23 September 2019


Hello Boogerbutts! Happy Autumnal Equinox or .. Spring Equinox depending on where you live.

In other news, I've been writing my butt off and studying for a possible nutrition course I may take next year. Some of you may remember awhile back, I wanted to go to cookery school so I started eating meats, then got all kinds of sick. Then I went back to only eating plants and even though my original plan can't work, I'm still happy because the course I'm looking at is plant-based nutrition, an eCornell certificate program. The cost is $1260 and right now, we have electrical problems and my broken tooth to deal with. But like my friend Holly said, "It's something to look forward to."

I'll take it.

In other, other news, check out these super duper cute pumpkins we got over the weekend and check out my latest podcast titled, THE SCOOP.

And that my Boogerbutts, is all that's fit to print. Happy Fall! Happy Spring!


  1. Yeah on looking forward! I hope your tooth gets fix -- and the electricity! DANG!
    But I love the Humpty Dumpty comic!
    Great podcast!

    1. Hello Holly! How cute was that Humpty Dumpty? Tim found it last year and it still cracks me up. I love it. Thanks for taking the time to listen to my cast. Cheers and boogie boogie.

  2. Get that tooth and electricity fixed and then get a jump on that course!
    Good to hear from you, Ivy.

    1. Hellloooooo Alex! How goes the air fry? Did you ever try the roasted peppers? OMG. I made more the other day and I LOVE those things. Congrats on your new book. Truly grand news. Cheers to you with a great big side of boogie boogie.

  3. Hello Ivy … so good to see a post from you.

    It's always good to look forward and make plans, and as Alex said above "Get that tooth and electricity fixed and then get a jump on that course!" … sounds a good plan :)

    Take care and have a fabulous Autumn and Halloween, it's just around the corner!

    All the best Jan

    1. Hello Jan!

      Thank you very much. Wonderful to see you here and fun to see the almond flour on your page. It's a fun flour.

      Electric is fixed as of this morning and tomorrow, we go for the tooth.

      Happy New Season with a great big side of boogie boogie.

  4. Great to hear from you again Whisk!

    1. Hello, Hello, Hello Rayola! Long time no talk. Great to see you. Have you gotten out to see Lurker?

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Marie. And a wonderful holiday spooky season to you, as well.

  6. That nutrition course sounds right up your alley! Happy Autumn Equinox to you and Tim. Halloween is coming!!!

    1. Thanks, Debra. I'm darn excited about it. Happy New Season to you and your Rare One. Here's a kick butt good holiday season.

  7. Hey, you're alive!! Whoo hoo!
    Sorry about your tooth. I hope you can get it taken care of soon and if you can't, that it's not a problem for you to have. I chipped my front tooth when I was 10 and didn't get it fixed until I was an adult. Hmmm, maybe that's why I was never asked out on dates in high school. Hahaha! :D

    1. Hi Stacy!

      I'm alive! I'm alive!

      Oh dang on your chipped tooth. This one is a loose tooth in the front that was once a root canal. It's hard to eat but not impossible.

      How goes the newer place? Are you loving it to bits? Happy Autumn and boogie boogie, baby.

  8. LOVE Humpty's great fall.
    And am glad you are back, and looking forward.
    Sigh on the tooth and the electrical stuff.

    1. Thank you, Sue. I'm happy to be back as well. I'm now a decade at blogging. Where did the time go? Whoosh, I say. Whoosh.

      Loved your pictures in your last post. You take a lot of good ones.

      PS: Electric Man was here today and he fixed it. So happy. One thing down, a few billion more things to fix.

      Wishing you a lovely Spring on your side of the globe.

  9. Replies
    1. You too! I just love it. And I can't believe it, already the end of September. Whaaatttt? Goes too fast. Whoosh.

  10. Great to hear from you Ivy! Sorry to hear of the broken tooth, no fun.

    1. Helloooooo Christine. Loved your nanner cookies from the other day. My kinda fun.

      Happy Autumn. Is it cold there yet? In our back yard we have black walnut trees and they keep it cold and chilly in the back.

  11. It's always a good day when I see one of your posts in my reader :-)

    1. Thank you, Kathy! You are too kind. That just made me smile. Happy New Season with a giant side of boogie boogie.

  12. How exciting about the course you have in mind - sounds like a good fit for you. I'm sorry to hear about your tooth - teeth repairs are expensive, aren't they?

    Glad to see a post from you, Ivy!

    1. Howdy, Howdy Miss Jenny. They are expensive. I'm not sure how much we'll have to pay along with the insurance but it's gotta get fixed. It's a front tooth and very, very loose.

      Thank you for stopping by today.

      Happy Autumn!!!!!

  13. Welcome back and happy Mabon
    Coffee is on

    1. Hello Dora! Great to see you. I don't know who Mabon is. I think I've heard Suzie mention it but I'm not sure what it is.

      Happy New Season and Boogie Boogie!

  14. LOVE the Humpty Dumpty cartoon and that cute little doll by the tiny pumpkins.

    1. I love that cartoon too. Tim found it for me last year and it still makes me smile. Thanks. Her name is Sally and she's from The Nightmare Before Christmas.

  15. Replies
    1. Spooooooky. I was just thinking about and wrote in Ray's comment if he'd been over the visit you. Great to see you. Happy Halloween and boogie boogie.

  16. Hello my sweet friend. Sorry about your tooth. Excited to hear more about your plant-based cooking.

    1. Hello Valerie!

      Thanks. It's great fun. I love me some plants. Num, num, num.

      Happy Autumn!!!!

  17. Happy Autumn! That course sounds amazing!! Please get your tooth fixed! Big Hugs!

    1. Great to see you. I noticed your stuff was gone from Instagram. Hugs, back.

  18. What a nice post. Happy Autumn.

    1. Thanks, Gayle. Happy Autumn to you and the gang!

  19. Ouch about your tooth! You sound great though. :)

    The floating table sounds amazing! I'll have to do a search for it and see what it looks like.

    Always great to see and hear from you. Oh and I just got an instant pot. Oh. My. Gosh. So much FUN!!!!! I make so many things in it. So many things. Cheesecake, stir fry, soup, chicken, spaghetti. It's the BEST!! Glad you got a replacement for yours.


    1. How insane is the Instant Pot? For real. It blows my mind. They did replace my mini and as of this comment, I haven't used the little one yet. I've been grooving on the 8 quart. Freakin' love it.

      Are you podcasting?

      Floaty table. I'll add it to a post. I'm not sure if I shared it on blogger or if it was just on MeWe.

      Thanks for stopping by and boogie boogie.
