03 June 2014

Today's 4 Letter Word

Yesterday, the girls at the doctor's office gave me a bag of coupons and Tim came home with a stack of P&Gs that he garbage picked.  Which is perfect because today, it's my left leg elevated, spine resting, pups snoozing, Lemon Tart Room, coupons everywhere, and The Nanny on DVD.

Meanwhile, if you guessed that today was brought to you by the letter F, then you get a star on your forehead and an A on your paper.  Because these suckers, were FREE.  Plus, they gave me another $20 back in Shop Your Way Rewards.

I love that.

And now, it's time to heal and get clipping but first, I'll make a pot of good black coffee.  Only instead of creamer and sugar, I use real local maple syrup.  So flippin' good.


  1. I can think of so many other words that begin with the letter F, but none better than FREE!! Rest up my friend and feel better. Happy clipping!!

    1. Thanks, Kris. Hobbling over to the coffee machine now, then unplugging for awhile. Sorry I missed you at the doctor's yesterday. Cheers and boogie boogie.

  2. FREE is music to my ears. A pot of coffee sounds super good :)

  3. The Nanny was a great show

  4. Free is good! Sorry, did you hurt yourself?

  5. Free is great. Resting up and coupon clipping sounds perfect. We got a P&G coupon insert in the paper recently and it had nothing in it worth clipping (for me anyway). Used to be buy one save $1, now it seems to be buy 3 select items, save $1. But it is often items I wouldn't buy anyway (new expensive shampoos, etc), or the store brand item is already cheaper than the name brand with the coupon. I know there are times when store sales line up with the coupon, but it doesn't happen as often as I want.

    That is why I love seeing you coupon. I am so impressed and jealous of the deals you get.

    1. Totally understandable. The P&G is a funny inserts, sometimes I'll get killer freebies and other times, I won't use even one coupon.

      Back before I started getting free headache medicine, I still bought store-brand because like you say, even with the coupon it was cheaper. Now, not so much because I get them free. But I see what you're saying, for sure.

  6. I agree with @Jen B I rarely find cupons for what I buy.
    But then again I really don't look that hard,

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Understandable. This is probably one of the top complaints I get about coupons and with good reason. There's lots of crappy ones out there. But thankfully, also a lot of darn good ones, as well.

  7. FREE is an awesome four letter word!

  8. Maple syrup? That makes you an honorary Canadian.

    1. Oh yeah, we use a lot in our house. Great stuff. Local, always. Real, always.

  9. I adored THE NANNY myself. And we love three bladed razors!

    1. She is brilliant. My mom and I have always loved her and I honestly, laugh out loud watching.

    2. I especially love Sylvia... both there and in HAPPILY DIVORCED....

    3. So bummed that Happily was canceled. And yet so many crap shows are still on.

  10. That's a good deal--and free is my favorite four-letter word!

  11. Free is always good - so long as there is no catch attached to it. I have a lot of four letter words I love to use, 'Free' being one of them... but rarely used by myself.

  12. Replies
    1. Hahahahahahaha, you win BEST COMMENT of the day. Very funny.

  13. Mind you, as someone who doesn't like coffee, that's a terrible fate for maple syrup!

  14. Fabulously free! Music to your ears. Nothing like walking out of a store with your money still in your pocket. Instead of theirs. I've begun using coupons regularly, and doing price matches. What an amazing feeling it is being able to bring down our grocery bill, and help stretch our budget! I must say that I was inspired to get into this from your blog. Your are the money-saving guru! Books, books...you should put together books of your many talents, girl!

    1. Hey, Martha. This was a super nice comment, thanks for that. I have in fact, starting writing about couponing. Not sure what I'll do with it when it's done, but it's in progress Thanks again for the kind words and happy couponing.

      The stretch a budget thing, isn't it amazing? It's crazy with just a little work and time, how much we can save. Love it.

  15. Did you say REAL maple syrup? Mmm mm good! Feel better.

    1. Only local real stuff for us.

      Do yo like syrup?
