01 July 2020

HOME! HOME! HOME! (I love it!)

This is Whisk, reporting LIVE from Smoochie Face's office. I'm still in my jams, just ate a big-ass everything bagel with mock nuggets, local maple syrup and dried habanero peppers. With nothing but sunshine in the forecast, I predict a wonderful 5-day weekend. Happy Canada Day! Happy 4th of July! Happy Summer! Or ... depending on where you live, Happy Winter!

In other news, I have zero plans to get dressed today and later, I might make brownies. But if you're interested in frozen treats, I've linked my two most recent cold desserts at the bottom on this post.

And in other, OTHER news ......

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  1. I hope you have a blast! The desserts look yummy.

    1. Thank you! We are loving it. Tim's had to work out of the house and missed his real staycation. That's not a bad thing, we are THANKFUL for the hours and the hazard pay. But boy, is it nice to stop and have him HOME, HOME, HOME for FIVE WHOLE DAYS!

      Thank you on the desserts. They are very, very easy and yummy to make.

  2. Your fun post and the yummy recipes were a day of sunshine for me today. Glad you didn't have to nibble on weekend emergency fund. Enjoy your long weekend, stay safe and happy. Hugs, Valerie

    1. Hi Valerie! Thank you for the kind comment. You made me smile!!!!

      Yes, very nice not to have to need the small emergency fun that we have tucked away. Floor guy comes in two weeks, so we'll have a little extra for that.

      Happy Wednesday to you. What wonderful art you must be doing. I look forward to seeing your latest posts when I get back out on blogger.

      Cheers and boogie boogie.

  3. We've been HOME, HOME, HOME for the last 3 months and I'm beginning to get sick of it! Enjoy your weekend. Here in the UK the 4th of July is just another day! :D

    1. Thank you for the visit. I have a lot of UKers that read me and folks from Canada and US so that's why, I included Happy Canada Day! Happy 4th! Happy Summer! Though, I should have added Happy Winter too, I'll go back now and add that. Thank you.

      Tim's been working this entire time out. We are happy to have him home. I've been home the entire time and I have to be honest, I LOVE IT! Love it! I hope you can find something that will make you less sick of it. Is there anything like maybe a good writing project that you can get yourself into? Because you truly are a brilliant writer.

  4. Have a wonderful, wonderful day - and staycation with smoochie face.

    1. Hi Sue! Happy Winter to you! I left that out, headed to add it now.

  5. yummy desserts, doesn't help that I am starving! Enjoy your staycation with hubby.

  6. Your name for smoothie face makes me laugh. Too cute. I hope you guys enjoy the staycation

    1. Thanks, Ann! Hope your week is kicking butt good too.

  7. Plumbers were reasonable. Now you can enjoy some time together with no stress.
    Both deserts look good.
    And I misread your title at first. Thought it said you were reporting live from smoochie's face...

    1. lololololololololololol. You made me laugh out loud.

  8. Enjoy your weekend! We are not going anywhere but we will grill steaks on the 4th and I want a watermelon!

    1. Hi Bonnie! Thank you. Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend.

  9. Congrats on the home time with your smoochie face.
    The desserts look grand, except the one with bananas. I loathe bananas!

    1. Hi Anne! You loathe bananas? How about strawberries? Those are yummy too in desserts.

  10. Don't tempt me with those desserts!!!! You and Smoochie-Face enjoy that staycation now, y'hear?

    1. Hi Debra! Hope you had a great Canada Day - lol, now y'hear lol. We are grooving on the mini staycation for sure. Thank you.

  11. Those desserts look absolutely scrumptious, says the roly-poly lady who can't have any. I'm so happy you get to have a mini holiday at home with your hubby.

    1. Hi River! What kind of desserts, if any can you have? Are bananas themselves off the menu? Thanks, Tim canceled his longer staycation back in May to keep working so this mini one is a nice treat for him.

  12. I always enjoy your post and it doesn't matter what your post is about because I come to see your drawings and each time I come I wish I could draw like you do. Your little sketches just make me feel happy and I love to look at your header. So glad for the staycation Hat enjoy your five days. I don't eat sugar so I don't look at the recipes I am now 3 years 5 months with no sugar

    1. Hi Sandra! Thank you so much for the kind words. You really made me smile.

      Can you eat dates, bananas or maple syrup? I ask because my bakes, that's what I use. I don't use cane or beat sugars all that often. There's one formula where I use Candy Canes but for the most part, it's dates, applesauce, fruits made into pastas and local pure maple syrup. Still a sugar but not a refined.

      The ice cream sandwich though, that's Aldi dairy free ice cream so nothing whole about that. And that jam, whew, for me, very, very sweet but I am not a sweets person so there's that to consider.

      Much congrats on going 3 to 5 months without sugar. Very, very good.

