07 March 2011

My 100th Post

"Zest.  Gusto.  How rarely one hears these words used.  How rarely do we see people living, or for that matter, creating by them.  Yet if I were asked to name the most important items in a writer's make-up, the things that shape his material and rush him along the road to where he wants to go, I could only warn him to look to his zest, see to his gusto."
                -- Ray Bradbury 1973


  1. "Hey Homer, I can see your gusto!"
    "Shut up, Flanders."

    In all seriousness, I should read this book; I love Bradbury.

  2. Never read any of his work at all but that is a damn good quote.

  3. I thought so too, Lurker. That's why I picked it for my 100th post. Glad you enjoyed it as well.

  4. Hope you pick up a copy, Sean. And when you do, I'd love to hear what you thought of it.

  5. Thanks for the wooo-hooo Jeremy. Never thought I'd have this much fun blogging. But it's great stuff. And since I'm rereading Bradbury, I thought it was a good one for 100.

  6. Nice one! Are there chocolaste chip muffins still left over?

  7. Yeppers, Bartender: Teleporting you and Claudia the leftovers. Enjoy :-)

  8. Congratulations on your 100th post!!!

  9. Thanks Savannah and Trey. It's been a hoot. And double thanks for reading.

  10. Zest and gusto are in among your specialities. Well done on 100! That's an enormous number. It's been a pleasure to read and salivate over so much. Here's to a second helping!

  11. Great job babe. Keep up the great work. And stop worrying about your titles taking two lines.

  12. Happy 100th Post Happy Whisk!

    (Barkley does a happy dance - Imagine Snoopy but green).

  13. Grats! You have like 4x the followers I had at 100 posts! Great job! (I'm a little jelly)

  14. Congrats on 100 posts! And zest! Gusto! Such great words to live by when writing. In life, too. =D

  15. Your blog is zesty and mouth watering at times. I'm not surprised you have so many followers.

  16. 100th post - yeah!!! I salute you Ninja-style.

  17. Wow! Congrats!! You are the queen of zest and gusto!!

  18. Hi Porky: You are so kind. Love the second helping thing. Very fun.

    Thanks James: It's a lot of fun. Tim tells me you have a sure fire way of helping him not curse while removing stickers from books.

    Hey Tim: It's true. I don't like long blog titles. But you know me, I'm always slashing paragraphs and pages. Smooch.

    Hi Barking Alien: I see the dancing green Snoopy. So fun.

    Thanks, _C: It's a shocker to me that people read my blog since it's mostly a fluff blog - but I am most appreciative, of you guys.

    Hi RaShelle: They really are great words. Bradbury is the best when it comes to having fun at work.

    Thanks, Susan: It's been a hoot.

    Ninja-style - Wow, Alex: Thanks and much luck and fun with the A to Z Challenge.

    Hi Alexia: And here all along I thought I was the queen of house work and dishes. Thanks for the upgrade.

  19. Congrats on #100! And stop tempting me with pictures of chocolate chip muffins. Not getting much chocolate over here in Korea this week. :)

  20. Congrats on 100 posts, and I'm looking forward to many more!

  21. Hmmm, Risus: Then that darn teleporter must be jammed again because I know I put some in for you and your family.

    Thanks, Susan: Hope your coffee tasted yummy today and that you're having a kick ass writing day.

  22. What a great quote! I love it. Thanks for sharing with us. Now ... I gotta go hunt up my zest and give it a shot of gusto :)

  23. It really is, Carol: Great book too. As for your zest and gusto. Honey, you've got plenty of that. Excellent job with that story and keep trusting yourself.

  24. Woo-hoo, 100th post! Great quote - thanks ~ :)

  25. Hi Donea Lee: It's one of my favorites.

  26. Congratulations on your 100th post!! :)

  27. Thank you, Jen. So nice to see you today.
