23 September 2015


Would ya' look at all these locally grown apples. Cortland and Gala. Before last year, I never knew how great Cortlands were. But thanks to my friend (and ex-coworker), Linda, I'm now hooked on Cortland apples.

Thanks Linda. I love these things.

Meanwhile, it's Game Night for Tim, and since my kitchen got away from me, it's Pizza-Man to the rescue. And for me, leftover veggie palooza and spicy spelt berries. It's not very fancy but sounds more fun when I toss in the word, palooza.

Palooza. Betcha can't say that ten times fast.

Anyway, that's all from me. Happy Autumnal (or Spring) Equinox. Hope it was a great day.


  1. Hey I just love Palooza !

    All the best Jan

  2. Enjoy your day and your veggie palooza. (Purty apples btw.)

    1. Thanks and it's so great to see you blogging again. I've missed your posts.

  3. Palooza, palooza, palooza, palooza, palooza, palooza, palooza, palooza, palooza, palooza.

    Whew! :)

  4. I'm not that familiar with Cortland either, I should try it. I wanted to make quinoa today but didn't have any so I tried couscous instead. It's good.

  5. If you like Cortland, you should try Empire, the other great New York apple.

    1. I've had those. Are they your top pick?

      Mine would be locally grown transparents and I really, really love locally grown heirloom earlygolds. My tastes leans more that way. Though I enjoy a gala, too.

    2. I like almost every kind of apple except Red Delicious, which I find to be grainy and bitter. Empire, Cortland, MacIntosh, and Honeycrisp are my favorite eating apples. Braeburn and Granny Smith my favorite pie apples.

  6. We've become very close with the pizza man during this renovation period. Can't wait to get back to home cooking when things slow down after this weekend.

    Apples! YES...the best this time of year.

    1. Did you put him on your Christmas card, list?

      I'll bet, I'd be looking forward to getting back to my kitchen too but oy, it's hard when doing so much about the house.

      How went your house adventures today? I just another bag of DVDs ready to donate.

    2. We are beyond exhausted but still somehow standing. The house is looking really nice, though; let's hope it sells quickly!

      Once we're done with the renos, I'll go back to de-cluttering again. I want to get rid of as much crap as possible before we move.

  7. Alex said 10 times no problem so I had to try too, also no problem. Never heard of Cortland apples. No an apple eater myself, but Matt is.

    1. Hey, more asparagus keep popping up in our stores. I didn't buy any yet. I'm still groovin' on all the local apples and sweet potatoes.

      Not an apple fan? How about a good apple and clove pie?

  8. Love apples, yellow delicious!
    Palooza, funny word!
    Happy Fall!

    1. Hey Girl. I bought your new collection today. Looking forward to reading it before bed.

  9. Palooza....... oh no it should be aplalooza.
    I use to like apples then the decided to take all the flavor out and just make them look pretty !
    But now I am starting to eat them again and they are almost tasting like apples should.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Or even applepalooza. But that's all too hard for me to say, ten times fast.

      Have you tasted local organic apples? They have far more apple goodness than the FrankenApples. Or, I think they do. Yum.
