02 March 2024

Helloooooo Booooteeeffful Boogerbutts

Hello Booootttteeeful Boogerbutts. It's been a hot minute since my last post. I'm here today, Saturday at the clean kitchen table (is that not a wonderful thing or what? A clean kitchen table - it's the best I say, the best). 

Also wonderful is that it's Saturday and I've been up since the wee hours. Love that too. We're gonna hit Barnes when they open which likely means we'll get the best seats in the house. 


Less delightful is how we wasted money this past week eating out. If the kitchen had been clean (like it is now), we'd still have that money. 

That's not a bad or good thing. It's just a thing. It gives me something to share and write about as we go through this fun-money-saving-big-goal of ours. 

To help save money we moved our car loan over to a better bank that allows principle only payments. The bank we had, didn't. It was stupid. So now, it's a lower interest rate and easier payoff and the other bank can suck it.

Another thing we did to move the needle is we have money meetings. Had one last night before bed where we talked about the kitchen and how going into next week we'll improve that. With a nice clean kitchen table, it should mean I blog more and read more blogs. I like sitting at the table. So peaceful here. 

In other news, we're still using the $350 gift card to Barnes so all we'll spend is gas money to get there. We're okay with that. Yes, lots of savings going on and getting the car paid down however, we still hit Barnes when we can. Today, I'm home, Tim's home and it's a perfect Saturday to get there when they open and enjoy our morning. Later tonight we'll watch a Creature Feature Movie and dig this, we already bought our Creature Feature Movie food. Cauliflower pepperoni pizza for Smoochie Face and organic red pepper hummus with veggies and homemade fermented salsa for me. Oh my gosh, have you ever made fermented homemade salsa?

Seriously, the best salsa in the history of ever. 


And that my Boootteeeeful Boogerbutts of BloggerLand, wraps up this post. I'm about to make breakfast potatoes from instant pot leftover potatoes along with maybe pancakes, maybe waffles. Not sure which yet. Either way, homemade goodness on the way. Then later I'll catch up blogs (and IG as well). See what you've all been up to since I've been gone. I think, I missed almost all of winter here on BloggerLand and TheGram. 

PS: For those who guessed grapefruit on my last post I award you one slimly button mushroom, three broken twigs and two rocks. You're welcome.

Until next time, big huggs from me to you! 


  1. Glad it is going well in your world!

    1. Hey Christine. What are you cooking up in your kitchen these days?

  2. It's good to hear from you!

    1. Thanks. Nice to be back. I'm swinging my feet at Barnes, reading blogs.
      Happy Saturday. PS: I love the name Bounce! That's perfect.

  3. Good to hear from you again. Keep goiong to reach your goals! Hugs, Valerie

    1. Hi Valerie! Much, much thanks and huggs back!

  4. Hello there, I always feel very good when I’ve got a nice tidy kitchen table. We’re trying not to eat out as much these days. It’s nice every now and again to have a treat though. Our save was that we finally moved from one cable company to another that was half the price. We’ve found we don’t watch as much TV as we used to and felt it was a waste of time. We just kept the internet going and I stream movies and serials from Netflix. Daft question but what is Barnes? No, I have never had fermented homemade salsa but love salsa and that sounds wonderful. Breakfast sounds delicious, trying to think of what to have for dinner tonight. We made soup yesterday, maybe a sandwich and soup. Have a lovely rest of the weekend and thanks for stopping by.

    1. Yes, I agree. Having a tidy table just feels grounding to me. Same with a clean inside of the fridge. Two things I love and that then help with the days ahead.

      I get what you're saying about eating out. That's a good way to look at it. For us, we just did it this past week because we were tired and behind on the cleaning.

      How great that you saved from the cable company. Brilliant. Soup also sounds very, very good. Barnes is the bookstore. We love it there. Even though we still miss Borders Books.

      We stream as well and we rotate streaming services. We've done this for quite awhile now and really love it. Keeps things simple and like you, we weren't watching them all. We stopped that years ago when we were looking at money and ways to cut. Every little bit helps.

      Thank you for sharing your comment and story here with us today! I love hearing about how others save. It's such a good subject.

    2. That's the same with us, we found years back that we could not watch it all and in the end, just wasting money. Love the simple way now. We watch what we have and cancel and move on to something new when ready.

      Barnes is Barnes and Noble Bookstore & Cafe. We used to have a Borders. They went out of business years and years ago.

      Very cool on the soup and sandwhich. What kind of soup?

  5. Glad to see you post. You crack me up - your posts are always enjoyable. Keep on truckin'!!

    1. Hey Cheryl! Thank you for taking the time to read. I came back with a long post, too. Thank you for your support and the keep on truckin'! That makes me smile!

  6. You and Tim are so smart to have moved your car loan! Glad your plans are on track and you're saving money for future dreams!

    1. My gosh, I hate the car loan so much. This though, does help. Love, love, love your art work you draw. Debra you are kickbutt good at drawing. Really, really good!

  7. I can feel your energy, Ivy! By Barnes, do you mean the bookstore Barnes and Nobel? It's definitely a happy place for me. We've been eating out more than usual while visiting Waikiki this year. But we've found all the ways you can save money doing that, and we almost always split entrees. Terry is a master bargain/deal hunter, and we have local friends who know where to go for good deals. I wish you lots of success on your saving venture. At home I cook from scratch a lot, and I'm pretty creative with left over. Glad to see you back. Have a great week!

