12 December 2011

Have Writer's Block?


  1. Hee hee! Good morning!
    No writer's block for me. Story's itching to be written. Sitting down to do it is the difficult part.

  2. I like it unlike the colon block working with Ray causes me!

  3. Oh dear....maybe I shouldn't confess to having had writer's block for awhile now. *Goes to hide in the closet*

  4. Stacy: Good thing too, those bats really hurt.

    Lurker: lololol. Nooooo. I don't believe you. Ray is Mister Sunshine. Who doesn't love sunshine.

    Anita: Harder to get you if you're hiding in a closet.

    Bartender: Today's Special is free. Nothing like a good knock in the head to really unblock a writer.

  5. yay for another sale! And I vote for a movie, Gosford Park perhaps...

  6. She's taking a page out of the Al Capone book of setting things right, is she?

  7. mshatch: Never saw that one.

    William: Well, I don't believe in writer's block, so I figure a good whack to the head should do it.
