02 January 2012

Super Duper Flattered

Check it out, Bloggers that I've never met in person, are making my foods, their foods.  And I can't stop smiling.  It's just so frickin' cool.  In fact, it's a whole new level of cool.

Jen made my candy cane dust, candy and wrote about it.

Then a few weeks back Endra made my paprika chicken and he's going to post his pictures of that, too.  Can't wait.  So excited.

And I can't forget Matt who inspired my candy cane steps.

And last but not least, thanks to my husband for telling me a hundred and fourty times per day, that I need to write a cookery book and do more recipe posts.  

You guys all rock.  Much appreciated.


  1. You should do a cookbook! Listen to the wise man.

  2. I think you're husband is right. Write that book.

  3. I find recipes (and cook books) irresistable! I love it when people post recipes, looking forward to more of yours!

  4. I'm another vote for you writing the cookery book. It could be in just the style of the blog, maybe a recipe a day, or a-year-in-the-life, with the dogs and the cleaning and the rearranging the furniture for the seasons. You could even do guest recipes, or take suggestions - we'd be queuing up for that. It's pretty cool to see folks inspired, and it's a reminder of just how big this blog is and you are - you're a legend yourself.

  5. I also vote for a cookery book! Can't wait to see more of your recipes!

  6. Alex: He is wise and only the best Poopyhead, ever.

    Susan: Thanks for the support. It is great fun to cook and share stuff.

    KarenG: Thanks for the comment and I agree, they are fun. When we go to Barnes, most all my time is spent reading cookery books and magazines.

    Porky: Oh, such nice words. The idea of a recipe posted per day, is a big one. But I've been writing formulas for so long now, it's time to put them to good use.

    I laughed at the part about rearranging the furniture for the seasons. I really love that, and in fact, we already moved the house into Summer Mode. A wee bit early for us, but the dogs take up so much room.

    Thanks for the support, friendship and inspiration.

  7. Anita: My bad, I didn't see your comment come through while I was writing the last one.

    Thanks for the nice words.

  8. I said ages ago that you should write a cookbook!! I'd buy it :))))

  9. Awesome!! I'm glad it made you smile! :) Your candy cane dust is making me smile!! :) Thank you for the link! :)

  10. Niki: Thanks for another smile. And the kind words. I'm going to buy your kid's book when it comes out.

    Jen: There's something fun about that candy cane dust. Gets sticky fast but man, I kept eating them as I shot the pictures.

  11. Awesome, I agree, a cookbook is in order. Hop to it! ;)

  12. I agree, you've got some great recipes and some fabulous pics to prove it.

  13. Matt: Thanks for asking for the recipe to stuff.

    mshatch: Thanks for the kind words.

  14. You should listen to your husband. If I had listened to mine many years ago, I would have been writing for more than three years! He always said I should write a book, but I always ignored him. Guess he knows me better than I know myself.

    So get to it - start writing! You've already got the audience!

  15. Stacy: I've been writing formulas for a long time, and testing them. But I've never really published them.

    But I've got a brand new desk, and I return to formal writing, this week.

    Glad you listened to your Hubby. It's great to have the support. Really wonderful.

  16. Thanks for the shout out, I'll be putting up some chicken pics soon ... was just looking through my most strategically framed close-ups of the most-golden-onion in my skillet. It's pretty hard to compete with your pics.

    I also support the cook book idea. To me putting yourself on a recipe-a-day blog format might make it more of a chore than it should be. When you're enthusiastic about cooking on the blog that comes through and it's a lot of fun to read. The goodness of cooking and eating is right there. I wouldn't want the blog to turn into running the salad bar (or training newbs to run the salad bar) because you're trying to meet a daily production schedule. But I'd definitely buy the stoked version of the Happy Whisk's cookbook. Aim for that if anything, I say!

  17. Endra: I bet your chicken and photos are fantastic. That whole onion thing was a fluke. Just worked out, never had that before, so I grabbed the shot.

    Thanks for the support. I also think a recipe a day would be more than I can do right now. But working toward putting all my formulas, many written, into publication, might be okay.

    I write them all the time, many times daily. But writing for myself to understand and other people to understand, there's my challenge.

    And hey, guess what? I haven't worked salad bar in three weeks. The third greenhorn kicks butt. Hopefully, she likes it enough to stay. Very hard to keep salad bar workers.

    Headed to work. Cheers & Boogie Boogie.

    Lurker: I haven't gotten over to your post but saw that you are back from holiday. Hope it was great. Catch up with you later. Thanks as always, for being so wonderful.
