30 August 2016

Farmer's Market (organic heirloom goodies)

I'm hanging outside, under the shade of several big black walnut trees, which believe me, comes in handy when living in a tin box.

Once my break is done, I'll continue filling the trunk with another round of goodies for the thrift store. I just don't need these items.

They can GO!

In contrast to things leaving, here's our weekend haul from the Farmer's Market. Most of which, is already processed or gobbled up.



  1. Looks wonderful. I returned from lunch before a storm and so now get to sit out the rain and thunder indoors. It is supposed to be worse tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

  2. If you keep getting rid of things soon you'll be sitting on the floor in an empty house :-)

  3. All the veggies look fantastic and I like the vase of flowers too. Do you take photographs of the stuff you throw out?
    I like your Halloween coloured skirt and mug and your marvellous happy header. Who need stuff when we have art and veggies?

  4. I always go to our weekend farmer's market.

  5. You have more to take out? You surprise me.

  6. That's quite a colourful delicious haul!

  7. Love your new header art -- Halloween is on its way, yay!

  8. That's a lot of vegetables for two people.

  9. Alex is right, that is a lot of vegetables for 2. You must do a lot of processing.

    Have you donated your bed yet? I keep expecting to hear that you have.

  10. What a wonderful haul of fresh produce! Good for you!! :)

  11. We have so many heirloom tomatoes right now. There are at least 6 sitting on the counter and dozens outside. I made a veggie salad earlier. Yum!

  12. I remember what living in a trailer in summer is like. You take the cool wherever you can find it!

  13. I literally forgot about the Farmer's Market this weekend. Can't believe it. My mind is not too clear these days.

  14. Looks like organic heirloom heaven to me!
    Wonderful array of fresh food.

    I'm just loving your new header, and happy September for tomorrow!

    All the best Jan

  15. Healthy (and "fresh" looking) purchase...!!

  16. Hey Ivy,

    I went to a "Farmer's Market." No farmers were for sale. A healthy looking post. You sure can "produce" a wonderful post.

    I'm going now....


  17. Wow, what a bunch of goodies! Love them. You know what else I love? Your header. Very cool.

  18. Boogerbutts:

    Thanks guy for stopping by. Hope you're all having a yummy week.

    Cheers and boogie.

  19. You have a great haul from the Farmer's Market. Sounds like you are getting rid of a lot of things. It's a good feeling to get rid of things you don't need.

  20. Oh wow! Looks like quite the beautiful haul! Great that you shop at the Farmer's Market. I may have mentioned before--my sister sells at our local one.

  21. What a colourful haul from the Farmer's Market. You just can't beat local fresh produce.
