14 November 2015

Eyeballs & Rats

If you guessed date seed/stone/pit to Friday's Question then you're now the proud owner of eyeballs and rats. Please enjoy. For everyone else, we have a nice selection of chocolate covered insects.

Bonus points if you knew that I was going to roast the seeds and then grind them for tea and baking. I'll let ya' know how it goes.

Thanks to EVERYONE who played.


  1. Replies
    1. Hope your weekend finds you well. Thanks for dropping by. Watching any Star Trek lately?

  2. Oh I would have known that! And I've missed out on the prizes!
    Have a great weekend, Ivy.

  3. I knew you'd roast them! Extra rat for me?

  4. Replies
    1. I have a few extra boiled ones. Was going for a stew, I'll send you a bowl, when it's done.

  5. I'll pass on the chocolate covered insects!

    1. Pass? What? It's not like I awarded you a chocolate covered pecan :-)

  6. I would say I was half right by answering dates though not date seeds. But that would mean I would get half of each prize. Soo...instead I will follow the logic that there are no half-rights, and say I was wrong. Chocolate-covered insects do not sound all that bad actually. I've seen recipes for grasshopper cookies, and a very close Thai relative of mine said that the ant eggs she ate as a little girl in Thailand actually tasted like jelly beans. And how could anything not be good with chocolate?!

    1. (I've heard the grasshoppers in grasshopper cookies taste like nuts...imagine the flavor of chocolate-covered peanuts! You may actually have a good consolation prize here!)

    2. Never tried chocolate covered bugs. Part of me is curious and the other part, not so much. Though, it took me forever to try wild line-caught sardines and now I love them. So I'll never say never because trying new foods is fun.

      PS: I nearly forgot, last night I was watching a food show where they were eating grasshoppers and chocolate covered bugs.

      Very neat about the jelly bean texture. That makes sense since some jelly beans have bugs in the them.

  7. I wouldn't eat a bug if I was dying...never...NEVER...!!!
    (now, I am old enuf to know you NEVER say NEVER)
    "O, pls God..don't ever let me be hungry enuf to eat an ole bug"

    1. How about a lobster? That's just a really BIG bug.

  8. Replies
    1. You win a little bit of everything. And I even have some sugar-free chocolate covered ants that we can give to your hubby.

  9. Hope your weekend is going well.

    1. It really is. Thanks. Hope yours is finding you well, too.
