08 May 2024


Hey Boogerbutts!

Good news, bad news post today. On the good side of life, I am back to work, only I'm not 100%. Still dealing with post Covid complications that date back to February.  

Not fun.

Then there's some stuff going on at work that I can't talk about yet. Also not fun. I'll just add, I really want to stay there. Love my job. However, I'm not sure where things will be thirty days from today.

Since I can't get into details, let's move to the fun stuff. Right now, Bug and I are chillin' outside waiting for Smoochie Face to get home. Then it's to the kitchen. I'm thinkin' parsely pesto. Been re-watching Lidia Bastianich. I love that lady. She makes me think differently in the kitchen. 

And lastly, baking banana bread in the pressure cooker is a wonderful way not to heat the kitchen. It's not quite the same crumb/texture as the oven. Though it's not bad either. I made four total, I think we're up to. Or maybe three. I dunno. I'd have to check my notes. 

Cool beans. Bon Jovi just came on the radio. Time to boogie and get supper started. It's a good song too. The kinda song that if I were just about to pull the car into home, I'd have to take another lap just to enjoy the music.

And that my Boogerbutts, is all that's fit to print. 

Chat again soon. Huggs & Bugs, Me. 


  1. I don't normally read your blog.
    But I enjoyed it!
    Made me smile after a few rough days.

    1. Glad you got a smile after a few rough days. Hope the days get better from here.

  2. I hope things at work out for you at work.
    You are such a hoot!

  3. Sorry for the issues at work, sure hope it works out!
    I've made things like cheesecake in the instapot but never bread!

    1. Thanks, Mari. How went the cheesecake? I've heard they work good. I make freezer cheesecake. Been awhile though since I have. Banana bread was very good for a day when we didn't want to heat the kitchen.

  4. I hope the work issues settle down into something you are okay with....the banana bread sounds like a win.

    1. Hi Rose. Thank you for both. Banana bread for sure a win. Sorry to read that you're moving away from the doctor you guys really love. Love though, that you're moving close to family. That's the best.

  5. Argh! Work! I’m so glad I no longer have a job and have to deal with all the stuff. I hope it all works out for you.
    I don’t have or even understand those insta pots!

    1. Thanks, Debby. I love going to work though, I want it to work out. We'll see how that goes. Instapots are amazing. Electric pressure cookers. About to put yams in now and later in the weekend or week, we'll use those cold yams in a bake. Soooo nice. Happy Birthday to you dad. I just saw on your post that today, the 11th of May is his birthday.

  6. Hope that you get over the remnants of Covid and that the job situation works out.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks, Jackie! Been enjoying reading about your frugal journey. It's really a creative fun way to live. And I find that's a good thing that all this expensive food and cost of living has done. Made more of us take a look at what we spend and how to make that dollar go even further than before. I love that!

  7. I hope everything works out the way you want it with your job, Ivy!

    1. Hey Debra! Thanks. I do love my job though I have to think about us getting a house and our money goals. Would love to stay where I am though I know in the end, I'll be okay either way. Just was a bit of a blow at first. Been enjoying all the funnies on your page. Also, did you finish Spring Baking? We just finished the last episode today, Saturday. LOVE that show.

  8. My ex had favourite songs and would just sit in the driveway until one was finished.
    Hope everything works out at work.

    1. That's funny. I have also sat in the drive for that very same thing. Happy Writing, River. You've been kicking butt with those posts.

  9. I really hope you recover completely - and that work comes good too.

    1. Thanks, Sue. You know more than most what it's like to have chronic stuff. Ugh. Here's to us all feeling better and better, instead of worse and worse.

  10. Here's hoping better health for you and your job, too.

  11. Hope you feel better soon and that things at work improve. -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

    1. I got some millet Ivy, any recipes?

    2. Yes! I do have some fun ways to use millet. That's a seed I love, love, love. Will write something up for you this weekend. Thanks for asking, Christine.

  12. Not knowing if your job will still be there in a month is no fun. I hope things work out for you.
    Why is it that the best songs always come on just as you get to your destination? I've sat in the driveway many times until the song is over.

    1. Thank you, Ann. You know how that goes for sure. Wishing you the same.

      So funny about the songs. They just know somehow. Same, I've also sat in my car. It's fun!

      Happy Mother's Day, Ann!

  13. your posts always make me feel good and Happy no matter if it contains bad news or good news or both. just looking at your drawings makes me happy.. sorry about the job woes, I had those in my past before retirement and now I wish I could go back there and be that age and know what I know now. when a good song comes on, I just sit in the car with the garage door down and finish it and then when I come in, bob wants to know what I was doing in the garage.

    1. PS I don't have an instapot.. I bought a ninja oven because a friend loved hers and I don't like it at all and although I have 3 friends including you that love theirs I can't make the choice because I am not normal

    2. Thank you! Yes, I think in the end it will all work out one way or another and things will be okay. Just this week was rough. Funny about sitting in the garage. Once we get a garage, I'll do the same!