    1. Yes, Barnes the bookstore. We love it there. Did you ever go to Borders? We had them for many years before they went out of business. We still miss Borders, even today.

      I love, love, love that you found ways to save, split entrees and have fun. Yes! That's the best. You and Terry working together, is wonderful as well. Love that. Thank you for sharing your story here.

  8. So good to see this post from you.
    Two well dones coming up:)
    1) well done on moving your car loan, that must help a lot.
    2) well done on deciding to have money meeting plans, that will definitely help you as you move forward with future plans.

    Hope you had a great visit to Barnes.
    Enjoy your weekend and have a happy month of March.

    Lots of good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, Jan. Oh yeah, Tim and I always have money meetings. We've done this for many many years. It's just good to talk about things, decide what we want to do, don't do and all that good stuff. Communication. It's key.

      Saw your chicken post. Looks goooooooood! Are things warming up there? Tomorrow it's reported to be summer-like here. Right now, it's chilly, wet and cloudy. Perfect for an old-timey Creature Feature movie.

  9. A clean table is always a good thing. It just makes me feel good to have things in order, right?
    Visiting Barnes is always fun and with a nice gift card, it's even better!

    1. It really does, Mari! It's like heaven to have it all clean.

  10. I've been missing you, and it's good you're back with energy and plans.

    1. Hey Boud! I've missed all of you. It's so nice to be back again.

  11. You've reminded me, I have a Barnes gift card from Christmas!
    Nice going on the money-saving strategies, and all your movie food sounds YUM.

    YEH-HESSS! Grapefruit, I knew it! Can't wait to use my prize!

    1. Excellent on the gift card to Barnes! That's so fun. lolololol on the prizes.

  12. I like salsa. I like fermented food. I've never heard of putting them together! A recipe would be very appreciated.

    1. OMG, Kathy. I made another batch that fermenting now. I didn't use a recipe. Just chucked together, red peppers, yellow peppers, organic cherry tomatoes that were sooooo yummy, chopped raw garlic and chopped raw cilantro. Then I weighed everything in grams and multiplied it by 0.02 to get the two percent salt. I used pink salt that doesn't have any caking agents or iodine added. For this batch, I kept out the chili to keep the salsa light. Then in another jar, I made a fermented hot sauce. Omg. So crazy good. There's a YouTube channel, Clean Living Food that you might like. She does all kinds of fun stuff with ferments.

  13. I love a clean kitchen table too AND a clean sink. For me the best times of the day were always first thing in the morning coming out to a clean kitchen and later at night after the last of the dinner dishes were put away, the sink wiped dry and the floor swept. I love piles of clean folded laundry too.
    Enjoy your movie and foods. I hate Salsa.

    1. Yes! A clean sink. OMG. You are so right. I love when laundry is away. This is a hard one for me. I enjoy folding them though I don't always do it. Sink though, I forgot about that. Yes, yes. So great to wake to a clean sink. Peaceful feeling.

  14. A clean kitchen I can do quite easily. Keeping the table cleaned off is another story. For some reason I like to dump things there and it takes me forever to put them where they belong. Mine is clean today though.

    1. Those tables. I know. They are magnets for stuff.

  15. Welcome back, good to hear the table is clean and you are back to your bright happy self, whisking along. I would love the cauliflower pizza, but IBS will not allow... did not know that existed. In the distant past my table was clean 24/7 but with age, i find i dump stuff.. great ideas for saving money

    1. Thanks for the welcome back! Sorry about the IBS. Can you eat sprouted spelt?

  16. Good to see you again! You can work a plan, that’s for sure! Well done!

    1. Hey Marie. We are trying for sure. Working out the kinks.

  17. A clean kitchen table is the world's best thing, but sadly, in my house, it never lasts. My hubby thinks the table is his desk. Of course maybe if he had one that wouldn't be such a problem. Grin. I'n glad to see you back, and I hope you had a fabulous Saturday. Mine was. hugs-Erika

    1. It really is the world's best thing. Totally agree. It doesn't last here either. I can do it for a little while and then we get tired from work. Huggs, Me.

  18. I'm glad you had such a nice, relaxing Saturday. Mine was spent in frustration waiting on my organization's laptop to update and then spent several hours compiling the treasurer report for said organization. Busy day! Today is my rest day. Which I'll spend reading my work in process so I can send it off to my editor! Plus, it looks to be a warmer day today (highs in the mid-60s), so I might just go take a walk.

    1. Hi Stacy! We really did enjoy the Saturday. Love me some Barnes. Oh no, sorry to read about your frustration. That's not fun. Love that you're ready to send to the editor. That's the best!

  19. Yay! You are back! You know, a clean kitchen table and sink are life changing! Now, if I can just get my family board! Have a cozy Sunday afternoon.

    1. Hey BIlliJo! Great to see you. It is life-changing. Totally agree.

  20. Glad you are back I think everyone is on the saving kick the prices are getting out of control

    1. Hi Cathy! We gotta plans for that saved money which really helps. Knowing that why we're doing it makes the process more fun.

  21. Great plans and good for you about the saving and money meetings!

    1. Those money meetings really help for sure. Thanks!

  22. Replies
    1. Working full-time out of the house is for sure more busy than just working from home. Happy Weekend to you, William. Thanks for stopping by.
