16 May 2011

Hello Booger Butts

Hope you had a great weekend.  It's Monday a little after 8AM here.  Miss Wiggy and I have already gone for our mile walk, ate and now she's taking a two hour nappy nap, while I'm headed to hide out at my desk.

Since getting Wiggy, I haven't worked on my book, at all.  But I've got my pink and white travel mug filled, my Wimpy Kid hat on, and I'm ready write. 

Here's hoping we all have a groovy day.


  1. Hope you get a lot done with the book, have a good day, pat wiggy from the lurker.

  2. Good luck with your writing - and you have a groovy day, too!

  3. Good luck getting some writing done. Personally, Mondays would be better without work.

  4. I wish you good luck with your book!
    Many greetings

  5. I haven't been around long enough! What is the book about?

  6. Good luck with the writing!

  7. I really need to get writing as well. Sometimes, the toughest thing is just getting rolling.

  8. I really thought this post was going to be about BBQ; I guess I've just got that on the brain.

  9. It must have been a good session if you've not checked in yet. I hope you had a super productive one.

  10. Oh, good luck. I hope your chicken was delicious. I have an apple pie in the oven right now.

  11. I find walking very good for the creative side of me, especially when I need to work something out. My dog likes it, too :)

  12. It feels good to get stuff done! Happy writing.

  13. Alex: Thanks. Happy Writing, back at'cha.

    Lurker: I did well yesterday. About to hit another session today.

    Susan: Thanks. Good to be back.

    Pirate: Have you ever seen that calendar from Hell? Every day is Monday, Monday, Monday.

    magda: Thanks. Many greetings.

    BigMike: I'm writing a scary fun adventure book for little kids.

    Bard: Thanks. Loved it. Getting another session in this morning as soon as I'm done commenting and posting.

    LoneIslander: Ya, for sure.

    DocStout: Ass to chair. Best method, ever. What kind of stuff do you like to write?

    Ray: Thanks. Congrats on hitting 300. Go you. Rah.

    Professor Pope: I still haven't had BBQ on the grill, yet. Looking forward to it though. Do you have a favorite thing to BBQ?

    Porky: It was indeed, my friend. I'm on new hours from the shop. I have one more 5am roll call for the shop and then my mornings will go back to writing. For now ...

    How was your day?

    Miss Holly: The chicken was so good. Did a small bird with a side of organic brown pasta. Add garlic, butter and extra virgin with parsley and at the end, sprinkle cheese. So nummy.

    Tim read that you were making apple pie and now he wants one. Such a big baby.

    mshatch: Walking is the BEST. Does your dog like to walk a lot? Wiggy is big time in to exercise. Looking forward to jogging with her.

    Hanny: Hi there. Haven't talked to you in awhile. How's things?
