29 July 2014

Getting Out of My Own Way

We're in the midst of making our double office into a solid work space.  So far, so good.  But there's a few knots to untangle.  Like my coupon station and Tim's gaming shelf, which he did a killer job on.

Now we're waiting for the coupon station to arrive from Staples.  Which was not cheap.  After coupons and rewards, we paid $47.43 OOP.  Which is just enough to annoy me.  That said, I've outgrown my current station, and that was the best deal I could find.

In baking news, I made my fourth cake.  A four-layered carrot cake with maple vanilla frosting.  The frosting was too sweet for so many layers, so I scrapped some off, saved it for another time, and took meticulous notes.

Then we hit Barnes.  Tim wrote and I studied cake.  Did you know that most cakes fit into six basic categories?  I didn't.  Actually, I never cared before.   But now I do.

It was a good weekend. 

I'm at a point where I no longer want to be in my own way, and I want to hit a few serious goals.  That, and I have some health issues that need addressed and thanks to my honey bunny, we're going to work on those bits together.

From here on, I ask myself:  How will this (step) help me reach my goal?  When I ask myself that question, I think differently about what I'm doing or not doing.  Sorta puts things in logical order, if you will. 

And that my Bubblebutts, concludes this post.  I'm off to write and bake.  Like to be done early so when the delivery dudes arrive, I can rebuild my coupon station.

Until next post, cheers and boogie boogie.

PS: Made these over the weekend as well.  100g wholemeal, 250g strong white.  Very nice in crust, crumb, and taste. 


  1. Sounds like you have definitely been one heck of a busy lady! Here's to the new coupon station, taking care of your health(I'm working on getting healthier too), and cake! I like cake!

    1. And yet, I don't feel so busy. Probably because I get to make my own schedule with lots of good rest bits.

      Saw your post today. Here's to all good things and moving forward. Hugs and boogie boogie.

  2. Great attitude, Ivy. Plan for your goals.
    Hope your new coupon station arrives very soon.

    1. I'm a good lemonade maker.

      Read your post. Glad you had fun with the movie. I like movies like that where we just leave our brains home for the night.

      Good stuff.

  3. I love your outlook! And you had me at "four-layered carrot cake with maple vanilla frosting"

    1. Like I told Alex, I'm a good lemonade maker.

      Read your post today too, sorry your little one gets scared during storms. Wiggy (our big dog), does too. I did a Friday Question about pets awhile back. Bloggers offered suggestions to help Miss Wiggy. You might find something of use there.

  4. We do love wholemeal. I bake only with it, the white one only for cakes.

  5. It's always good to have goals and to work towards them step by step.

    1. That's the way I like to do it.

      One step at a time ....

  6. Have fun with your new coupon station. And those rolls look yummy. You're very talented. If I tried rolling rolls like that...well, I can't imagine how horrible they would have turned out. Okay, I can imagine it. It's why I don't do it! :)

    1. These are easy, just a little coil and you're there. Thanks though, for the kind words.

      How goes your new phone?

  7. You are on a roll with baking cakes! Could you send me over a slice of that four-layered carrot cake? It's my birthday in a couple of days, and carrot cake is one of my favorites! ;0)

    1. Happy Almost Birthday. Boy, that Bubba. Now no more magical stuff, eh? All the secrets are out. He's a funny one, that boy.

  8. Sounds like a great plan, Wonder Woman! You are on your way, girl. And four-layered carrot cake? Oh my...oh my...

    1. With real maple syrup. It's the only way to fly. Hope you're having a rockin' week. What's on tap for your movie tonight?

  9. Bubblebutt? That's what I used to call my dog!

    1. Bubblebutt is a good name.

      Hey, do you have that butter cake recipe? Love to try it. YUM.

  10. That new coupon station sounds fun. I hope it works wonders for you!

    1. Thanks. It arrived a bit ago and is on the front porch. Made your Canadian Butter Tarts today. They are cooling now. Smells yummy.

      Also, I ate one of the tarts that I made so that meant I had a little extra filling. So I ate that too. Your formula is yummy raw, can't wait to have it baked.

      Thanks again and boogie boogie.

  11. Love carrot cake. Just not the icing.

    Good luck with your goals.

    1. Do you dislike both icing and frosting?

    2. Yep. Dislike both.

    3. Tried any vegan ones yet? I was never a big frosting fan, on the whole, unless it was good. But now that I'm making veghead-friendly frosting, I am loving it.

      How goes you today?

  12. A good carrot cake is always a welcome thing!

  13. I must look up what a coupon station is.
    In my studio I have a computer work area and a much bigger work desk. Right now I have destroyed my studio ripped out a fireplace and had shelves build. I so needed them.
    So I understand your need for a solid work space.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. A coupon station is what I call the area that has ALL my couponing crap in one location.

      Before this, I had a smaller table. It served nicely for awhile as a coupon station but now that I've really really outgrown it, it was time to upgrade.

      Very nice on having shelves built. Those are always wonderful to have.