    3. LOVE the instapot. Really works well for some things, less well or others. A close friend of mine loves her Ninja oven. The small oven. I've also seen folks with Ninja Foodie's. I've not tried those yet. I LOVE my Ninja Creami. Makes excellent ice cream.

  14. Sorry there are issues at work.
    Bread in the pressure cooker? Only you, Ivy!

    1. Thanks, Alex. It's interesting. The same formula in the oven, comes out more like a cake. Then in the pressure cooker, comes out more like a banana bread. Fun to play.

  15. Hope it all works out ok in the workplace for you! Uncertainty at work can be unsettling.

    1. Yeah, that's a great word for it to, Marie. Unsettling. Thank you.

  16. I hope all goes well for you at work! I have an instant pot and have never used it, I would love to try banana bread in it. I have made cake i my air fryer, and it turned out well, too! Have a great day, take care of yourself! Hugs!

    1. Hi Valerie! Yes, baking in the air fryer for the win. It really does a great job and I find, doesn't heat the kitchen. Winner, winner for sure.

  17. Sorry about the job and health issues! Hopefully all is sorted soon.
    I've thought about getting an insta-pot, but have yet to do it. Banana bread, you say??

    1. Instapots are the best. Did yams in it today and those yams I'll use later for baking. Such a time-saver, the electric pressure cooker. What were you thinking of making?

    2. Uhm, dinner? Anything? I didn't know to use them for baking!

    3. Oh yeah, bake, steam, boil, sauté, pressure cook, slow cook. Make yoghurt, Kimchi, kraut. Endless uses.

  18. Keep your chin up, Whisk, look after yourself.

  19. It's good to hear you are feeling better. I hope all is Ok with the job situation. Your banana bread sounds wonderful. Wish I had a slice to go with my coffee this morning. ; )

    Take care,

    1. Thanks, Sheri! Still not out of woods with the post Covid crud. Getting there, I hope. Do you use an electric pressure cooker?

    2. No, I don't have a pressure cooker. Just cook and bake by feel and taste. : )

    3. Nothing beats a proper oven! Good stuff for sure.

  20. Glad you are feeling better but things don't sound too wonderful at work. I hope things turn out in your favor.
    I may have to try banana bread in the instant pot. Sounds interesting.

    1. H Sue! The banana bread had a tighter texture/crumb in the pressure cooker compared to regular oven. Both good, though. Happy Baking. Please come back and let us know how it went for you.

  21. Good to hear you are better. Bad to hear there are problems at work. I've thought about trying the InstantPot for bread but haven't got around to it. I should because I stop baking bread when it gets hot and that would allow me to continue over summer.

    1. Hey Sandra! Have you ever baked rolls in the air fryer? Great way not to heat the house. Spelt bread in the pressure cooker is on my list to make. Curious to see how she bakes.

  22. Glad to hear you are feeling better! Not glad to hear about work issues. I hate that. When I was a teacher, I was so happy being in my classroom with my students, teaching and learning. The rest of it? The meetings, the lunch drama, the cliques. Yuck!

    1. That doesn't sound fun, Billie Jo! Thankfully no meetings, lunch drama or cliques at my job. Which is nice. Though I had one job years ago that came with back stabbing. I don't miss that.

  23. Sorry about the job stuff. I don't miss that one bit. I sure hope it all works out for you. And I too have driven a bit longer to finish a song. 😁

  24. I am sorry to read about the issues at work, I do hope it works out well for you.

    I know what you mean about a good song!
    There have been times when I've driven a little longer to finish listening to one.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan. Music is the best. So fun to hear a good song in the car. Happy Weekend!

  25. Sorry to read about the job situation. That's always a scary thing, and as you said, a bad thing. Do you find it hard to work knowing things could change or are you relishing the now? And I'm curious about your banana bread. Maybe you should share your recipe. hugs-Erika

    1. Hi Erika! Work doesn't feel harder. My focus is solid on saving for a house, where that takes me, time will tell. No formulas to share yet. Though any old banana bread recipe should work. The only note is to keep the banana bread covered as it bakes inside the electric pressure cooker. Otherwise the top may get steamy and soggy.

  26. I am very sorry to hear you are still having long covid issues. And to have issues at work it is never fun.
    Great songs make cooking so much more fun. I have never used an insta pot.

    1. Thanks. My doctor called it Post Covid Syndrome, since I no longer have Covid. Fun times. Do you use a slow cooker? I know some folks love those.

  27. I'm sorry to hear you are still having some issues. Hopefully, you are fully recovered soon! And I'm sorry to hear about your job situation. On a happier note - your banana bread in the pressure cooker sounds like a fantastic idea! I made tinga chicken tacos in mine on Sunday - cooked the chicken and onion in it that is and it turned out great and only took eight minutes! Feel better soon!

