14 October 2014

Monsters & Dice

No one got last Friday's Question, except Tim, who teased me that he would tell.  But then I told him I would vacuum up all his dice, thus winning that battle.

Trust me ladies, go for the dice.  Always go for the dice.

Anyway, here's the tie-in to last Friday's Question. What monsters, said these lines? Answer correctly and you get one fungus filled toenail and eight dingleberries.  I won't tell you who supplied the dingleberries but I will tell you he's got a huge dice collection.

Now onto the game. 

#1) "That's right dear.  It's your great big green lump of sweetness."

#2) "Pardon my appearance but I've been fixing supper.  We're having curried lizard casserole and you know what a mess that can be."

"You're forced to eat lizard?"

"Well, it was either that or pickled frogs ears and my husband insisted on lizard."


  1. Sounds like Munsters or Adams Family. I'd say Munsters.

    1. Munsters. And what lovely prices we have for you today. Enjoy.

  2. I'm with Alex. This makes me think of that old Munsters TV show. Oh my...I'm old enough to know about it!

    1. Munsters. And what lovely prices we have for you today. Enjoy.

  3. Completely unfamiliar to me but I'm sure this conversations will never take place in my kitchen.

  4. Replies
    1. Lilly for the first, Herman for the last and then Herman was the Friday Question, answer. I'm sure Alex and Martha wouldn't mind sharing some of their prizes with you.

  5. Glad to see the answers here I was stumped.
