12 July 2015

Brand New Week

You know what I love? A brand new week, new goals and lots of fun bakes on my To-Bake List. What's not to love about those things?

And dig this, later today I'm making two pizzas, both with allergy-friendly crusts. Meat and cheese for Tim. Lots of fresh vedge and homemade sauce for me.

Thanks for reading and have a yummy day.


  1. Sounds like a plan....save a slice for me!

  2. LOL a To-bake list!

    Have a great week Ivy.

    1. I really do have a To-Bake-List. Have you tried making ice cream again?

    2. Not yet, on our next trip to Costco we are going to buy a food processor, not a Breville but something a little more in our budget (for the use it will get) then it will be open season to ice cream. Needless to say, I'm taking notes of your experiment :-)

    3. Cool beans. Might I suggest looking at the reviews on Amazon and/or Youtube videos. It's a great way to find the model best suited for your new ice cream needs.

  3. Yummy! Nothing like homemade pizza. And I'd select the one with fresh vegetables and homemade sauce.

    1. Woohoo, for veggies. How was your day? Did you get into the garden and wrangle them there weeds?

      We just got back a bit ago, had to get more Akberta dog food. The pups love it, and even better, Wiggy's isdues are all but gone. She had about half a stone left to drop.

      They will never eat Blue dog food again.


  4. Remember the leeks !

    cheers, parsnip

    1. I almost forgot, but got them ready. Thanks.

      We had to go out so pizza for Monday, instead.

  5. Homemade pizza--I can't recall the last time I had one!

    1. It's bee well over six months for me.

      Did you get that cereal yet? Or see it in your stores?

  6. A brand new week - what a lovely concept.
    You look very happy.

  7. your bake list sounds yummy!

    1. Fingers crossed it will be. I'm learning from someone else, who was sick. Great fun to kearn from her book.

      How goes you today?

  8. I'm having pizza too, though it's just totinos. It's not the best but at least it's cheap

  9. Sorry not really in to pizza Ivy. But enjoy your week, you sound as though you are prepared to do so.

    1. I never did for the longest time. But if it's homemade and loaded with vedge, then I'm a Happy Whisk.

      Have you finished all your asparagus?

    2. Yes sadly, ate the last batch today. Have some frozen but don't want to touch that yet awhile.

    3. I have a wee bit left in the freezer.

      Our Farmer's Market has one great organic stand and this past weekend I got beets, string beans and snap peas. So yummy.

      Do you go to other markets besides the asparagus farm?

    4. Generally no. We have a very big market locally but it involves a lot of walking which I cannot cope with. We also have a smaller market right in town but that gets very crowded. Not really sure why we don't go more often though. Mind you our local supermarket gets very good local produce.

    5. When places get too crowded, I don't go either. We have one of the biggest fairs in PA each year and I can't get myself to go because there's soooo many darn people. So I can understand.

      Very cool that you have a local supermarket with very good local produce. Those (aside from the organic guy in town), are my favorite places to shop. So fresh. Real food. What a difference.

  10. Don't the weeks go quickly !

    I love fresh vegetables

    All the best Jan

  11. Hi There. Hope all is going good for you. Your pizza sounds great. Enjoy it. My vegetable garden is coming along great. We've been picking tomatoes, chili, zukes and other. We always do our own garden. Love it! Have a great week, take care and thanks for stopping by my blog.

    1. Wonderful to hear how great your garden is going. Hope to see more pictures of it on your blog.
