08 July 2014

Baking to Stay Awake

I thought I had my sleep problem fixed but, not so much.  Noppers.  Been awake somewhere over a day now, minus a few hours of sleep the day before, and add another full day awake.  Pretty tired.  So I'm in the kitchen, baking a few things.  Just to help me stay awake.

As I write this, two Chicken Pot Pies are in the big oven.  In the smaller fan oven, we have some kind of cinnamon sugar bake, made with leftover crust dough.

The two different oven smells don't mesh.  Add to it that I just made a pot of vanilla biscotti coffee and there's a stinky dog under my desk.

But on the upside, the bedding is nearly done, which makes it Clean Sheet Day.  One of my most favorite days, ever.   And in other good news, my coupons are organized and ready to go, should I venture out tomorrow.

The bad news is, the big oven is now smoking.   


  1. lol, I feel your pain, I've been where yo are, can't help but laugh tho...especially after seeing the cartoon. Hoping you get your sleep issue ironed out and that soon, the bags under your eyes and your boobs are more proportionate :)

    1. Thanks Kris. You're comment made me laugh. I'm working on those bags. Gotta set things right.

  2. Ooh, I love clean sheet day! Sorry you're not sleeping :(

    1. How great is Clean Sheet Day?

      It's the best. Thanks, me too.

  3. I will have to check them out later. That way you have an impartial opinion.

  4. I'm lucky, I could sleep on a bed of nails.....great pic though, it made me chuckle!

  5. Love cinnamon and sugar crust.

    1. The Cinnamon sugar thing turned into a fancy pop tart kind of deal. Was yummy. All gone, now.

  6. Hopefully you get some real sleep soon...

  7. Sleep deprivation...I know it well. The bags under my eyes are so big, I'd have to check them at the airport!

    1. Sorry to hear that you know it all to well. That sucks. Funny about the airport though.

  8. I LOVE clean sheet day! Not so much changing the sheet as the feeling when you slip into them when you go to bed. They feel nice and they smell so good.

    And chicken pot pies, too? OHMYGOSH...I LOVE them. Bet your place smelled so good.

    I hope you get some sleep tonight. Solid, wonderful sleep. You need it and DESERVE it. You work so hard.

    1. Me too. It's the best. Love it.

      Yesterday was the first time I ever tasted a chicken pot pie. I see why people enjoy them.

      I did get a full night. Thanks!

      How went your night?

  9. I hope that clean sheet night does the trick and you get some good sleep tonight. I had a sleepless one on Saturday night and then when I got out of bed I had so much energy and got a lot of mini projects accomplished. Then I slept great Sunday night - as I must have burned off all the adrenaline. I hope the baking that kept you awake earlier also helps you sleep!

    Also in regards to that cartoon, I slept fine last night but woke up exhausted anyway and the bags under my eyes were indeed bigger than my boobs...and that's big!

    1. Thanks. I got a full night, after about one month of pretty rough nights. Sounds like you really did burn off all that adrenaline. Cool beans.

      Hahahaha about your boobs.

  10. Sounds like you're in overdrive! I hope The Sandman comes soon.

    1. It's been about a month of not sleeping right. And then real bad this week. But thankfully, I finally scored a great sleep last night. Woohoo.

  11. Hope you get some sleep. I'm one of those lucky people who fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. I wish I could give you some of it.

    1. Very nice that you can do that. Thanks for the offer. And yes, I did finally crash after nearly a month of crappy rest.

  12. If we count sheep to fall asleep

    do we count goats to stay awake?

  13. I loved both the cartoon and the cake ( It is a cake, right. Never had that one )

    1. Not so much a cake, it turned into an apple cinnamon pop tart. Unless you mean the banner, that's a cherry hand-pie. Do you like to bake?

  14. happy you are too damn FUNNY! just be careful!!! sleep and cooking dont mix. cheers!!

    1. The smoke cleared and the pot pies were pretty darn good. Glad you enjoyed the post and thanks for dropping by.