  13. You make the best treats on the planet!!
    Woot woot on the inexpensive plumber; that hardly happens.
    Enjoy your staycation!

    1. Much, much thanks for the staycation wishes. Yes, we were VERY happy to find the cost so low. Floors coming up next so we'll see how that goes. Hope you and your hubby have a fun weekend. Cheers and boogie boogie.

  14. A lovely happy post Ivy and those cold desserts look delicious.

    Have a happy few days staycation.

    All the best Jan

    1. Hey Jan! Thank you. We are enjoying it. I'm thinking there's gotta be a good low-carb frozen dessert. Sometimes I use zukes in my homemade ice cream to add bulk. I dunno if you've tried that but it works great.

  15. Now I want to add graham crackers to my ever expanding grocery list! LOL.

  16. From HOME, HOME, HOME to HOME, HOME, HOME - let´s enjoy!
    (Still in my PJs, too, ... sweet tooth hybernates).

    1. Lol. Yes, HOME! That was almost my other title. Happy Weekend.

  17. Have a wonderful Staycation with Smoochie.

    God bless.

    1. Hi Jackie! Much, much thanks. Happy Weekend to you!

  18. Sounds like a perfect day to me! Enjoy your weekend.

    1. We love to keep it simple, that's for sure. Happy Weekend to you, Jeanie!

  19. Sounds like you really know how to live! I love it!

    1. Thanks. We really enjoy staycations. For us, there's no place like HOME!

  20. The best thing about staycations for me is that I don't have to fly anywhere.. you guessed it as I get older I get more terrified of flying. Good thing I've been everywhere I want to go :)Too late/cold for frozen treats right now but I will remember :) :)

    1. I've only flown as a kid but I can relate to being terrified of things. Fun posts you did recently. Happy Winter to you!

  21. Happy for you that the plumbers didn't take any of your emergency fund. I hope you're enjoying your staycation. We don't take many vacations, and I'm a self-professed homebody, but I'm getting really tired of our present staycation of going on 4 months now. ;^) I think I might need an attitude adjustment, 'cuz I think more staying is in our future.

    1. Me too, Becki. We'll see how the floor goes next week. Having someone come in to help me with it. Oh yeah we did. Back to works today though. We both have the Staycation Hangover.

      I'm sorry you're tired of the present stay-at-home. I work from home and I don't feel tired or bored, nor do have any interest in BBQS, haircuts or visiting anyone so I don't know how you feel. But I do hope you find a way to not be tired of it.

  22. I hope you had a good weekend. We had a crazy 4th of July. It was like a war zone around here.

    1. Hi Mary! We did. We stayed in and enjoyed Tim's 5-day mini staycation. I am sorry to hear that it was a war zone on your end. Have things quieted down today?

  23. A 5 day mini staycation? How lovely! Even better when you don't have to dip into your savings to pay for something like a plumber. I always worry when we have to call out a specialist as they tend to cost us hundreds each time. Both of the desserts look incredible! It's been in the 90's here and will be for the foreseeable future, so these will be perfect for snacking on. I had to LOL when you said you never made the banana dessert before. Looks like you did a great job even with winging it in the kitchen!

    1. Was so nice. We skipped our usual big staycation in May because Tim was working with a skeleton crew at work for awhile. But once the rest of the skeletons returned, we had a chance to take a fiver. Thank you bunches for watching and being part of the crew that helped me reach 1K on YouTube. How went your weekend? Low-key but fun here. We stayed in and shut out EVERYONE!

    2. The skeletons didn't want to come back to my hubby's work because they were making more on unemployment. Thankfully they are all back now and Jason can finally take a breather! I totally get the stress Tim was under working with such a small crew. His staycation was well earned! Our weekend was good. We did a few more projects around the house then went and floated on the lake for a bit. Nothing major, but low key weekends are the best, aren't they!?

    3. Oh I love low-key weekends. Tim actually wanted to work, he suggested that they work and offered back when things started up. But yes ... the 5-day staycation was excellent! Very cool on the projects. Are you enjoying doing them?

    4. I have a love/hate relationship with house projects. I love how beautiful they turn out, I just hate the process of getting there LOL. I got sucked into Heirloom Paints ads on Facebook and ended up ordering enough paint to redo my kitchen cabinets. I've had the paint for about a month, I'm just terrified of going from black to white and how bad I may mess them up and haven't started the process yet, but it's next on my to-do list. So many people in their group have done their own cabinet painting though, so how hard can it be. Have you ever heard of or used Heirloom paints?

    5. You know, I can't be sure but we were at an old antique store awhile back, and they had a setup with these lovely but expensive paints and I don't recall for sure. If I say heirloom or heritage? Or what? But they were matted cool colours like bread box green (which I LOVE).

      So I can't be sure.

      As for your fear. I wish I could take it away for you. It's just paint. You could always do a sample run on the back of a cupboard door. Just splash some on there to see.

