12 November 2019

LET IT SNOW! LET IT SNOW! LET IT SNOW! (with vertical video test)

I'm still sick but just at the very end of it, which is good. Boy, this thing held on for TOO LONG. But on the bright side, I still enjoyed Halloween staycation with Smoochie Face. And, we went to the oral surgeon and setup the appointment to rip out 4 wisdom and one front (ish), tooth. They called today and with insurance we have left (used some on the dentist), my extraction and bone graft (not sure if that's the right word), will be 300 smackers. We are both happy about this because we thought the cost was going to be considerably more.

In other news, I LOVE my new Canon M50 I'm learning each day how to use it. I'm learning how to use manual and what it means to let in light. And, I'm starting to see food in scenes and story, which is something I haven't really worked on before. I'm also saving for a marco lens. Much to learn but I tell you, what a fun thing.

And now, I wish you all a Happy Winter (or Summer). Here's a little vertical video I made. I set it to 720p which should upload directly to Blogger and be easy to see on phones.

Let's find out.

PS: If you can't view it, please let me know. I'm curious what works for folks and what doesn't with regards to posting native video on Blogger.

Happy Winter and Boogie Boogie.

PPS: Who else got snow? To be honest, I'm excited for winter. We had snow already but today, it's just such a pretty winter wonderland, that I can't help but smile and take lots of pictures.


  1. Your video looks great on my iMac! Beautiful snow -- we've got snow here too. And sending you best wishes for easy extraction of those teeth and a quick recovery period. I've had a couple of teeth extracted over the years, but you know, I never had wisdom teeth. Nor are they present but impacted under the bone -- I just don't have any at all.

    1. Thanks, Debra.

      I'm excited and happy to be getting the wisdom out. The front tooth though, that's gonna be a bit weirder because I'll be toothless for almost six months.

      But in the end, it will all be a good thing. Thanks and boogie boogie.

  2. Good luck with the dentist. You have way more snow than we do!

  3. Sorry, no snow here, just really cold rain.
    Three hundred is cheap for four wisdom teeth.
    Glad you are feeling better!

    1. 5 teeth total because the frontish tooth is coming out as well. We had enough insurance to pay for the last two dr visits and the rest is all going to the operation. Not too bad. Didn't know we had enough left until they called us.

  4. Video works but I love the photo of a very happy happy gud dug looking at the snow coming down.
    Glad someone like the blog video of the gud dug barking.

    1. Happy gud dugs are the best. I love seeing your videos. They also get Wiggy worked up. It's so funny!

  5. Video works fine on my Mac! We've got snow here in Cary--Chicago land! And bitter cold, 4° here this morning. Cripes, I'm sick of it already!!! 300 sounds great, take care!

    1. I am so happy to hear that the smaller video is working well on various devices. That was my hope. Thanks, Pam.

      Wow, 4. Holy cow! Burrrr.

  6. Video worked fine on my laptop AND I got sound! So nice to hear your voice. Most video clips from the US don't have any sound anymore unless I go to you tube and find them there. Some don't play at all, telling me they are "not allowed" for my country.
    I like the idea of snow, it's pretty, but I know I couldn't bear the cold that comes with it.

    1. Thank you, River for letting me know.

      I was hoping the smaller native video would perform well across various platforms.

      I sometimes get that same thing, not allowed. It's so weird.

      Cheers and boogie boogie.

  7. You must have great dental insurance if that's all you're going to pay for a major procedure.

    1. Hi Kathy!

      Yeah, not too bad because prior to this, I saw the dentist twice and both time came with Xrays. Was very happy to hear we still had money left.

      But now, that's it for the year. We start back up in January and that's gonna be a lot with the frontish tooth implant. Ack.

      Thanks for stopping in and boogie boogie.

  8. Great video! Glad you got the dental work done!

    1. Hi Christine!

      It's started and will take awhile with the implant but in the end, worth it, I think.

      Happy Winter!!!!

  9. Looks a little on the chilly side. Hope we don't get any of the white stuff in the coming months!
    Good luck with the wisdom teeth. You'll need plenty of ice cream and soup as you recover.
    The film works perfect on my phon btw.

    1. Hi Ray!

      You sure you don't want me to send you some snow?

      Thanks for letting me know about the video. Cheers and boogie boogie.

  10. I was able to see the video no issues! Your pups are so cute, ours are loving the snow too! Eek...dental work...I'm cringing at the thought!!! :)

    1. Hi Rain!

      Thankfully, no pain right now. But we'll see how it goes in about a month.

      Pups are so funny in the snow!

      How is your mouth feeling these days? Better?

    2. Good to know you don't have pain Ivy. Dental pain is the worst. My pain is gone but it takes some getting used to, not having that back molar to chew on!

