post. So very sorry you were not feeling well. But glad you are on the mend and getting your favorite drink.

    1. Hi Cathy. Sad to report I got knocked back down again.

  19. The snowman is gorgeous, but I'd rather have a lens that zooms. Hooray for no more dizziness!

    1. Thanks, River. Great fun to shoot. Dizziness stayed away, only I got knocked back again.

  20. Glad you are feeling better. The snowman is a cutie.

  21. So happy you are feeling better, love the snowman he's cute.

  22. I'm so glad you are feeling better. I don't think you are the only one who made the es/ex-presso mistake. I did it for years!

    1. Hey Jeanie! Thanks. I took a turn back to sick. The x I still pronounce it with the x.

  23. Well, I was all happy until your update. BOO!
    Nice photo, though.

  24. Ugh I'm so sorry to hear you are feeling crummy again. Hope you feel better very soon!

  25. Oh no sorry you had a relapse

  26. Oh no! Just read your blog update!
    Sorry you are not feeling well again.
    Sending lots and lots of good wishes to you.
    Hoping you feel better soon.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan. Yes, it's a big bummer. This thing doesn't want to let go

  27. Oh that's just not fair. Just when things started to improve. I hope you are properly on the mend now.

    1. Thanks, it's getting there slowly. I have on-going issues from the first time I was sick. Good days and bad. Thanks for stopping in today.
