20 February 2013

Rest Shmest

I'm supposed to be resting again today, only I don't so much feel like it.  So I showered and got almost all the way dressed.

The only thing mismatched is my thermal jam top with my jeans.  But it's cold outside now that winter's back.  Burr.

Both pups are arguing in the room behind me, I've got a stack of dishes and if I get my ass outside, Kmart has a few groovy stackable Canadian-made containers for sale.  Would be great for my baker's stockpile.

So that's the exciting post for the day.  I know, not very.

But hey, every post can't have a pecker in it.


  1. Ha! It's not as cold as it was here, for which I am very grateful!

  2. Colder here too now, in CA! We got 2-3 inches of snow yesterday. Ha, "arguing" pups. Good luck venturing forth from a warm house and your thermals into the world of Kmart. ;o)

  3. Carol: If I do leave, it's gonna be in this top. And three more shirts on top of that.

    Cold. Burr.

    PS: 2-3 inches. That's a dusting.

  4. Colder than a witch's tit huh? What the heck does that mean? Never understood that saying.

  5. Keepin'it: I dunno where that came from, but the sun is starting to shine. Woohoo!

  6. Lurker: I might be able to make a run for it now that it's stopped snowing and the sun is out.

    But first I gotta bake.

  7. It's cold here, too - a perfect day for baking!

  8. so much snow! We haven't seen it much here in Europe this year. Very unusual winter here.

  9. Sherry: Your kids are too cute. And yes, good day to bake.

    Dezzy: Been weird here as well. Not our usual tons and tons of snow. But not nothing either.

    Sun keeps going in and out.

  10. We had a little snow last weekend, but not much. And I'm not sure we even still have a Kmart...

  11. Alex: Oh, the closing of Kmart, breaks my little shopper's heart. Not sure how long ours will hold on, either.

  12. It's cold here, too—the perfect day to bake. And that's exactly what I'll be doing tonight. (All night, probably.) :)

    Glad it's starting to warm up there.

  13. Dana: The weather doesn't know what to do. It snows. It stops. Sun out. Sun gone. Very weird day.

    Hope you have fun with your bakes!

  14. Seems as cold as here. Perfect weather for ice hockey and a nice cup of tea.


  15. Our K Marts have been history for a while. And our weather is off its meds. The ladies in my office just layer the clothes on and adjust their outfits as the day goes on. Take care of yourself and get some rest.

  16. It's a little chilly here, but not bad. Lots of spring flowers in bloom already. (I really know how to rub in it, huh?)

    As for the missing pecker, it's here. Woodpecker, that is, and he's making a racket outside my office window.

  17. I miss my kmart, I went under when I was in 8th grade. Now I work in the same location it used to be at. Irony I'm sure.

  18. "...every post can't have a pecker in it."
    Or pair of pants, I suppose.

  19. I guess I won't complain about our California *cold* Sunny, windy with a high of 57. Brrr???

  20. The weather's been weird all over this winter. This late in February, we should be edging in the mid- to high-seventies here in South Texas. But it's in the fifties right now. I put on sweats and lit the fireplace.

    I'm not complaining. Once it's consistantly warm, the pin oak in the front yard will drop its leaves and pollinate. Then I'll really be miserable for the next three weeks.

  21. An exciting enough post for me - it sounds like a good day. We're bound to miss the snow when it's gone. I say we take a leaf out of Wiggy and Bug's book and dive right in.

  22. I shivered looking at the pictures of those pups of yours. I'm so tired of winter.

  23. Monty: Love tea. Never played hockey. Never even seen a game, though I hear it's a lot of fun to watch.

    Savannah: That's a little funny about the layering and the off the meds thing.

    Susan: Spring flowers? Spring flowers? Oh, my you are one lucky duck. Hahaha on the pecker.

    Adam: More and more are going down :-(

    Al: Very true! Meanwhile, I'm surprised Ray isn't here with a funny comment.

    Jenn: 57? You lucky bird.

    Suzan: Hope you get that critter in your house. Only I hope he doesn't get dead :-(

    Sorry to read that you'll be having pollen problems :-(

    Porky: They LOVE the snow.

    Susan: I'm ready for spring, too :-)

  24. Im in love of yours dogs are sooo cute!!! Hope you have warm weather soon!!
    You made guinda muffins? and dont good? I think guinda is nice:)

  25. Gloria: Thank you.

    I made icing. But mine, no good. Yours is beautiful. Good job.

  26. Snow is good for you!

    And the pups seem to like it....

  27. Aww no pecker in the post??! Girl you are slipping! Oh well...hope you enjoyed your rest day and got the pups to play nicely with each other!

  28. Sandra: They are trouble, but I love them anyway.

    William: NO MORE! I want flowers. Yes, the pups LOVE it.

    Kim: I know, right? So silly sometimes.

    Anita: Hello YOU. I have been looking for you. Last I checked your blog was gonesville city. So glad to see you again. Cheers and boogie boogie.

  29. Whoever invented snow can keep it. But I say yeah to ice cream on a sunny day. :)
