14 January 2011

When Bananas Go Bad


  1. Tonight while putting away all the food from supper, I saw our bananas on the counter and decided to post it. Cracks me up.

  2. Where do you find these!? Too funny!

  3. That is absolutely hilarious!! I have always loved the Farside comic 'When potato salad goes bad" but this is knee slapping, water spitting funny! Thanks for the Laugh!

  4. Ohh, that's much more devious than what I was imagining. ;)

  5. That was too funny. Great expressions. I needed the laugh. Thanks, Roland

  6. Lol! Naughty banana! He needs a restraining order so he doesn't come 5 shelves away from the rest of the fruit.

  7. Hi MS: This one came from my Mother-in-Law. She's got a great sense of humor.

    Lo-mo: I'll have to look that one up, because I've never seen it.

    Janna: I was going to just shoot regular bananas but you know, not so funny.

    Roland: Glad you got a well-needed laugh. I love the strawberry.

    Johnathan: You are welcome.

    David: Sorry about that. But you know, I thought this was funnier than showing you banana bread.

    Bartender: He is a bad banana. 5 shelves away, that's great stuff.

    Lurker: It really is. Feel free to take it for your site, if you want.

    Thanks All: For stopping by. I got my tea all set in my travel mug. It's a little after 5:30 in the AM, and I'm headed to work. Not as cold out this morning. Air is very still, even though it's snowing.

    Have a great one, guys. Happy Eating.

  8. There aren't many attempts at humour I can make which wouldn't come across as filthy, so I'll just say thanks a bunch.

  9. holy crap, i dropped my corn dog...
    i heard the banana got into a "bunch"
    of trouble...

  10. I like Porky's sense of discretion on this one, he is wise. :) Thanks for the laughs, such a jolly way to start off my morning!

  11. Porky: You demonstrated excellent restraint. I award you one slice of pizza.

    Jeremy: Sorry about the dog. You crack me up.

    Papa JJ: Such a jolly way, indeed. Nothing like starting with a laugh.

    Thanks Guys and Happy Weekend.

  12. Oh yeah! That slice of pizza is just what I need right now. Which of these openings on the computer does it come out of? It's one of those miniature ones from Back to the Future right?

  13. William: I enjoyed the, To Put a Mocking Bird to Sleep and War and Peace, with more peace, on your site. Good stuff.

    Porky: We have veggie thin crust and pepperoni stuffed crust. I'll just zap it to you with my magical powers of food teleportation.

  14. That banana is a dirty birdie!

    It's 75 and sunny today. I guess L.A. got sick of winter and sent it packing. I have a pork shoulder in the fridge right now and will turn it into carnitas tacos tomorrow.

    Have a great day!!!

  15. Aagh! He's here with his pork too.

    @ Whisk - I'm ready!

  16. Nothing like a good weekend laugh. That strawberry cracks me up.

  17. I almost spewed coffee all over my keyboard. Love it!

  18. Where do you find these! Yikes!

  19. Hey Ladies: Glad you liked it. Tim's mom sent it to me awhile back. It's good stuff.

    Just got done playing in the kitchen. Time to eat. Have a most yummy, day.

  20. Love it! Bananas are a much-maligned fruit in our house unfortunately. Kids won't even say the word and refer to them as Bans. Where did I go wrong?!

  21. OMG! *snort* That is too hilarious!!

  22. Irish Nomad: No Bans, huh? Funny that they call then Bans.

    Tara: I know, cracks me up, still.

    Suzan: Glad you like it. Thanks again for the nice words.

  23. That's pretty dang funny. I'm going to make that my desktop wallpaper.

  24. Great wallpaper. Glad you got a laugh.