    3. Oh and btw, despite the probiotics I took, those antibiotics EFFED up my intestinal healthy royally. I'm still dealing with it a month and a half later. I read it can take upwards of 5 months for the flora to restore itself.

    4. I am curious how it will feel once I get all five teeth pulled.

      I didn't even think about getting used to eating without it. That's a good point.

      Antibiotics are the worst. I don't care for them and won't take them unless I really, really, really, really have to. I'm sorry the EFFED you up.

      Can you make kraut? Would that help at all? I'm not sure. Just wondering. Actually, you got me thinking, I better make some kraut this week.

      Flora is something. I've had intestinal parasites and lemme tell you. No fun. But healing is possible. But like you say, it takes time.

      Here's to getting healed.

    5. Fermented food is supposed to really help the gut, but I'm just not a fan of it! I'm on heavy probiotics and I'm cutting out the sugar for a while. I hope it helps. I hate antibiotics too Ivy...but yeah, when you need them, what can you do.

    6. Do you like Miso at all? The kind I get is from Canada. Very nice. Works so well in cabbage noodles.

      I'm sorry you're going through a rough patch but from what I know about you, you will win this battle. I have no doubt.

      Big hugs.

    7. Thanks Ivy. I'll win oh yeah lol...but it may take some time. I can't believe how those pills ravaged me...wasn't expecting that! Miso...miso...miso....can't place the flavour so I don't know if I like it or not!

    8. It's salty and good for making nut cheeses with but I suppose even cow cheese.

      Yeah, those antis can really mess with things but ... it's not like they will take over for life.

      You will win!!!!!

  11. The video viewed fine for me … that snow looks quite deep, and I loved the photograph of dog in snow … so sweet.
    Good luck and best wishes for your dental appointment, I had to have wisdom teeth taken out a few years back.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Hi Jan!

      Thanks. That one is Bug and she had her little eyes closed as the flakes were hitting her. Too cute.

      Sorry to hear you had them out too. They tell me it only takes about 30 minutes. But thankfully, I won't feel any of it.

      Thanks for stopping in and boogie boogie.

  12. Didn't know you had been sick kiddo. How come you didn't tell me? Yes, we had snow, a fair amount of it on Monday. Couldn't go bowling. Instant Potted instead. Your video came out fine for me. Looked just like round here. Hugs

    1. Hi Jo!

      Just sending you an email after this to catch up. I spent a lot of time offline. Did make more Instant Pot soup though when I was sick. What a treat that toy is.

  13. Hope you're feeling better soon, Ivy. Sooooo envious of your snow - it looks gorgeous.

    1. Hey Flea!

      How goes the house? Thanks. I'm getting there. Can't wait for it to be gone.

      I'll send you some snow! Has Alice ever seen snow? Wiggy loves it.

    2. Alice has seen some snow, but isn't sure of it. I think she's too much of a princess to just dive in and have fun ;)

      The house is going great, the building work is finished and now we've moved on to carpet fitting and decorating. Soooooo close to completion (keep those fingers crossed).

    3. Oh my gosh, this is wonderful news. Very, very cool. So happy for you guys.

    4. Thank you! I'm hoping, by the weekend, to have some pictures that are worth sharing ;)

  14. Sorry you've been sick. I wondered where you went....was thinking a tropical vacation. :)
    Good news on the getting your dental work done. I can see the video just great. Cute pups too!!
    Ummmmm currently, my a/c is running down here in Florida.

    1. Hey Suz!

      Yeah, been unplugged mostly. Just coming back this week. Can't wait to get the fie teeth OUT!

      Running the AC, wow, wow. Amazing how different areas are. I have the heat cranked today.

      Thanks for stopping in and boogie boogie.

  15. Works fine.

    That is the very best kind of weather a person can ask for.

    1. Hi William.

      It really is lovely. Love this time of year but to be honest, I love all the seasons.

      Thanks for stopping in. Happy Winter!

  16. Your winter scene looks like our winter scene :) Lots and lots of snow.

    I hope all goes well with those teeth. I took all of mine out many years ago and it was smooth sailing. Wishing the same for you!

    1. Very cool that yours was smooth sailing. I hope mine is. Yes, we have the same winter. But then, I can see your house from my back yard. Ha!

  17. Replies
    1. Thanks bunches! Save travels to your mom's house. Happy Holidays too!

  18. Love it. The dogs are so cute. I'm sorry you are still sick. Happy Thanksgiving to you though. I'm sending up prayers. Hugs.

    1. Hey Valerie. I saw your red door yesterday. Super duper cute. Family picture was wonderful too. Happy Christmas and boogie boogie.
