06 January 2011

Stuffed French Toast

Today it's stuffed French toast with Nutella for me, and strawberry jam with cream cheese, for Poopyhead.

I also made Mamam's French toast. She'd always set them out as a cold treat. And I'd sit at the table and gobble them up, while watching her cook.

For these, I used buttermilk bread, with cream cheese on one side and jam on the other. Close the sandwich and slice into fours. Dip each piece into an egg batter. Slightly cool on wire rack and sprinkle with icing sugar.

So simple. So good.

Here's the answers to Wonder Woman Quiz 5. Thanks for playing. Until next time, Happy Eating.

Click images to enlarge.


  1. it's funny i only seem to come around when there is food, so is this where i pull up my chair. no worries i have my own utensils.

  2. Sure thing, Jeremy. I've made plenty to go around. Though you might have fight Tim for the strawberry ones. Those are his favorite.

  3. Looks so very good! I may have to try that one. It looks like something I could actually succeed in making.

  4. It is very easy and also works great with peanut butter and bananas. Then sprinkled with organic walnuts and real (good quality), maple sryup.

    Happy cooking, fakesteph.

  5. It's nice you're inviting Poopyhead over too. I'd bet with a name or possibly disfigurement like that it's not always easy to find a friend.

    Food looks great as always - if it wasn't you, I might imagine these were stock photos they're so beautiful. Photography is another talent you've got.

  6. Yes, I call Tim Poopyhead. Won't he be happy to know I told you. Thanks, Porky, for the really nice words. I do enjoy shooting, probably as much as eating and cooking.

  7. Mmm, I love me some french toast and this looks inviting. I'm looking forward to Saturday morning breakfast with sweet anticipation!

  8. cyber food means zero calories ... unless your beautiful food pictures has me raiding the fridge!

  9. Hi Bliss. Saturday breakfast. Ah, the good life.

    Hey Roland. I never thought about it that way, zero calories. I'm liking that. Thanks for the nice words.

  10. YUMMERS!! I love French Toast and have to say I've never eaten stuffed French toast. This is a must try.

  11. oh yummy.. that looks delicious!

  12. Ditto what the first commenter said. YUM!

  13. Hi Ivy,
    Many thanks for your visit to my blog and for your kind words !
    Your blog is very interesting and very ... delicious.
    I wish you a Happy and Creative Year !!
    Best regards :)

  14. I can feel my arse expanding just looking at these

  15. Thanks, Ladies. And Magda, your pictures are beautiful. A happy Creative Year, to you all.

  16. Three kinds. Nice to see you, Carol.

  17. I lovelovelove your blog Ivy ... so pleased to have stumbled across you.
    Kind Regards

  18. Thank you, Elizabeth. Very nice of you to say. Glad you like it here. Welcome to the gang.

  19. Stuffed French toast with Nutella. Oh my word, girl, are you trying to make me fall into a puddle of my own drool!!!


  20. They were yummy, too. And the strawberry one is Hubby's favorite. I thought next time, I'll make a cup cake with nutella inside. Usually I put it on the outside as frosting.
