17 February 2018

GOODBYE RED WALL (you're outta here)

Hello Boogerbutts! Happy Weekend. Tim's got three days off and I'm so hungry that I could eat all the onion petals in the house. In case you haven't heard, I love my air fyer oven. Been playing with onion petals, rings and such, more on that another time. I'm just hungry.

Guess what?

The red wall is going, going, going!

PS: Here's a great deal on organic herbs @ Wally's. I LOVE rollbacks. See 4 minute video for the herbs and to say goodbye the wall.

Gone, gone, gone. Or it will be ...


  1. The big scary hands finale was my favourite part!

  2. I'm not sure what's more scary, your yellow hands or the red wall!

  3. Red wall is gone! Bet you'll have different colored gloves after that.

  4. You love your air fryer? Really? I had no idea. lol

    1. Hahahahahahahaha.

      Just in case, I didn't mention it once, twice or a hundred and four times.

  5. Goodbye red wall and what the heck, goodbye yellow brick road, or something like that.

    Gary :)

  6. love the herbs and good luck with the painting, red might need several coats to get rid of.

    1. Gonna be a bit of job when I do the entire kitchen. The red will be removed by hand, first because it was never put on the trailer walls, the correct way from the start.

    2. But that was my fault for not putting the red on the correct way from the start.

    3. I know you'll do a great job getting it off.

  7. Good luck with the massive Red Wall !

    1. If it goes well, I'll do the entire kitchen. Thanks!

  8. I like the red wall, but it isn't my kitchen, so bye bye red wall. A colour that strong needs a big space anyway, or a dining room with soft lighting where it would be cosy.

    1. The entire kitchen is that colour. I painted it years ago when we were in our Border cafe phase. Loved it for a long time but it doesn't serve well for photos and videos. 

  9. My daughter once had a room in her home that color but she painted over it. I didn't know why but maybe she wanted to take pictures too.

    1. Very cool. We loved it for a long time, too. Very Borders Cafe' for us. Thanks for stopping by my channel too. Happy Sunday!

  10. You will love white walls...I do !!
    Hope you have a good, new week. xo

  11. Love the price for the spices and the cute jars they come in. And love that paint roller container. Never noticed something like that here! But best of all, I LOVE your laugh. It is adorable!

    1. Thank you bunches. I put the name and details of the roller in the show notes. I'm VERY excited to see how it works! Will report back. Thank you about the laugh.

  12. Did you paint it red originally Ivy, or did it come like that?

    1. Hi Jo! We did that back in our Borders Cafe phase. The entire kitchen is that way. Thanks for asking. Happy Sunday!

  13. So it's white...a blank canvass for food fights? I love that idea. I painted a kitchen wall white once and the next day someone hurled (accidentally) spaghetti and red pasta gravy against it. Actually, it turned out to look rather Picasso-ish.

  14. Your laugh is great! Have fun getting red of the red paint, especially with all your new tools!

  15. The sentence above should read, Have fun getting rid of the red paint, not- Have fun getting red of the red paint! LOL!

    1. You know what? I read, rid the first time. Had to go back and see. Thanks!

  16. Replies
    1. Turned out to be too cold and then too wet to have doors open so will be gone this week, for sure. But yes, goodbye Borders Cafe' Kitchen.

  17. How'd it go? Did you get rid of the red?

    1. Turned out to be too cold and then too wet to have doors open so will be gone this week, for sure. So I baked instead. Lots and lots of little bakes. Muwhahahaha!

  18. I love red and my air fryer too. Use it every chance I get!

  19. Have fun painting! How do you keep a grilled cheese crunchy? Mine turned out a bit soggy...

    1. How are you making yours? In a skillet? Air-fryer? Oven? If you tell me a bit about your process, I might be able to help. You can do it here or drop me an email. Thanks!

  20. Skillet, with olive oil spray and butter. Perhaps I should use an electric grill? Those are a pain to wash, though.

    1. What I do is ...

      No butter or oil in the pan.
      Instead try ...

      1) Schmear mayo on outsides of the bread.

      2) Place in preheated pan. Flip when needed.

      3) Rest grilled cheese on a cooling rack (*not a plate). Allow to cool slightly before cutting.

      * The cooling rack allows the toast to cool but doesn't get soggy.

      Thanks for asking. Hope this helps.

      PS: I also sprinkle a little paprika on the mayo side of the bread before cooking.

    2. Mayo is my least favorite thing on the planet...Is there no other way to do this?

    3. Sure, you can use soft butter on the bread instead. It works great!
