30 July 2014

Baker's Report: What a Bake!

Yesterday I worked on jalapeno tart shells, using my Easy Bake Oven, pie weights and one of my new 6 count cupcake trays.  It's part of a new series I'm working on, Tarts, Tarts, Tarts.

That's not really the name but it made me smile.

After the jalapeno tarts I wrote a test batch of six plain shells.  Oh my gosh, so crispy.  Really nice texture.  Though a tad salty, depending on the innards I use, and a little too thin for a heavy filling.  But even still, what a crisp.  What a snap.

What a bake!

Now I'm inspired to write a crisp cracker, using my base tart formula, rolled killer thin.  I've got ideas for sweet, spicy, savoury, and salty crackers.

This is gonna be a fun day.


  1. put some sesame in the dough and they will look stunning too

    1. I agree. Sesame is killer good in bakes and on top. I also use the sesame seeds mixed with dried garlic, parsley, black pepper, lemon peel and dried onion. All organic and killer good. You can see what the tops look by clicking, My Homemade Cracker Post.

      Cheers and boogie boogie.

    2. I do like garlic and onions. I also use flask seeds, but that's because they're good for my heart, one of the most valuable kind of seeds for your body

    3. Do you mean flax seed? Maybe you guys spell it differently there. We also call it Linseed. Yes, it's a great seed for many things, including arthritis.

      I ground my own to make flaxmeal and use it in bakes, pancakes and waffles. Or, as a whole seed as decoration on top of a bake or cracker.

      Chia seeds are great fun too, and pack a punch of nutritional value. I love the crunch they bring to homemade cookies.

      Thanks for stopping by Dezzy. Hope your day is killer good. Cheers and boogie boogie.

    4. yep, flax, flask is a booze bottle, yes? :) We call flax 'lan' here

    5. Very cool. Yes, I think you're right about the booze bottle. Hey, do you have a rum that you like to use best in bakes? I am in the market for a good rum that won't break the bank.

    6. we have only the regular rum here and it costs about a dollar for the smallest 1,5dcl bottle

    7. I don't drink or use rum at all. I don't know what regular rum is from any other rum. Do you bake with it often?

  2. What would you use jalapeno tart shells for? Something savoury, I would imagine.

    1. Anything, veg, bean curd scramble or regular eggs. Custard. So many yummy fillings. For those though, I made the shells with jalapeno and Gruyere cheese. Then stuffed them with a light fluffy egg scramble. Heavenly.

      Thanks for asking.

  3. You never had me at jalepeno

  4. Nice! That cracker idea is amazing. I bet they are going to taste excellent! :)

    1. Are crackers high priced near you? Without coupons, crackers in my town are crazy high. Plus, so much crap in them. Icksville.

    2. Fancy crackers can be expensive. Sometimes there have sales. I bet yours would taste better and you'd know what is in them.

  5. No way could I eat jalapenos. Spicy foods must be popular, though...seems like every day, one or more fast food restaurants come out with a new "hot" sandwich....

    1. I grew up eating this way, but I know not everyone is a fan of the spicy side of foods. Do you like bell peppers?

  6. Savory, salty crackers. My snack weakness.

    1. Are you a from the box cracker eater or from the bowl/bag? What's your favorite?

  7. Woo hoo! Jalapeno! Good baking!

    1. Woohoo! That's how I feel about them. Got more today on sale, along with a few Hungarian hot peppers. Both smell heavenly. YUM!

      What's for supper at your house tonight?

  8. I made some of "Marha's" crackers and they were lots of work for me but so good ! Then a made a round cheddar ball cracker that was someones aunt's from the 50's that she served with drinks before out for dinner in Paris. so easy and so good. Only problem I eat the whole batch.
    I can't wait to see what you do with crackers.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Martha Stewart? Were there a lot of steps and ingredients? Round Cheddar ball cracker ...? I would love to try that. Some of those recipes from the 50's are great fun.

      Thanks for stopping by today.

  9. I'd have to skip on the jalapeno, but if you're making anything involving lemon, count me in.

    1. Oh my gosh, you know what? I never thought of a lemon crisp. That's brilliant. Thanks.

      We used to get these little lemon waffer square things, oh my good gosh, they were good.

  10. Sounds like another exciting adventure in Wonder Woman's kitchen! You're like a mad scientist. But not so mad. Rather happy, I'd say! LOL... Good stuff over at your place. I'm enjoying some quiet time alone; the family is out and I've got the house to myself. I've caught up on some emails, and I've visited some favourite blogs. Like yours!

    1. Thanks for the mighty nice words. I got some fun ingredients after I met Hubby for lunch today.

      How were your veggies tonight?

  11. You had me at jalapeno too.

  12. they sound great for a dip. i like spicy, but not too much and especially not in every bite. maybe not so much jalapenos? cheers!!

    1. I like a nice balance too. Otherwise, every single bite is all hot and nothing else.

      How goes you today?
