23 September 2016

Friday Q: Ask Me Anything?

To celebrate the Equinox yesterday, I dropped off my last BIG load and now I can honestly say that I'm done, done, done. 95 percent of my crap is gone and I miss nothing.

But now, I'd love to hear from you. So I'm copying three lovely ladies, Debra, Martha and Bethany but with a topic in mind.

Ask me anything about decluttering.

Speaking of which, here's my next demo project. I don't like these cabinets or that shelf so today, I'm kissing them goodbye.

And for those who don't have clutter questions, here are the texts that I sent my friends, this week. This phone is so flippin' fun.

Seriously. I had no idea phones were fun.

Kiss 'em GOODBYE 


  1. I'm actually making some progress in my decluttering efforts! We're thinking about moving to a bigger place, so this is a good time to get rid of stuff!

    1. I read your post. Wow. Much congrats and very flippin' cool.

  2. Do you donate the cabinets or trash them?

    1. Saved the doors for another project, ditched the rest.

  3. No questions, since I've done it myself (though probably not as severely as you did. ;) ) You are gonna love the tax write-offs for all the donations! :)

    Have a happy weekend!

  4. Glad you are having fun with your new phone, I only use mine for calls and text messages!

    You have done so well with your de-cluttering you must feel better for it to.

    Happy weekend wishes

    All the best Jan

  5. Love the first sketch...and hot chocolate sounds good!

    Awesome to have you joining us in being questioned... Here's what I'm wondering:

    How messy were you before you became a minimalist? How much stuff did you have? Did you have clutter everywhere or was it neatly organized?

    How did you become a minimalist?

    What is your favorite part of your newfound freedom?

    Is Tim as excited about minimalism as you are?

    Why haven't the prizes for your "What am I?" posts improved more drastically considering you're obviously giving away so much good stuff to other people? We're still getting "dehydrated earlobes." (Though last time's flat bread and orange clogs were a *little* better...)

    Not that I'm ungrateful or anything.

    Always love your posts. Have a very happy weekend.

    1. Wow, Bethany. You and Martha gave me lots. Cool beans. Thanks.

  6. Your quirky sketches are always the best! They always make me smile.

    Here are my questions:

    What is the first thing you tossed or donated?

    What was the first room you decluttered?

    Where did you donate items? Do you have a favourite place?

    Did Tim help you select items to get rid of? Did he clear his own?

    That's all I can think of!
    Happy weekend and - in your words - boogie boogie!

    1. Wow. Thanks, Martha.

      Cheers and boogie boogie, right back.

  7. 95% what on earth do you have left? You are inspiring. My husband will not throw anything out.

  8. Love your sketches. And so admire your decluttering resolve.

  9. You have said that de-cluttering was your key to a new life snd promised to write more about that. I'll hold you to that. I love getting your drawings, and I find your upbeat attitude wonderful. You always make me smile. I have found more to de-clutter too, only it is papers...and I'm emptying more shelves. Enjoy your hot chocolate!

  10. I am not attached to all my commodities (never say junk) but it is such a pain just to go through it. I envy your resolve.

    1. I'm okay with the word junk and stuff, but I know some really dislike those words.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Everybody already asked the questions i had. Looking forward to the answers. :-)

  12. All you brave ladies with the "Ask Me Anything" posts! I'm still trying to work up the courage to do that. I'm in the middle of decluttering my home. Do you have a strategy for parting with things that you have an emotional attachment to?

    1. Thanks for the question. Really good one, Fundy. I will write about this topic, for sure.

  13. Sound like you are loving the less stuff. Less is more. I love it.

  14. I have been decluttering my studio and it is hard. I collect all kinds of paper, things, bobbles, pins and stuff to make hand made postcards. Tossed 3 black bags of paper goods out. Working on my drawers filled with toys, colors, pens, inks and whatever.
    It is a hard slog.

    cheers, parsnip

  15. I am back watching you...


    1. Hey lady in an orange skirt, I saw this this morning and thought about you...

    2. Hi Richard!

      The link won't open for me because I don't have this thing called Facebook. Is there a way you can copy the image and send it to my email?

  16. If ever I toss something I immediately want to use it. During my bug phase I tossed a load of pillows. During my bursitis phase I could have used them.

    1. Follow-up question: Did you toss the load of pillows because of the bed bugs or because you had too many?

    2. Because we had too many. I thought.

    3. Thanks for answering Jo. This is a common issues and I will for sure write about it more. Thanks for your help wit this. You rock.

  17. Hey, I just had MY first hot chocolate of the season last night! Gonna buy some more this weekend!

    Here's my decluttering question -- Is Tim good at getting rid of his stuff too? Or does he try to hang on or otherwise put roadblocks in the way of decluttering?

    1. Thanks for the question. Woohoo for your first of the season. Here's to lots more yum.

  18. Hot chocolate is good any time of the year!

  19. Tons of good questions! I second many of them and will return to read the reveals ;o) Yay for the decluttering and cocoa, sounds like a marvelous combo!

  20. Did you run into spiders while decluttering? How about dust? I know that builds up when stuff gets packed in places.

  21. I second the asked questions. Decluttering is the best and I do it every chance I get, usually needing a dispensed something a day or 2 later and sometimes having to buy it again.

    1. Follow-up Question: What's your criteria for dispensing those items that you find you need a day or two later?

    2. Anything goes that I haven't used for a year.

  22. Hello Ivy, I've already asked you some questions about your declutterling via email so don't have any more at the moment.
    I love all your illustrations here, they are so full of life and happiness.

    1. I've enjoyed our talks. And really, now that I think about it, you asking me all those questions in combo with the girls doing Ask Me Anything, brought me to this post here.

      Thank You :-)

  23. I'll be doing a lot of that when I move.
