07 November 2015


Yesterday, I kicked off the day bright and early and in the kitchen baking cupcakes. Which was wonderful for me, especially after a full day of rest. So I cracked open a brand new bake book. It was cupcake time. Sadly, the percentage of grapeseed oil was too high in relation to the percentage of the flour. Maybe somewhere between 25 to 30 percent too high, rendering the cupcakes overly oily and inedible. Shame, really, because the cost of allergy-friendly ingredients are not cheap. And I do not enjoy tossing cupcakes in the bin.

Today, we're painting the ceiling in the bedroom. And when I say we, I mean Tim. Although, I'm second string, so I'll be in to help with my share, once the ceiling is done. And let me tell you something about our bright new Vintage Bread Box Green (see image on side of blog), it's so bright that when we shut the lights off at night, we can still read.

Oh my gosh, I have the best husband ever.


  1. sorry to hear of the cupcakes... we are sure that you will do much better on the next project, dear Lady Whisk....
    Great of your Husband , as well....
    a great weekend to you both....

    1. That wasn't my recipe. Made three things from the book, all of which I followed as written. All formulas were incorrect.

      BUT, knowing how to fix the formulas, now THAT'S where the fun is.

    2. Learning how to "correct" errors... That is the "important" thing,dear Lady Whisk....

  2. Replies
    1. We helped my friend's Mom replace (change out) wall-paper.... that was a "pain"... took most of the week to remove the old paper... little pin-holes and vinegar water.... and putting up the new.... did Not like the paste / glue....

    2. William: True.

      Dr. Theda: That sounds like a big job. Did you order pizza during break time?

  3. Sorry for the loss on the cupcakes, sigh. Sounds like you do have the best husband ever!

  4. Sorry about the cupcakes. Good luck with the bread bin.

  5. Too bad about those cupcakes. Seems almost...criminal...to throw such treats away :) But all that oil? Yuck. Have fun with the painting. A freshly-painted room is the best, especially when it's a colour you love. I'm the painter of the family but I don't like doing ceilings; they are a pain.

    1. It really is. She uses way too much oil and WAY too many eggs. Too much liquid. And, wants all the cupcakes too cool in the pan for 1 hour, which makes the cakes even MORE soggy.

      But, it's all good to learn. I'll have mistakes in mine too, so seeing where her stuff goes wrong, helps me, too.

      Ceilings are hard, I find. Tim did that and then we both worked on the walls.

      How was your weekend?

    2. It was a quiet one. It's almost 7 PM and we're going to head out and have coffee. A mini date. And with the best company :)

  6. I am sorry about the cupcakes, Ivy. Sending you a hug. :)

    1. Thanks, Linda - It's not a bad thing though. Just like how fiction writers learn from other writers who make mistakes, I am learning from the new book we bought. Being able to troubleshoot a formula is an important skill (for me).

      But thanks for being so sweet.

  7. Aww that's too bad...sucks when that happens! I've been there trying to make a chocolate souffle...TOTAL DISASTER straight in the bin!

    1. That's the best way to learn though, by tasting food. Not by baking but by tasting bad and good recipes. So I don't mind.

  8. Bummer!
    Have you thought about writing to the author of that cookbook?

    1. No, I haven't. Have you done with with fiction authors before and if so, how did it go?

  9. Shame about the cupcakes ..
    Now whenever 'we' do painting ... it's hubby on the paintbrush and me on the tea or coffee duty ... this works very well LOL!

    All the best Jan

  10. I'd have forced the family to eat the cupcakes anyhow. But you are probably a nicer person than me :)

    1. These were mouthfuls of oil and belonged in the bin. NOT, in the belly.
