13 March 2018


Hey Guys! I'm shooting for a weekly blog post with an optional Friday Question. I've tried this before and failed but I want to give it another go. I like how Alex posts once a week and how Christine, Jo and William post at midnight and 1:00 am, consistently. So I'm stealing from you four. 


Speaking of FQ. It was, Chocolate Chia Pudding. I never noticed the strawberry until I read the comments so, a round of stinky socks for everyone.

No give backs.


  1. Whatever works for you. And don't beat yourself up when/if you have lapses.

    1. I'm not into beating myself up. But .. I am into being more consistent with uploads. Much thanks!

  2. I can use those stinky socks in the garden, way over the other side, to lure away any lurking rodents from my area.

  3. Score one for the strawberry observers!
    Whether it be once or twice a week, it's what works for you, Ivy.

    1. Consistency is my goal for uploads. Thanks for helping with that, Alex.

  4. It is hard to keep to a schedule. Do what feels right!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks for the help, William. Stealing from you four works for me.

  6. Good goal. My current blog goal is every other week (moving back to Mondays).

    1. Cool beans on the every other week. That sounds good, too. Thanks, Holly.

  7. You've got to do what works for you ... you are the important one and I'm sure you will find your readers/followers will pop in comment etc.

    Take Care

    All the best Jan

    1. Hey Jan. Thanks. I'm not worried about the comments. This is more about me and being consistent with uploading across multiple platforms. It's good to push ourselves to do better work. I think!

  8. Choc chia pudding, no kidding! And glad to help out with the consistency!

    1. Choco-Chia, it's pretty darn tasty and easy to control the sweetness.

      Yes, much thanks to you for your help. I was just writing to Jan (comment above), that it's good to push ourselves to do better. And consistency was an area that I've been struggling with, with regard to uploads. MUCH THANKS for your help and inspiration. You rock.

  9. I did once a week for a while but I like posting something every day. Do what works for you.

    1. Hey Mary! I used to blog each day, too. It was great fun. Cheers and boogie boogie.

  10. Exactly, as Alex said, it's what works for you. But I do find posting early in the morning, unless I goof up of course, works for my readers in the UK.

    1. Hi Jo! Consistency is what I'm going for and I think it's good to push myself to do better. Yes, on the working for the UK. I find that is the case, too. And then the rest of the world as well. Just a nice time slot to hit people when they wake up. Thanks for being part of my inspiration. You rock.

  11. Hey, whatever works for you! I've been dealing with blog burnout lately. No biggie. I'll just continue to visit other blogs until I feel like getting back into it.

    1. Consistency! That's what I'm working toward because there's no sense in me doing all this behind the scenes baking and writing, if I'm not posting regularly. Consistency is a good thing for me to reach toward. Good to push myself to do better.

      Sorry about your blog burnout. I get that too. It can sure happen and here to it passing for you when you're ready.

  12. Chocolate Chia Pudding? Would have never guessed! No stinky socks, please! LOL!

    1. I tell ya, I didn't realize how much it looked like strawberries until I read the comments.

      How goes the world of art on your end? Hey, are you on Instagram? I flippin' LOVE instagram. SOOO much art, photography and food. And best of all, the people are great fun.
