08 April 2015

Immune Bustin' Griddle Cakes

I started my fourth round of antibiotics for one of my infections. I'm at that point where the smell of the liquid medicine makes my nose wrinkle.

On the bright side, the new spice grinder is super healing because it allows me to turn organic seeds into flours and meals. From there, I create allergy-safe, immune bustin' griddle cakes.

Do you know how cool it is to mill fresh seeds and then use them straight away? So flippin' cool.

I love using whole foods as medicine and writing my way around a problem like this. Helps keep me sane. But I'd also like to be a lot stronger and get back to normal, so here's hoping fourth bottle's the charm.

And now, I'm headed offline for the day and to my lab, for another batch of immune bustin' griddle cakes.

Num, num, num.


  1. I hope the fourth time's the charm, too!

  2. We all love healthy food here, what we all eat is so important. Grinding your own seeds sounds brilliant.

    1. Agreed. Yes, I've always ground my own as they contain too much oil to buy them pre-ground and thus, go rancid quick. Burned my way through many of food processors and blenders but finally got this little grinder and so far, it works killer.

      Do you ground your own flours as well?

    2. Never tried that. I do make my own bread though with organic flour, although my teddy, Sally, always helps a lot. (I had to add that very quickly).

    3. Wonderful to hear you bake your own bread. You mentioned organic but what kind of flour is it that you enjoy using the best?

    4. Strong wholewheat flower with added grated cheese.
      Haven't tried any of the others.

    5. Minus the added grated cheese, it sounds delish. Love strong wholemeal. So good for bread making fun :-)

  3. Do you have a good recipe for steel cut oatmeal?

    1. Hi Maria - oat groats (also called steel cut, pinhead or Irish oats), is what I grind to make into flour. If you're looking for a savoury dish, you could rehydrate the steel cut in chicken or vedge stock, groats are also good ground into flour for pancakes, work great in cookies, and sweet things like that.

      My email is to the right, please drop me a note (or ask here), for something more specific and I will see if I can help you.

      Thanks for stopping by and boogie boogie.

  4. I am on antibiotics now for the next three months. It is a low dose antibiotic that will hopefully get rid of my UTI. We shall see.
    I hope you feel better soon. xo

    1. Oy, to the three months and the UTI. I've not had that but heard it's a nightmare as well. Drop me an email if you want to chat or vent.

      Thanks for stopping by and boogie boogie.

  5. Gosh this sound so tasty. I like the idea of grinding seeds.
    My Mum had all sorts of natural but everyday remedies when I was small, but just in my generation, we have lost the ability to cook healthy foods, and depend on pills to heal us.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. There's many of us that still cook healthy foods. My entire line of cookies, none of them contain refined anything. Just good stuff.

      Very cool about your mum. Have you followed any in her footsteps? I've always been into natural whole food and herb remedies but sadly, these current infections require more help. Not a big pill fan, as I don't feel they address the core root issues.

  6. Glad you're doing better and that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I feel your pain.

    1. As you know from your own stuff, it's a one meal at time kind of deal. How have you been? Feels like awhile since we've chatted.

  7. I might need a book on this... the only floor I know come in a bag, it's white, tasteless and doesn't do anything to get me in better health. Any suggestion about the book?

    1. Hi Richard. I don't have a book on how to make seed and nut flours and meals. It's just something I've been doing for years, but finally bought a better machine.

      What kinds of things are you looking to make? Do you have a good blender? Or food processor or even a spice/coffee grinder?

      I've burnt out many of food processors and blenders and find so far, the spice/coffee grinder works the best for stuff like flaxseed, millet and oat groats (also called pinehead, steel cut or Irish oats).

      My email is to the right of this blog and if you drop me a note (or ask here), I'll be happy to help in any way that I can, but basically, I'm an experiment kind of gal. I drop it in the machine and see what kind of flour I get. Then I work with them in various bakes to see how they work. That might not help you so drop me a note if you're looking for more detail.

      Thanks for stopping by and boogie boogie.

  8. hope you recover soon, it's worrying.

  9. Hope they turn out yummy! Make sure you show some pictures. :)

    1. I almost took pictures but they are so good right off the griddle that I haven't been able to sneak in even one shot.

  10. Good stuff brewing over at your place! Griddle cakes...yum!

    1. After burning out several blenders and food processors with my flour making madness, it's finally nice to have a machine that kicks ass.

      How goes you?

    2. Crazy busy. Today I washed my kitchen. Tomorrow we head to Home Depot for a whole bunch of stuff. And for the next month it's going to be madness; a mile-long list of chores for a reason. Big news on our end. I'll try to get out an email this weekend. I'm so beat today. I hope your day went well.

  11. Hope you feel better soon. Maybe the magic griddle cakes will help.

  12. I do hope you get over this health problem soon Ivy, not fun being sick at all. Wishing you the best with the latest meds.

  13. Hopefully you are on the mend!
    Enjoy those griddle cakes!
    Linda :o)
