26 December 2010

This is Me

Dressed for the holidays.
And reading from the couch.


  1. I could so use a pair of those shoes, and a bagel with cream cheese ;-)

  2. Those shoes look really comfy and warm. Have a healing day today. Roland

  3. Over the past 2 weeks (in England)I have had to wear slippers in the home as my feet would have frozen to the floor! Thank goodness, it's warmed up again, but we had unusually heavy snowfall for this time of year.

    Hope it's not too cold were you are situated!

  4. With all that snow outside, James. It's good to be indoors and snuggly warm.

    I'll teleport you some fluffy pink slippers, Angela. And some of my bagels.

    They are, Roland. I'm really enjoying it. Now I'm playing in the kitchen.

    You get lots of snow, too huh Bartender? Yeah, same here. By the truck load. Very cold out but snuggly good indoors.

    Thanks Guys. Back to the kitchen for me. Then tomorrow, back to work. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  5. Pink's always good, and your fashion sense fascinating, but today my attention is drawn irresistibly to the words. Books really make a place cosy, and what a book that looks... Enjoy the cooking too!

  6. It's a great book. Tim bought it for me for Halloween. Love it. Love it. Love it.

  7. That is a fine holiday uniform!

  8. Comfort, style and warmth. It's got it all.
