07 January 2018

NO WORDPRESS FOR ME (much thanks!)

Hello Booggerbutts!

Much Thanks for your help the other day with blogger vs wordpress. Even with my hosting package (which I think we're dropping), it doesn't sound like WP is for me. On about a million levels. Thanks bunches for the help.

In other news, it's Sunday here. I'm still sick. It's our last day off and ... I made MY FIRST longer, how-to video. Check it out if you have time. The views, comments, likes, subs and shares help rank me as a YouTuber and are much appreciated.

Thanks again for the help the other day.
Catch you guys during the week!

How-To Make Sweet Potato Wraps & Tortillas


  1. I haven't had a good tortilla for a long time. Now you've made me hungry for one!

    1. Hi Debra. Hope you're having a groovy weekend.

  2. Too bad about wordpress, a lot of people use it. The video looks good, yum.

    1. Hi Christine! Thanks for stopping by today. We have fries in the air fryer as I type. What's eatin' at your place?

  3. I am sorry to hear you are still a sick puppy. So not fair.
    A ten minute video is more than my allowance will give me this month. I am thrilled that you are rocking the art though.

    1. I got out for the first time tonight. Just home now making fries.

      Thanks for your support! You rock even if you can't view the video.

  4. Sorry you are still a bit under the weather...I hope you saw my answer to your question...I wish I could taste one of those fries...Have a good week.

    1. I did and that's why I wanted to say thank you again her to everyone for their help. Much appreciated. This is what I love about blogger, people are willing to help and that's just wonderful.

      I was able to get out some today, even got dressed. Tired now but it's all good. Slowly getting stronger.

      Thanks for your support and friendship. You rock.

  5. there quite bit one can do with sweet pototoes

  6. I've been ill since Christmas and feel today I may just be turning a corner. I hope you get better soon. Oh and Happy New Year!

    1. Ack. Sorry you had/have it too. Bleech. Here's to turning that corner all the way. Happy 2018!

  7. After spending several hours on Wordpress issues like my blog totally going blank after adding a plugin for my blog roll...I'd say you made a wise choice. I'm close to returning to Blogger, but with WP I have constant backup on a server C-panel. I was getting hacked on Blogger. Let us know what you choose to do, and thanks for those sweet potato tortillas!

    1. Hacked is not cool. Not at all and I can see staying away because of that. I'm always amazed at how google does nothing to stop that but yet, if I post comments on more than 25 different blogs in one hour, I have to prove that I'm not a robot. Ack.

  8. I've found Wordpress to be tedious to work with from a formatting point of view.

    I've never had sweet potatoes.

    1. And that's for sure not what I want, nor do I want to upload plugins.

      Never had sweet potatoes. Oh so yummy. But some say they are too sweet, too.

      Happy 2018!

  9. Thought the video looked good Ivy ...

    All the best Jan

  10. I love Sweet potatoes. In Japan they are street food. You buy one from a vendor and he will wrap it in a paper bag. You eat and walk or sit and eat.
    Hope you get better soon !

    cheers, parsnip and mandibles

    1. That is how I eat mine. Minus the bag, but just straight up. Japan has super duper sweet potatoes. To me they are more of a dessert potato.

  11. I think you made the right decision.

  12. I hope you're feeling better! Great video!! Well done!
