20 May 2014

Hello? McFly

I was all ready to crack into paint can #2 yesterday.  Even got dressed in my painter's pants and everything.  But then I remembered.  Hello?  McFly.  No painting 2 days in a row.


But today is here and happy do dah day, I get to paint.  And paint I shall.  Although first, I'm going to put on a nice big pot of good Hungarian food.  It's a perfect overcast and cold day for a bowl of something great.

Life is yummy.  Grab a spoon.


  1. Sounds like a great day! I plan to begin my painting in the "new" bedroom in 2 weeks. Guess I better get crackin' and pick a color! Have fun!

    1. Sounds like a good plan and
      boy, I bet you'll love having that
      extra space in the bigger room.


  2. I've got to paint my porch, but I can't get to it until planting season is over. I had to cover my seedlings last night as we had a frost. I need my fresh veggies!

    Happy cooking!

    1. I love fresh veggies. Nothing like it.

      Do you have chairs on your porch and
      if so do you sit there and rest? I would
      love that. We have a back deck, I
      like to sit there.

      Happy Almost Painting, to you.

  3. Life sure is yummy!

    Just taking a break between painting, and enjoying an apple with caramel dip. And I decided to squeeze in reading a blog or two while I'm sitting down, so here I am!

    This late morning snack will fuel the body to keep on rocking and rolling with that paint brush. I got so much done this morning, and I think a lot of my paint projects will be done by Friday. Maybe I'll dedicate next week to gardening projects, and then come back to painting. Just to shake things up a bit.

    Sounds like your day is going very well. Hungarian food! Yum yum... I'll go and grab my BIG spoon and be right back :)

    1. Sitting down with a nice cuppa now.
      But your caramel dip apple sounds
      fantastic. Congrats on getting so
      much done today already. I started
      late. But my boss said that was okay.

      She's very understanding.

      And there's a nice big pot of
      something good simmering away
      on the stove. Smells like my
      Mamam's kitchen. Love that.

      So yeah, grab your spoon I've
      got plenty of Hungarian food to
      share. Although, to me it's just
      food, being I'm Hungarian.

      Almost done with my coffee. It's
      black with local maple syrup.

      So flippin' good.

  4. I love your vigor for LIFE! I am having savoy cabbage, smoked pork neck bones and Yukon potato stew. Yum! I guess we both gonna have some good eats today. Cheers!!

    1. Thanks. If I can move around and
      not be in pain, then I've got nothing
      to complain about, eh?

      I love cabbage. We call it, káposzta.
      Very good stuff. I'm working on a
      káposzta bake of sorts.

      Thanks for dropping by. Cheers
      and boogie boogie.

  5. Happy, I just looked in my Spam box and saw your email message. Thanks. I wonder why it went to my spam box. I have to check that box more frequently. Cheers!!

    1. This happens to me a lot. Also
      when people email me from my
      sidebar on my blog. I dunno why?

  6. Is that bad or good? I hope good.

  7. Yay for painting! We finally picked out a color to do our room in and though it isn't the yellow we had planned on, I think it's going to make the room feel brighter and happier. Gotta love that! Not sure what we are doing for dinner tonight, but this past weekend I made home-made enchilada sauce and a big pan of enchilada casserole to take to a friends to have them celebrate Paul's birthday....turned out nicely if I do say so myself! :)

  8. You are really funny Ivy and I love how you are dear!

  9. I'm spooning away as I type this. After that, I shall do some painting. Do you second that emulsion?


  10. As it's rather early Down Under, I am enjoying the delicious taste of hot toast and good coffee :)

    The photo of your dog (above) eating a biscuit is adorable!

    Happy painting...

  11. Can we all come to your house to eat?

  12. What kind of Hungarian food?
    We took the pool cover off today...
    Tomorrow is housework and laundry...blech!
    Enjoy your evening..
    Linda :o)

  13. the last thing I painted was a bird house.

  14. Funny, here it was rather sunny.

    Hope the painting went well

