07 November 2011

Game Night

Can't believe how much I love Tim's new eReader.  Never thought I'd like it. But it's fun and easy to read. 

So while Tim games tonight, I'll be in my jams, snuggled with the pups, while I read in the dark.

Love that.

But first, I gotta make food and scrub toilets.  But once game night starts, I'm tucked in and reading until I zonk out.


  1. I'll take all of that except scrubbing the toilets. Well, on second thoughts, someone has to do it so it's good to share. But that goes for the sewers too...

  2. Janna: Just went to your site and saw that it was your birthday the other day. Big Happy Wishes, to you.

    Yes, throw in a cup of zombie brew tea and I am good to go for the night.

    Do you use an eReader? We are new to it.

    Porky: Think I would have gotten them done during staycation but nope. And if I stay on this computer much longer, I won't even get to them today.

    Doesn't matter. Whatever I don't get done, come Game Time, I'm stopping and going off to read.

    How about you? Do you eRead?

  3. Hey Whisk- we love our eReaders here. For one thing, anything lengthy I'm reading online can be cut-and-pasted into a simple text document for reading in bed. The coolest though, is Manybooks.net, wherein lie myriad FREE tomes that have expired their copyright. If you like the classics etc, you'll most likely find what you want there. Really can't recommend Manybooks highly enough...

  4. Ragnardbard: I am reading Frankenstein for the very first time - I can't believe I never read it before, but there it is.

    I will check out that site for sure.

    Thanks bunches.

  5. I don't know, I think I'll always prefer the touch of actual paper.

  6. I still prefer paper books but I wouldn't mind a kindle...(do you think Santa heard me?)

  7. Dwei: Understandable.

    mshatch: Real books are great. We almost went with Kindle. But I'm groovin' on the Nook. Even commentingfrom it right now. This toy is so fun.

    Hope you get your Kindle for Christmas. Did you put it on your wish list?

  8. Game night? What kind of games? It's game night here, but that's just me in front of the TV watching Monday Night Football.

  9. A nice read with the demoiselles -- sounds great!

    Just saw your e-store btw. Some nice items for holiday shopping there! :)

  10. Just noticed your new header here on the blog too. She just makes that doggy cuteness work for the camera, doesn't she?

  11. Alex: I don't know for sure what the name is, but Tim is dming and all the guys are on Skype. I just heard something about an old war chest.

    Hope your team wins. Steelers frustrated Tim last night.

    Bard: Thanks for taking a look. I am most uncomfortable posting my blanket shoppe stuff on my blog.

    Wiggy sat for that photo even though it was a hot summer day. She's such a good pup. Snuggled next to me as I type on the Nook.

  12. Love my Kindle. I have impatient tendencies and I love that I don't have to wait once I find a book I want to read.
    Love the blanket shop!

  13. Sounds like a good evening but I would have gone and had a game with Tim.

  14. Have fun reading - sounds like a great way to spend a night on your own!

  15. Daisey: Great Halloween costumes you did this year. All fun. Happy Reading.

    Lurker: They had a good time, but I'd rather watch a movie with headphones or read.

    Susan: Was nice, but then I got to decorating outside, so I didn't read as much.

    Hope you're having a groovy day.
