26 December 2012

I'll Betcha a Bucket of Snowflakes

Lots and lots of snow today, so much so that they closed the main road and I'm not going into work.  That means I get to stay home and bake.  And I'll betcha a bucket of snowflakes I'm gonna bake something nummy.

Yesterday it was homemade sub rolls, and the day before that, tiny bunns filled with meats and cheeses.  Today it's either cinnamon bread for French toast or meringue cookies.

That's about all from me.  Stay warm and boogie boogie.


  1. Ken: I think there's a glitch in the matrix.

  2. Ken may be trapped in a parallel universe where the same three seconds repeats itself in an endless loop.

    That cinnamon bread sounds scrumptious...

  3. awww yummy Whisk! It's cold and drizzly here. A nice break from the heat. Hope you had a lovely Xmas Day XX You take care in that snow. Don't slip on your botty.

  4. Whatever you make, serve it with some fresh snowcream!

  5. Snow days sound like delicious days at the Shorts household! Are the doggies very good sous chefs?

  6. William: Hahahaha.

    Niki: I will try not too :-)

    Mr. Blue: Will do.

    christian: I have a shot of Bug covered in flour for an upcoming post.

  7. ah, when you pop over for a visit, I shall make mother nature throw us a blizzard so that you would be forced to bake for moi :)

  8. We had thunderstorms, rain, and tornadoes in our state today - trade you.

  9. DEZMOND: Using your super powers for baked goods?

    Alex: Not as much fun playing in a tornado as it is a snow storm. Hope you are safe and well.

  10. Well, I do have superpowers for baking cakes, but I need me a wizard for baking rolls, buns, bread and such salty things :)
