20 April 2023


Say hello to my new friends! Gift card + clearance and I'm one happy whisk. Dig this, jogging bras for a tenner each (I got four). Gotta keep my knockers from giving me a black eye when I jog.

That's funny because it's true.

Two pair of jogging shorts and two pair of not quite leggings, not quite sweats. Not sure the correct word so I'll go with comfy and warm for chilly early runs.

In other news, I noticed that once I started working outside the home, I got lazy. Big time. Instead of cooking more, I'd grab crap on the ride home or ask Tim too. Well, forget that nonsense. It's back to homecooked foods and (for me), plant-forward menus. 

I love my veg! 

In other, other news, it's just about the weekend and we're fixin' to hit Barnes for some fun time, driving in the new-to-us car. Lemme tell you, lots of money left the building, for sure. However, the advantage of having two cars outweighs the money spent. Even when the money came from our new house savings.

I've said this many times. I don't see the car engine blowing up as a bad thing. It's not bad. It's not good. It just is. What I choose to do with that and how I turn a situation into fuel, that's what's important.

That's freedom. 

Lastly, I've got my new shorts on, new jogging bra, recently clearanced pink shirt and two braids. I'm lookin' cute and ready for a mini workout, starting with the lawn. 

And that my Boogerbutts is all that's fit to print. 

Off to mow. Whisk, out. 


  1. You are so funny! Your atories always improve my mood! Glad you have new bras to keep your knockers under control for a super.duper bargain price, have fun with the cars, with jogging, with your freedom! Hugs, Valerie

    1. Thanks, Valerie! Hope you're having a fun and creative weekend. Huggs, back.

  2. You are absolutely right. You have gained that wisdom much earlier than I did, but better late than never. You got some good deals. We are in a rain period.

    1. Had a big thunderstorm yesterday. Today, the heat is back on. Burrrr. Happy Sunday!

  3. Always nice to find a bargain. Have fun jogging.
    Enjoy the weekend too...

  4. Sounds like some good buys there! I've never owned a jogging bra in my life. Of course, I never jog. There's a connection there, I think!

  5. "I don't see the car engine blowing up as a bad thing. It's not bad. It's not good. It just is. What I choose to do with that and how I turn a situation into fuel, that's what's important.

    That's freedom."

    I'm going to quote that and reference you in a future post. I'll let you know when publish it.👍
    --Cheerful Monk

    1. Thank you for doing that. I saw the post and loved it. What fun to see my words there. Much appreciated. Cheers and boogie boogie, Ivy.

  6. Hooray for supportive bras. And a positive attitude. Jogging? You can keep that.

  7. I'm always drawn to a clearance sign. I think they see me coming and yell my name.

  8. I love finding stuff like that at a good price.

    1. Me too! Happy Reading Mary! Here's to the next few books being better for you than the last two.

  9. Good for you! Good deals and working out too - I'm impressed!

  10. We could not have worked without two cars but we were so thrilled to get rid of one when we retired. Have a great weekend.

    1. I get that. It wasn't easy, and we had to get rides for Tim at some points.

  11. I don't jog and it has nothing to do with my huge knockers, everything to do with me being lazy. I have sprinted for a bus occasionally but gave that up a while ago. At 70 I'm happy enough to sit and wait for the next one with my kindle to pass the time.

    1. Hey River! I love sitting and reading. I'm with you, that's more fun!

  12. Good attitude about the engine!
    We never do fast food although we do Chinese take-out once or twice a month. Otherwise, all home-cooked food for us.

    1. Hey Alex. Did you see that the lead singer of Rush has a book coming out soon?

  13. Hurrah for some workout clothes and eating better. I only eat fast food when I'm too busy to make dinner, or sometimes when I just don't feel like making dinner. We all need a night off every now and again-right? Have a super weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Hey Erika! Hope your weekend is rockin'. I get that about not wanting or being to busy at times to cook.

  14. Glad you are back on "track" (maybe literally with your running). It's so easy to get into bad habits with eating especially when you eat out. We are retired in Florida and our social life is a lot of meeting friends for dinner out and enjoying wine with our meals.. Then the next day I whine , "why aren't I losing any weight despite walking briskly 5 miles/day? "

    1. Hey Judee - I love the back on track! Thank you for your honest comment. I think this is something a lot can relate too for sure.

  15. We only eat out about twice a month...if that. It's getting tooooo expensive!!
    Love the new track clothes! I need to get off MY butt and get back to exercising.
    Happy weekend!

    1. Hey Donna! It really is expensive. When I see the difference in what I can make with ingredients vs buying ready-meals. Wow wow. What a difference.

  16. Happy Days when we get a gift card and then find a sale and something we really want and need. good choices you made. I can't imagnine blogging while also being in the workforce. I did not start blogging until after I retired. It is not called Fast Food for no reason. Whisk On! I like to cut grass, always have, something soothing to me to see it get better and better as i go.

    1. Mowing is fun. I enjoy it as well. Gardening too! Do you like that as well?

  17. Sounds like you got some very good deals there. Always nice to get new clothes. Good for you to go back to eating at home, I know if we have a busy week and we eat out it starts to drag me down.

