04 April 2024

20 YEARS MARRIED (how 'bout them apples?)

Helloooo Bloggers! So much to share that I don't know where to begin. Let's start with a belated Happy Easter cartoon. 

Guess what? If you guessed that we're celebrating 20 years of marriage, on staycation and at Barnes, then you win a star on your forehead and an A on your paper. 

In other news, the radish sprouts are spicy and taste of a good radish. The bad news, no pictures yet. On the sunny side, macro shots to come because we swapped things out. 

See, I tried having a taller photography table only I'm short and that didn't work. Going back to a lower bench on one side and saw horses on the other. Much lower and easier. 

Another thing I did was remove the sewing fabric from one of the tables. Since I wasn't using that space for photography, it turned into a dumping ground for unused new(ish) fabric. I've since sewn one blanket for Smoochie Face and have one more to make for the couch. Followed by Halloween potholders. 

Hiding in the corner of the room are wooden planks that don't belong. To me, a room should  be tasked with one to two things. That's a writing/computer desk for Tim and a photography corner for me.  

In other, other news, today's mail had my new purple/lilac/lavender tablet cover. I LOOOOOOOOVE it. I'm at Barnes writing so I'll have to show you next time. Also at the post was a bag of rocket/arugula sprouting/micro green seeds. We LOVE rocket. Love, love, love, love it. Even the name, Rocket. It's perfect for that spicy good kick. Excited to watch the seeds grow, photograph the sprouts and then gobble them up. 

Num, num, num. 

Lastly, the goal during staycation is to weed through my cooking and baking tools one last time. Donate the what I'm not taking. The easier we make the move, the better. Plus, since the Great Declutter of 2016, I'm a "use it or lose it" gal. 

And that my Boogerbutts, is all that's fit to print. Until next post, huggs and bugs, Me. 



  1. Congratulations!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Cheryl. Here's to landing good deals this week.

  3. Happy Anniversary! Sounds like a good day. :)

    1. Just so nice to go where ever the wind blow us. Thanks for stopping in.

  4. Congrats and happy Anniversary. Have fun with your clean out and have a great staycation.

    1. Thanks, Erika! Office/photography area should be done by end of staycation. Thanks for stopping in.

  5. This was such a happy post.
    Sending you lots of happy anniversary wishes.

    I too love rocket/arugula it has a nice peppery taste.

    Enjoy your April.

    All the best Jan

    1. Hi Jan! Right? How good is rocket/arugula. We love it. Peppery. That's a good way to describe it. I couldn't think of the word. Thanks.

  6. Happy Anniversary to you and yours Ivy!

    1. Much thanks, Christine. PS: Spelt cookies in the oven now. How goes your baking?

  7. Congrats on 20 years together -- Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your staycation and projects.

    1. Thank you, Debra. Time whooshes too fast. Too fast, I say. Too fast.

  8. Happy anniversary!! Most never sniff twenty years.

    1. Hi Alex! Thank you and congrats on 15 years of blogging. Wow wow!

  9. Happy Anniversary. You're moving?!? Or just getting ready for it?

    1. Hi Kathy! Getting closer. Insert big smile here :-)

  10. A very happy anniversary to you - and many more to come.

    1. Hi Sue. Thnak you! I loved the lights on your blog, Wow wow.

  11. Happy Anniversary. I've recently become a "use it or lose it" person and so far I've cleared out around 15 drawers worth of useless stuff. Mostly old paperwork, but it's a start. Unused cooking pans and trays etc are going next.

    1. Hi River! How wonderful to read about 15 drawers!!! This is wonderful. Oh yeah, back in 2016 I took EVERYTHING out of the kitchen and placed it all on folding tables. I wish, wish, wish, I'd thought to snap a shot of it. Felt great to donate/giveaway stuff I hadn't used. Figure it's time to do another quick look before we move. Happy Decluttering to you!

  12. Happy Anniversary. Wishing you another 20+ happy years together.

    1. Hey Ann! Thank you so much. Happy Birthday to you and here's to finding a new and better gig. You've got so much good energy, I betcha someone scoops you up to manage a bakery.

  13. Your drawings always make me feel happy, they look happy, they are happy.. and Happy Anniversary. I had no clue what rocket/arugula is, so asked GG the Google Girl and now I know. I have never even seen this in a store or heard the name. Since IBS doesn't care for greens, I will not be trying it, and Bob has to be careful with greens because is whacks out his coumadin. not to be a drag, but this is what happens when you have been married 40 years and its a 2nd marriage. the first would have been 61.. woo boy, now I need to go look at your happy drawings again. my favorite is the stay cation

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words about my Whisk Cartoons. They are fun to draw. I can understand that about the greens. Hey, 40 years married. Wow, wow. That is very, very, very cool. How goes your macro photography? Taking any fun snaps?

  14. Replies
    1. Hi Lori! Thank you and Happy Baking and Happy Anniversary to you too!

  15. Congratulations. A wonderful milestone! Happy anniversary!

    1. Helloooooo Marie. It feels exciting to hit this milestone. Thought of you this morning when I was out taking snaps of frost. I love your photos. Excited to see what you post next. Been thinking about taking some birds here too.

  16. Happy Anniversary Ivy and her guy. Wow 20 years! Keep up the good work.

    1. Granny Annie...

    2. Howdy, Granny Annie!!!!! Thank you. Wonderful to see you here today.

  17. Replies
    1. Hey Sandra! LOOOOOOVED the work you did in your office. Well done, you.

  18. Happy Anniversary!!! I am always cleaning out it seems to be never ending.

    1. Hi Cathy! Cleaning out is good. Though I hope you find an end in site. I get that though too. Always something to work on.

  19. Replies
    1. Thanks, Jenny. You're doing an excellent job writing about your mom.

  20. Replies
    1. Howdy, Howdy, Stacy. Much thanks and Happy Writing & Reading, to you.

  21. Such an uplifting post! Happy Anniversary and congrats on focusing on weeding down.. It seems no matter how much I de-clutter, there is always more!! Enjoy the rest of your staycation.

  22. Happy Anniversary, that's great! I don't think I have mentioned this before but I do love your stick people with their additions. Thanks for another fun read!

    1. Thank you for the nice words about my cartoon Whisk and Smoochie Face. Fun to play. Thanks fo the nice words about the blog post and for stopping in today.

  23. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary. That's quite the longevity record! Well done -- celebrate hearty!

  24. Happy anniversary, have you found a new home?

    1. Getting closer! Thank you for the anniversary wishes.

  25. You have a delightful blog. Thank you for following us, I appreciate that. Is that coffee from Barnes and Noble? One of my favorite places to browse - they have so many goodies and books and cool items there. Happy Anniversary to you, and I look forward to reading more of your posts. Looks like you love to bake! There's nothing like a cake or cupcakes on a stressful day.


    1. Hello Sheri! Yes Barnes and Noble. We love it there. Do you ever hang out at the cafe? Thank you for the anniversary wishes. Twenty years flew by quick. Thank you for stopping in. I'm excited togettoknow your blog as well. Cheers, Ivy.
