18 September 2024


Whelp. I cried today at work. Had a pretty good cry-free run, I did. I'm good with that. And I'm soooo happy the puzzle got solved. Started with tears and then turned into a very good day. Huge thanks and shout-out to my co-workers who helped solve a difficult problem.  With that issue complete, it feels like a fresh start.

Love me a fresh start. 

In other news, do you guys change your blog? I do. This time I changed settings not to allow annoymous comments and also removed almost everything from the side of the blog. Not sure if I'll add recipes with food photos on the side, post cartoons or move the blog posts to the middle and ditch the side bar stuff.

I'll give a play. 

In other, other news, after work we did something we haven't done in years, go out to eat. After that we stopped at Home Depot to walk through the Halloween display. Then ended the night under the covers, on the couch, in the dark, re-watching Harry Potter. 

Not too shabby.

With that, I wish you a yummy weekend ahead as I close this post with a Halloween cartoon.


  1. Sometimes we need to cry - to rid ourselves of toxins. I hope tomorrow is much, much better and toxin free.

    1. Thanks Sue! Turned into a very good day. This issue being solved is a huge stress reliever. Huge I say, huge.

  2. Sorry to hear about the bad day. I know a good cry usually helps me a lot though. I get it out of my system and then I'm good to go.

    1. Hey Ann! Wasn't a bad day at all! Problem got solved. Was a very, very good thing. Agreed on the get it out of the system though. So true!

  3. It's great when co-workers step in to help out. Which Harry Potter movie did you watch? There are 7.

    1. We own them all, and are in a marathon viewing session til the end. Soon to watch the new Harry Potter Baking Show with Carla and the twins on streaming. Along with the new Halloween Baking Championship as well.

  4. Glad your co-workers helped you. That's what the team is for.
    We don't go out to eat often either. Can't control what goes into the food like we can at home.

    1. Very, very true Alex. I agree on that. Thanks, me too. Turned into a good day.

  5. in the past, I changed my blog a lot, but never changed the black background. I say whatever pleases you about the side bar, because I don't think bloggers look at the side bar like they used to. one reason is using phones and tablets which do not show the side bar. blogger was started when all we had were computers. I just looked at your beutiful pup and and love it, but that said I can't tell if it was there and I did not see it or if it is new.
    I had quite a few melt downs into tears, over the 13 years at my job I retired from. and like you, my team always pitched in. I count tears as the jiggling thing on top of a pressure cooker, tears release the steam so we don't blow up.

    1. All excellent points! When I use my tablet, it's in desktop mode but for sure, so many use mobile mode. I saw that on Hubby's phone. Excellent points. Thank you. We still miss Wiggy. Loved the pressure cooker image. That is brilliant!

  6. I'm glad your day turned out good!!

  7. I'm glad the problem was solved! Always a good day when that happens. I was going to remove anonymous comments until I discovered some iPad users, longtime followers, could only get in using anonymous, so I left it in place.

    1. Me too! Nice to have that done. Interesting about the Apple folks. I have a friend who comments without problem on blogger from their iPad. Sounds like maybe it's a fixable issue, for those who have google accounts.

  8. Cleansing tears, problem solved, stress gone, horray! Here's to better days ahead! Happy for you!

  9. Glad the day was a happy one in the end.
    I don't change stuff on my blog - Blogger does enough of that. I don't want to lose things - so I leave it alone.

  10. I'm pleased for your day turning out well. I changed the background on my blog maybe 12 years ago. Otherwise it's the same. I guess I don't do change!

  11. I’m glad things got sorted at work. A happy ending is always good!

    1. Happy Fall, Marie. looking forward to seeing what pictures you share this season.

  12. I used to cry - After my son passed I cried so much it felt as if I was allergic to my own tears! After a few years I just decided I wasn’t going to cry because of how it triggered my depression. Now all these years later, there are times when I feel like a good cry could help and nits like I can’t. Well it depends. Anything having to do with animals will make me cry. Oh well.
    I traditionally like to change my blog them in Jan.

    1. I'm sorry you lost your son. Thank you for sharing your story.

  13. So pleased that your co-workers helped you and everything turned out well :)

    No, the low carb diabetic blog hasn't been changed for a long time and haven't any plans to!

    Have a happy end of week and good weekend too.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. There was a time that I didn't change the banner. Now I change it a few times a year. Happy Weekend.

  14. It sounds like you had a good night watching HP. I sometimes change up my blog. Sometimes it's good-it keeps us readers on our toes, right? I hope tomorrow you have no tears.

    1. Hi Erika! Yes, we enjoy the Potter and gang. What do you like to change? I love making new banners.

  15. Here's to days that end well! Happy weekend.

  16. Happy weekend to you too. Glad you got the work problems solved and can move on to happier things. Hope your rearranging of your blog will workout for you.

    1. I change the blog often. The banner is fun to change out. Have a great week.

  17. I haven't changed much on my blog since I started.

    1. Hey Mary! Thanks for stopping in. Happy New Week.

  18. I am glad the problem was solved and that you feel like you have a fresh start. As to my blog, I used to change it but it has been the way it is for years now. Maybe a change to the header photo.

    1. Hello Rose! I love changing the banner. That part I do often. Thanks for stopping in.

  19. I'm glad that the teary start to that day ended well and you had a lovely chilled out evening.
