07 May 2015

Spring Itch

Yesterday we hit the office store looking for a new chair for Tim. Half-way through, I was an itchy rash of a hot mess. What the flip? I didn't eat the chair for fuck's sake, I just sat in it.

Anyway ...

It's nearly lunch, I'm still in my jams, haven't brushed my teeth or been outside, yet. BUT ... it's super duper bright and I'm excited to unplug and get crackin'.


  1. I'm going to be outside soon. Going to the library and then for a walk. Good times.

  2. I hate to be the one giving fashion advice but, isn't it the same old skirt? (just a concern commentator)

  3. Office stores are like kryptonite to me. Because I obsessively collect notebooks and writing utensils. I mean, I've curbed the urge, but we still have way more of both than we probably should!

  4. What set you off then?
    When my wife gets the urge to move all the furniture around, I get nervous...

  5. As long as that spring itch isn't a rash... Happy moving. :)

  6. oh dear, but happy re-arranging!

  7. Sometimes it's just so good to re-arrange things ... and May can often be a good month for doing this.

    Have Fun

    All the best Jan

    1. We do it about twice a year. For Winter mode and then spring mode.

  8. I can relate. I'm ready to do some major spring cleaning and re-arranging. Have fun!

    1. Hey Chickie - Long time no see.

    2. Hey there. I try to pop in every now and again. :)

  9. Moving furniture around can be fun. Particularly if others in the house have no idea you're doing that.

  10. OOH...I love moving furniture around. Did ya do it?

    1. I changed plans and worked on the bedroom and getting the winter clothes gone and all that fun stuff.

      I think, think .. we're done with snow.

  11. I'm one of those people who never move furniture around. Once it's in a certain place, it stays there forever. Guess I'm just boring that way!

  12. Never been one to move furniture. Sorry you got a rash whilst at the office store. I love those places, want to buy lots more than I need.

  13. I'm right there with you in wanting to move furniture around. I still need to hang pictures and all of that sort of stuff, but if I move furniture around I'd have to move the art too and I don't want a million holes in the walls. lol
