03 January 2014

Friday Question: Followers

If I asked you not to look at any blog rolls or feeds, how many bloggers could you name?  This can be either by their blog name, screen name or real name.

With pen and paper, I hit 100.

How about you? Without looking, how many can you list?

PS:  Here's Tim's Friday Question.


  1. I'm actually right at the same. I have a LOT more than that in my blogroll, but 100 seems to be the cutoff at what I can name. Coincidentally, that seems to be the blogs taht I read consistently when they post, rather than 'here or there.'

  2. I try that later, but I'm guessing well over a hundred and fifty.

  3. at this moment... i count me... :(

  4. Actual bloggers - by name - probably about a dozen off the top of my head - but then I don't have a particularly good memory (that's what these 'ere computin' devices is for).

    I could name more blogs though, as quite a few that I follow are group things with multiple writers.

    1. Blog name counts. Anyway you want to count it. By real name, blog, screen name. Just the overall, how many can you list, without looking.

  5. Can I just have a hot bath instead?

  6. Can I try this when it's warmer and my brain actually functions?

  7. I probably couldn't get to a 100 but a few dozens most probably :) I know there are bloggers who visit hundreds of blogs each day and comment on all of them, but I myself prefer quality to quantity - I love my smaller, but faithful number of fellow bloggers and friends.

    1. I agree, I like that the people I chat with both on and off blogger land, I know them. It's fun.

      Thanks for answering.

  8. There's a reason why officers on my job wear name tags in uniform - of course, where I work, it's all business attire, so I lack that helpful crutch

    I'm not even going to bother trying to answer this ;)

    1. Name tags are good. It's great to see you here, Tenkar. Thanks for stopping by and boogie boogie.

  9. Your memory is much better than mine. I couldn't do a 100.

  10. Jeez, eight total for me. I am really bad with names....

    1. Thanks for playing, Matt. So what are you baking these days?

  11. 100? That's impressive. As for me, my favourites....I could probably name all of them, and the first names of the bloggers (if I know them). And the ones that I follow occasionally, or comment on rarely...hmmm...quite a few, I guess. I'm not sure I can reach 100. I don't think I follow that many, anyhow.

    1. That's what it was for me, my favorites, regulars, gamers and couponers as well. It's a neat exercise if you get to sit down with a piece of paper. I wasn't sure I would get to 100 either.

  12. Wow. I couldn't do a hundred, but then, I don't think I regularly read a hundred blogs.

    Probably a good dozen or so.

    1. Thanks for playing. This was fun to read the comments and see how gave it a go.

  13. Oh my gosh, it depends how much time you give me. Give me a week, and I could probably hit 100. Give me an hour, then maybe only 30-50 - my regulars.

    Happy 2014, Happy Whisk!


    1. Just one sitting for me, because any longer and I'd see who was on my blogroll.

      Happy 2014 and boogie boogie.

  14. My friend once use the same memory method to see how many states he could name without looking. He did pretty good, he got 54 of them lol.

  15. Off the top of my head? I'd probably say forty or so, but I could surprise myself and that number might be higher.
