09 January 2014

Date Night & TGBBO

Good Morning, Boogerbutts.  Last night was date night so we snuggled on the couch and finished series four of THE GREAT BRITISH BAKE OFF.  Such a great show.  Then Tim found Masterclass with Mary and Paul.  I'm pretty darned excited.

If you haven't seen it, it's TGBBO is best bake show ever.  I want to make every single thing I see.  Tim wants to eat everything he sees.  But for right now, I best get to my morning chores and then my own bakes.  

Here's what I played with last night.  I don't know where my brain was, because I forgot to turn the oven on.  That's sorta important for bakes.   And that's all from me.  Time to scrub the crappers and get my day going.

Happy Thursday and boogie boogie.


  1. Date nights are the best.
    Those rolls look better than anything you'd get at a bake shop!

  2. We make those knots or how do you call them usually when we cook beans for lunch.
    It happened to me too to forget to turn on the oven and stare into the oven for ten minutes waiting for the cakes to rise and wondering why it's not happening :) But in my defence, it happens when somebody pulls the oven plug from the electricity without me knowing it

    1. Beans are so yummy.

      Unplugged your oven? It's a silly thing, I find to be ready to bake and the oven if off. I've done that at work before as well. So silly.

  3. You have to turn ON the oven?? Oh...


  4. I always hate forgetting to warm up the oven and accidentally cooking stuff and wondering why it tastes awful

  5. Can't argue with that GBBO is a cracking show. It even got some of my non-baking D&D buddies backing cakes for us to eat at game time. Not sure that this is a healthy option!

    1. I love that your buddies are baking. That's great fun. Were you happy with the winner in series four? I was very pleased. Good good show.

  6. They do look good, but your new "Header" is to die for. See all the things you can enjoy when you don't have to watch your waist line?

    The say vertical striped shirts are "thinning," but trust me . . . there's a limit to what they can do!


    1. Thanks. That's Nutella stuffed bread dipped in egg, fried, cooled and topped with icing sugar. I do the same with strawberry and cream. Both served best room temperature.

    2. Everything you just described is amazing!!!

    3. Hey Jen - Headed over to your blog. How's it by you? Sunny here and getting warmer. By gosh, we're headed to a heatwave this weekend.

    4. It is so sunny and nice out there. It's 21 and going up to 45 this weekend. The sun feels soooo nice. This is a Canadian heatwave for sure!

  7. Happy Thursday to you too!!! Also you have nice looking buns. :)

  8. Oh I wish I got that show, I would love it! :) Those rolls look perfect to me and I have brain fog moments like that all the time. Great results considering.

  9. Look amazing dear! I love these buns;))

    1. Thanks bunches. I printed your frozen yoghurt, thanks for having that option.

  10. Awww...dates nights are fun! I love the things you bake. They look so tasty!