    1. Thank you, Julia. Eight minutes sounds wonderful. Have you tried frozen fish yet?

    2. I haven't tried frozen fish in the Instant Pot. How long do you cook it for and what kind do you like?

    3. I haven't tried it yet. I saw a video and I think the girl had it on for two minutes.

    4. Just popped in to see how you were doing. Hope all goes well with you and your family. Oh and I am ashamed to say I still haven’t made anything in that flipping insta pot 🫨 but at least I took it out of the box 👍

  28. Interesting that you made Banana Bread in your pressure cooker. Who would have thought that was even possible?

    1. We had an itch for banana bread and no air unit in the window. Didn't want a heated kitchen was the drive. Pretty cool.

  29. Sorry to read about your health and your job. Hope you will be feeling back to normal real soon and the job problems sort themselves out too. I have been staring at this insta pot for some time now. I really should make something in it. Banana Bread sounds great! Feel better soon!

    1. You have one. Neato. What did you originally buy it to make? Such a fun toy.

    2. I'm still staring at it Ivy, can't even remember what recipe I wanted to try. I just liked the idea of cooking something really fast and will definitely give it a go. Things have a tendency to stay in the box for a bit around here until I jump in, lol!

    3. Here's to jumping in and having fun.

  30. Sending good vibes for the work stuff -- I hope it will be OK, that you'll feel better than ever soon and that your kitchen keeps turning out fabulous sounding food!

  31. I'm glad you finally got your chance to make that banana bread and to report back on it. I've never tried doing it that way. I love banana bread made with walnuts and spread with cream cheese. Or peanut butter.

    1. It's a great way not to heat the kitchen. Not quite the same though as an oven. Enjoyed it. Will make it again. Thanks for stopping in.

  32. I'll take banana bread whatever it's made in. I love it! Hope the job issue gets sorted quick and you feel better after all those bugs paid you a visit. Take care.

    1. The banana bread was a lot of fun to do. Still like it better in the oven. Though pressure cooker great for keeping the kitchen cool.

  33. Thinking of you and hoping you feel better soon!

  34. Sending a hug from Wisconsin.
    Sorry about the work junk... I had a stressful time in 2019 with a coworker, it was just awful.
    Hope it all works out.

    1. Hi Carla! Sorry to read about the stressful 2019 with a coworker. Not fun for sure. Hope it's passed by now. Thanks for sharing that with us. Cheers!

  35. Hope things are going okay and you did not have a set back with sickness...just checking in.

  36. Prayers that the job situation works itself out for you. Stress isn't fun.

  37. Sending you good vibes your way. I don't think I've ever made bread in a slow cooker, I'll have to find a recipe for that. Hope you start feeling better soon.

    1. Thanks, Judy. Happy to have those good vibes.

  38. I love that you call your hubby Smoochie Face! That is too cute. So sorry for all you've been dealing with. I do hope things have improved since you shared this blog post. Stress is sucky. Sending good vibes and hugs your way. (Bon Jovi is the best. Love his music!)

    1. Thank you, Martha. Happy to have the good vibes and huggs. Things are much better now. Thanks for stopping in and boogie boogie.

  39. 18 days since you last posted. I have been doodling and playing with paint brushes and came to see how long it has been since you gave us the bad news part of the good news.. hope you still have a job and are well... update us soon... please

    1. Thanks for stopping in. Things going better. I just haven't been online much. LOVE that you're playing with paint brushes. How's that going? Are you having fun?

  40. Whoa.. so awful that you are still having post Covid issues. Did you post a recipe for the banana bread- such a great idea in the Instant Pot!!!

    1. No formula posted. Though any old banana bread recipe should work. It was neat to see how the texture of the same formula in the oven and in the pressure cooker, baked differently. Neat stuff. I've since gone back to baking in the oven. Love the bakeware that fits in the oven.

  41. Stopping by to say hello and sending lots of good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Hi Jan! Thanks for stopping in and sending good wishes. Things are much better now.

    2. So pleased things are much better now :)

      All the best Jan

    3. Thanks, Jan. Not out of the woods yet though, much, much, much better. How goes you this weekend?

  42. Hi Ivy, thanks for thinking of me and stopping by. I am glad you feel better and I hope you get stronger. Hugs and meow from me and mercy.

  43. Hi Ivy
    Just take good care.
    We had a lovely last weekend of June and are now looking forward to a great July.
    We have a few family get-togethers planned which are always fun :)

    All the best Jan

  44. Just wanted to pop in and say hello. Hope you are doing well.

  45. Sorry I have not been around to read your posts - have just had a quick catch up (backwards, so I had better be careful I don't fall) and you have had covid/. Poor you, glad to read this latest post that you are feeling better. Enough to go to work - but it doesn't sound a happy place and you haven't written in ages so I am worried as to what has happened?
    I had a fall in January (cleaning up of all things and fell on a carpet floor) which left me with an ambulance dash to the hospital. Broken ribs but what was worse was the knee. you do not want to see photos. Taken five months to get it to heal with twice weekly visits to the clinic.
    Hope to see you posting again soon.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Hi Neet! Thank you for the comment. I'm headed back to blogging soon for sure. Still at the job, going better. Lots of changes going on at work. Oh no, sorry to read that you had a fall. Five months of healing. That's a long time and I understand recovery time. Sending you lots and lots of huggs!
