22 April 2014

2 Weeks Behind? Yeppers, That's Me

No kitchen floor for me yesterday.  And today, all that good sunshine is gone.  So change of plans and I'll work on something else.  The good news is, this week I'm getting back to writing the doggy treat book.  Though I don't have a name for it yet, I am excited to get back to work.

Dig me, I am TWO WEEKS behind.  Which really, isn't the end of the world but I feel like I need to get back to the work, writing, testing and and all that good stuff.

So that's where I'm at today.  What's on your plate?

PS: I made these for the girls awhile back.  Oats and peanut butter really work well in a dog treat and dig that design.  It's a cavity pan I got on sale and with a coupon.

PPS: The image expands.


  1. You and Tim need a brainstorming session and come up with a great title.

  2. Those treats look like human food to me. Peanut butter? I'm in.

  3. We got a bit of sunshine blocked by clouds over here

  4. Your doggy treat book sounds good. Have fun writing it!

  5. it was one of my soup days, so I only had pea soup with semolina dumplings for lunch today! Spinach tomorrow if I find it at the green market.

    1. Love spinach. So good. I also like it in my morning juice drink. Good stuff.

    2. I will probably just boil it with garlic for five minutes, cool it down and then blend it with a few tbsp of sour cream and it will be my topping for wholewheat pasta

    3. I do something similar but with paprika and garlic, then into a gravy over rice or pasta.

      So much fun hearing what you're eating.

  6. They look good enough for me to eat. My dogs would gobble them up for sure. I have no doubt you'll come up with a great title. It'll just pop into your head. Good luck writing!!

    1. You can eat them. Just needs a bit of sugar and bam, good for humans. Though still on the dry side, safe to eat.

  7. Don't feel bad. There are certain items on my "to do" list that have literally been there for YEARS. Sometimes even a decade or two. One day I'll have time to do them.

    1. This is a deadline I gave myself but I see that it's not going to happen at the same time we're moving about the house.

      Thanks for stopping by and boogie boogie.

  8. How about, Eat More (or Better), Bark Less - a play on that bumper sticker I see that says, Wag More, Bark Less.

    1. OH MY GOSH, how funny is that title. Eat More Bark Less

      That is funny stuff. I love it. It made me laugh outloud. Thanks for that.

  9. The dogs must adore being test subjects for your treats!

  10. Were I around the dogs, they'd have no chance. I might save them a crumb, though, to share.