      When you see white cupboards, do you like the way they look? If so, I think you'll be fine. You're a fireball. You got this. I believe that whatever you decide, it will look and feel great in the end.

    6. Thank you for your encouragement, Ivy ♥ I did get my kitchen ceiling painted (took 1/2 a day, ugh!). So, I'm sliding into the mode of "girl, let's get this done." I should be starting the cabinets in the next week or two. Wish me luck!

    7. Very cool! Hope the cabinets went well. Did you have fun?

  24. I absolutely love your plans for the day!

  25. Wow! That's a pretty amazing deal for a plumber, and yes and more yes to the staycation. Thanks so much for those yummy desserts too! Hugs, RO

    1. We were blown away with the good price! Hugs, back!

  26. Sorry I'm late! I hope you enjoyed your mini staycation.

    1. Hi Polly! We loved it. We have another one coming up too. How went your weekend?

  27. Your desserts look amazing but you are hysterical and it's fun to just watch your videos! I've been staying in and I'm fine with it- walk in the am, sit on the deck outside and read a book, cook dinner, take another walk..

    1. I love the sound of your day! Do you like to read outside? I find it to be one of the best things in life, along with writing outside. Happy Week to you and Happy Cooking. Thank you for the visit and the watch.

  28. wow, it looks like i didn't post but I sure remember or thought I did because i thought how cool about the price. Maybe i just forgot to hit "post comment", lol. ahh scattered brain i am.

    1. Hi Sandy! I loved your cartoon today! And those walls! Those walls. What fun to draw and colour. Wishing you a wonderful rest of you week.

  29. Hi Ivy, you always have the most wonderful recipes ! How are you doing?? Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Hi Gloria. Thank you. I loved your ice cream too.
      Doing very well so far. Tim still goes to work 5 days a week.
      I still do my thing from home. So far, very good.
      Summer here but the last few days have been chilly and nice.
      Happy Winter to you!

  30. Ummm, love those everything bagels! And your frozen treats sound pretty good too! Hope you had a great 5 day mini staycation! Nothing beats staying at home and that's what we're still doing as most things are closed or have limited capacity. Take care

    1. Hi Pam! Thank you for the visit. I've been thinking about your dumplings and adding them to an Instant Pot soup! Here too, home, home, home. But what helps you and me a lot is we're cooks. Though I noticed that some who weren't into cooking before are starting to like it now. I love that.

  31. I think lot people will be hanging around the home front

    1. Hi Dora! I wish that were true but sadly, many are not.

  32. I've been hanging out at home for a long time.

    1. Me too, Mary. I LOVE it!
      Hope you're doing well today.

  33. Nothing wrong with hanging out at home to cook, watch movies, listen to music or read a few good books. I'm all in too! Hugs, RO

  34. Hey Ivy :)) I'm so late, so sorry! I think I missed your 5-day staycation! :) I hope you spent it eating brownies and lounging in your jammies. I'm happy that you didn't have to touch your emergency fund. I've got one building too and I'm not touching it unless the apocalypse happens, and even then I'll try looting before bargaining/spending lol... ;)

    1. Hi Rain! How goes the new home? Building sounds good. Things are good here. We paid off all our debt 2 months ago. Now we're building our 3-6 months emergency fund.

  35. Sounds like my perfect day! Did you end up making brownies. Hope you enjoy your staycation xx

    1. Hi Tilly! I've been unplugged for awhile and I can't recall if I make them or not. Thanks for stopping by. Hope you're cooking up a storm.

  36. I'm peeking over to check on you and to say hello! Sending lots f hugs your way! RO

    1. Hi Ro! I went off the grid for awhile. Things are doing well here. How about there?

  37. Thank you for those fillin-packed bar recipes! I hope you enjoyed your staycation.

  38. Hi Ivy
    Just stopping by to say hello and hope all is well.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Hi Jan! Thank you for stopping by.
      Hope you guys are safe and sound
      and doing well during these odd times.
      Happy Holidays to you and your honey bunny.

  39. Replies
    1. Hi Marie! OMG. Doing super well and down a rabbit hole of chalk paint. Thank you for stopping in. How goes you?

  40. Hi Ivy, saw you comment on Christine's blog ...
    Hope all is well with you.
    (Eddie and I are both doing fine)

    All the best Jan

    1. Helloooooo Jan! Doing really good. Currently taking a break from moving furniture. Glad you and Eddie are well. How goes the grandkiddos? Have you gotten to see much of them lately?

    2. Hi Ivy
      With Covid restrictions easing a little we were able to meet up with some family over the weekend including two of the five 'grandkiddos' ... it was WONDERFUL :)

      Big smiles and happy dances all round.
      Take care, my good wishes.

      All the best Jan

    3. A round of Happy Dances for everyone!