    1. Thanks! It got easy to grab and go and I tell you, I don't miss that. It's back to ingredient household for us. So far, I love being back to that.

  18. I'd love to see you in this outfit! I love browsing through bookstores, even the smell of the books. Our granddaughter's car just blew up, right on a bridge on the interstate.

    1. Hey Ginny! Yikes on the interstate. Ours was on the highway - I'm not sure what interstate is though it sounds busy and not a fun place to have an engine blow. Hope she was okay and got it towed quickly.

  19. Hello, Ivy! I'm so pleased to meet you. Thank you for your visit and wonderful comments. I'm afraid I'll be taking a blogging hiatus for a week or so because I'm so jet lagged after being away for 3 weeks to the British Isles.

    1. Hey Kay! Nice to meet you too!!!!!!!!
      Happy Blogging Break, to you!

  20. It's always nice when you find something you need and it's also on clearance. Everything is getting crazy expensive now so every discount helps. Enjoy your weekend!!

    1. That's true. Some prices of things are nuts.
      Love a good sale. Thanks, Lori!

  21. This reminds me that I need to buy some more training pants! Homemade meals are definitely a way to go! Healthier and value for money!

    1. Hey Angie! Here's to you finding a good deal!

  22. Good for you! Have a sweet weekend.

  23. Hello,
    It is good to catch some good sales. I could use some comfy shorts. We try to eat at home more often, it is healthier for us. Take care, have a wonderful week!

    1. Good deals are the best! Thanks for stopping in. Happy Sunday!

  24. I wore shorts a week ago when it was 80! Today I am putting on long johns and boots to go hiking. Go figure!

    1. Ohhh, hike sounds delightful! Do you bring snacks or just eat later. Either way, sounds super duper fun. Cheers and boogie boogie - Ivy

  25. Sales are great good that you will forego black eyes caused by big boobs flopping up! Far Side

  26. Have to remember that, "It just is"! Who knows what´s next! Am still to sit still with my arm, gah.....

    1. Hey Iris! Thanks for stopping by. Sending well wishes to you!

  27. If I put on a jogging suit I would look like a big bouncing ball. Thankfully my doctor won't let me jog. I am only allowed to take daily walks.

  28. Good deals!!
    Being home and cooking sounds more fun than going out to work. :).

    1. So much more fun. This is an ingredient h household though and sometimes when I worked outside of the home, it was faster (on the surface), to order.

  29. Always nice to get new things, esp when you hit a good buy on those items. YAY....As for braids, my hair is just not long enough to do that! lol....although I met the cutest girl yesterday that had her braided pigtails and it was adorable.

    1. Hey Pam! Great pictures and writings on your latest blogs. Are you enjoying your new iPhone camera?

  30. You certainly got some good deals ... enjoy your jogging.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, Jan! Happy Spring. You doing fun stuff with the grandkids?

  31. We travel for work so much, I crave home cooked meals all the time. I hate all of that dining out and grab and go foods. We've rented an airbnb this weekend, so I'm happy that this weekend it will be healthier eats for us.
    Yes, two cars is a blessing. We are down to one right now while we await the warranty paperwork on our car. Total transmission replacement is needed on that one- ugh! I'll be so happy to have it fixed so I can stop working my schedule around Jason's!

    1. I get that. Tim has to be on the road during the day and often can't get back to the office. Just that not being able to eat well on the road (or as well as at home), is annoying (to me).

      Oh how fun on the airbnb. A kitchen vs room service for the win.

      I feel your pain. We had a new engine put in the old car, plus a bunch of other things like brakes, etc. Roughly 9,000 in cash out the door however, it's done and now we have two cars.

      Hope you guys get yours fixed quickly and you and Jason can go back to your own schedules. It's not easy (I found), having one car and two different work hours.

      Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  32. Sounds like you got some good buys there and you did make me smile. I’ve been passed the age of jogging for a while now, (and didn't get into it even back then really). I have trouble walking and not falling out of my shoes and that’s the honest truth. We used to grab food on the go when going out to work, there were times when it was just the easiest way to go, and so tired from a full day at work. Now we are retired and keeping an eye on our health as we get older, we cook more at home. Got to get out at least once a week for McDonalds though, or one of the other fast-food places. We need our treats. We went down to one car from two when we retired, but there are times we wish she had a spare, especially when one needs working on. Enjoyed your post, happy weekend to you, or I should say Sunday as I know it’s getting late there now.

    1. Sorry to read about falling out of your shoes? Are they too big? I have a friend who has smaller ankles and it's hard for her to wear most shoes.

      Down to one car, we did that and oh my gosh though now, it's nice to have two again with me working. Though I can see going down to one again when we're not working outside. I think, there's also part of me that thinks stick with two and one be a pick-up truck. Love those. Never had one. On my bucket list.

      I get that about being too busy and tired to make food at home. That's how I was too!

      Thank you so much for the great comment. Apologies on my delayed response.

  33. Not a jogger... I have trouble just walking some days... but, glad you got good deals!! I can certainly appreciate a gift card and clearance sales. I'm always happy on a productive shopping day.
