13 April 2011

Howdy Hello

Just popped in to say howdy.  Been working lots of hours at the shop but tomorrow, I have off and I'm either gonna play in the garden or in the kitchen.

And check it out.  Yesterday our first and only flower popped up in the backyard.  Someone told me spring was coming. Now I believe them.

And here's Tim's food shot of the day. He's very proud of his work.


  1. Hey! Welcome back!

    And . . . um . . . he eats pizza with scissors?

    - Ark

  2. Happy Spring! Heh, looks like sxissors and a potato smasher. Must be an interesting time around the table ;).

  3. I get the scissors, but not the potato thingy. :)

  4. yay I miss you.. we had pizza tonite mmmmm

  5. Looks like real man food was created, welcome back Whisk.

  6. Spring is in the air - I never noticed spring until I moved to the Northern Hemisphere. Now it's my favourite time - optimism and renewal sweeps the country - for a few weeks anyway.

  7. Nice to see you back Whisk, and yeah springtime is finally here! Enjoy!

  8. Good to see you back :D Our Spring/Summer appears to be over before it's even started as it's cold, cloudy and raining today. Oh well, time to pack away the shorts and sunglasses for another year...

  9. Welcome back, Whisk, and happy spring!

  10. Lovely flower. Hopefully there'll be a whole host soon. Tim needs to work on that eating thing.

  11. Howdy, hello to you too! Wishing you a Happy Spring!

  12. The flower is beautiful! I've got one tulip blooming so far.

    And the pizza looks yummy. :)

  13. Ark: Thanks. The scissors are Tim's idea of adding accessories to food art.

    Johnathan: Happy Spring, indeed. The masher ... more food art.

    James: I always shoot Tim's food before he gets to eat it, so he took the homemade pizza and staged the little area. There's even floor cleaner to the top right.

    Niki: Thanks. Saw a covered pizza yesterday that I want to try and make next. One entire pizza round over a filled pizza bottom.

    Lurker: It was indeed. Thanks for the welcome back. It would be great if you and Tim had the same gaming system. You guys would really get along well while killing each other.

    Jovial: I celebrate the spring as a new year. We do gifts and take a three day holiday. Love this time of year. Happy Spring.

    Brendan: Thanks. Happy Spring to you.

    Flea: I hope you and Rachel get more sunshine before spring is all the way over. It's been too cold for shorts here, but soon ... it will be nice out for more than a day.

    Bard: Thanks and Happy Spring to you. Hope you're eating something yummy today.

    Porky: Only one little yellow guy in the back. The squirrels moved it from the front yard. It's amazing. They always know just how far to re-plant the bulbs. If you look to the top right, you'll see floor cleaner in Tim's food photo.

    Kitchen Flavours: Howdy Hello, indeed. Happy spring and here's to cooking in season.

    Michelle: Tulips are pretty. Hope you have a nice bed of colors going. Thanks, the pizza was homemade, the picture was Tim being a smarty pants, since I always steal his food before he gets a chance to eat it.

    Thanks Guys, for stopping by. Great to see you all.

  14. Welcome spring !!!
    Your photos are beautiful !!!
    And the pizza, too !!! :))

  15. Wha..? I thought it was a beaker of soft drink. I guess it's the only way to wash down a meal as eclectic as this..! Tim must be one heck of a tough guy. Um... right, I'll stop now then, just in case he is...

    Funny about the squirrels. I can't work that one out. I like the idea the little furry fellows might be on our side. Who knows what else they do we don't notice? Whole disasters could be averted right under our noses.

  16. Magda: Thanks and Happy Spring to you.

    Porky: I married a meat shield. Which is the title for a little piece about him for another blog. It's between that title and I Married a Gamer. Not sure which I'll use yet.

    In that photo we have a used paper towel, homemade pizza, dirty plate, scissors, floor cleaner and a masher. Tim was showing me how to really get a good shot.

    It was fun watching him put it together because he knows I don't like dirty plates or any kind of silverware in shots. Like those shots where they put an upside down fork. Hate those. Or, the ones where they take a shot of a half eaten plate. Or worse, an empty dirty plate. Ugh.

    So ... Tim was having a bit of fun and I gotta say, I enjoyed watching him stage his photo. He cracks me up.

    Just about to put a chicken in the oven and knead bagel dough. Hope you're having a fun day. Your rye and cheese, sounds yummy.

  17. All of my votes would go to "I Married a Meat Shield." That's just plain funny, I don't care who you are. If I had any votes, that is. :)

    - Ark

  18. Thanks, Ark: That's the one I'm leaning more toward too. It is funny. And true.

  19. Welcome back to blogging. Our garden is not looking too good yet, but a few buds are appearing on berry bushes we thought dead.

  20. Doc: Glad to read that your bushes aren't dead.

  21. Hooray for spring flowers! Ours are starting to come out, too.

  22. Welcome back! I was just thinking about you. Don't wanna make you jealous but we've got lots of stuff blooming in the yard. It's California, donchaknow.

  23. MG: Thanks. Great to hear you have lots growing.

  24. I take it the pizza cutter was being used to slice shingles by the troglodyte neighbour?
